17: Be My Clown & I'll Be Your's

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Be My Clown & I'll Be Your's
(Jack's POV)
After me and Arthur's wonderful night together I couldn't help but wonder what life would be like if I had met him a long time ago. Me and him could have had completely different lives, maybe he wouldn't have had such a hard time figuring out himself and maybe I wouldn't have had to have such a rough childhood. Although I couldn't change our past I knew I could change the future which is why I officially asked Arthur to be my boyfriend. We tecniaclly were a couple but I wanted to make it offical, I couldn't afford to lose him, I loved him too deeply. "Arthur, I want to be with you, please let me be your clown." I said to Arthur while stroking his cheek. Arthur looked at me, smiled the biggest smile he had ever put on his face and said, "Jack, I love you with all of my heart, of course I will be your clown as long as you will be mine." Arthur said while grabbing my hands and looking me in the eyes. "Of course, I will be your clown! I may be psycho but I know what I want." I quickly said then kissed Arthur once more.
                             (Arthur's POV)
            I couldn't believe what Jack had just asked me! Sometimes it was hard to fathom that this whole Jack and I situation as an actual reality. Being able to hear his voice every morning when I wake and every night before bed. I mean how could a guy like me, a nobody with absolutely nothing to offer land someone like Jack? I pulled Jack closer to my chest, "I love this Jack, you and I together, there's nothing better." Jack smiled, licked his lips, kissed me and said, "you have no idea how much I love this Arthur, your exactly what I didn't know that I needed so badly!" After me and Jack's hour long talk, we headed out to the city to see what evil plan we could muster up next. We took Wild Card out for a speed ride, we shook our hair in the wind and let go of every bad thing that has happened to us in the past. During the fastest point of our ride Jack leaned over and yelled into my ear, "Gotham is ours, what do you say we get rid of these fleabags in this city and make it officially just ours?" I smiled and shook my head yes. Jack slammed on the brakes as we crashed into the city gun department, grabbed all the wepons the we could, then set the place on fire as we slowly walked out of the building ready to put down all of Gotham City.
Thank you so much for reading Chapter 17 of "Bad Boys" New chapters coming soon and new stories on the way! Until next chapter! Much love - TALLULAH <3

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