-Part 5-

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Sasuke groaned and rolled over with a slight headache.

He opened his eyes and blinked a few times for his vision to clear.

Sasuke looked around to see he was still in Narutos apartment... and the blonde was... not blonde?

Naruto or who could be Naruto looked over and walked over to him.

Are you going to lay there for forever? To be fair I didn't think my bed was that comfortable, Naruto said in his girly and angelic voice.
Sasuke clicked his tongue and sat up to see his henge wasn't up.

Naruto smirked as realization hit the raven.
In an instant Naruto was back to being pinned on the wall.

Jesus just ask questions, Naruto groaned. What the hells your problem? Sasuke growled.
Naruto looked at him blankly and kicked him away.

I already knew you had a henge, Naruto said shortly. How? Sasuke growled. Well as for someone who also uses one *gestured to his look* I think I would know, Naruto said and Sasuke rolled his eyes. Didn't mean you had to fucking attack me, Sasuke growled.
You called my explanation of the person I'm interested in you.. what do you think I should've done? Naruto asked. Ask, Sasuke growled.

Fine, Naruto said after a moment and turned to Sasuke who looked at him in disbelief. Are you Crow? The third in commander? Naruto bluntly asked and Sasuke froze. No, he lied immediately but Naruto didn't seem to believe him. 'He's to good at this.. like kitsune' the raven thought and didn't dare make eye contact with the smaller.
Naruto tapped his finger on his arm impatiently as Sasuke still looked everywhere except him.

The door crashed open and Mebuki stood at the entrance.

The rent, she growled. I'll put it in the regular spot Mebuki, Naruto said sighing. She growled and stomped in.

A trap went off and a kunai cut her cheek.

Oh look karmas a bitch, Naruto said and grabbed Sasukes arm before they disappeared in red flames.

They appeared on the Hokage mountain and Sasuke sighed for his breath to be visible.
Winters coming, Naruto stated and Sasuke hummed.

Do you wanna tell me a believable lie or tell the truth? Naruto asked and Sasuke looked down at him.
I have no idea what you mean, he said and Naruto hummed.

Well I'll just have to tell Crow i got my first guess wrong. Two more and the punishment will be harsh, Naruto said and Sasuke blushed. What? He choked.
Hm. Yeah Crow and I made a bet. If I find out who he is he has to do anything I want and if he wins I have to be his pet for a month, Naruto said and Sasukes blush slowly got worse. Your lying, he stated. Naruto raised an eyebrow. Why do you think I want to go home so soon everyday, he said lying right through his teeth. To sleep, Sasuke choked and crouched down. That couldn't be farther from the truth, Naruto whispered in his ear and Sasuke coughed.

The smaller smirked.

Now that I told you my deepest and darkest secret.. tell me the truth, Naruto said growling at the end.
A shiver went down Sasukes spine.
I did. I'm not Crow and you sure as hell don't know Crow, Sasuke stated. Really? Are you stalking me? Naruto asked and Sasuke looked back at him.

Fine then tell me what he does to you, Sasuke said and Naruto blushed lightly.
Well if I get him pissed enough he'll pin me against the wall, Naruto started and the mission entered both of their minds. His hands will start at my waist with one under my chin and they'll slowly go up and around my body, Naruto said and they closed their eyes. Then his hands will go under my shirt and slowly pull it up as his thin but fiery lips go down my neck, he said and Sasuke looked up at him.

A throat cleared and both looked over to see Kakashi waiting for an explanation.

Yes? Naruto asked. Why are you talking about a very intense make out session instead of training with Sakura and I? He asked. Because he wanted to know what my fiancé does to me, Naruto said and Sasuke choked on air. Naru-Chan stop messing with him, Kakashi sighed.
Wait... that was all a lie? Sasuke growled. Naruto smirked. Not the intense make out session I just described, he reassured and Sasuke glared at him. 'And to think I almost fell into his trap' he thought.
Anyways sensei said you could take the henges down and stop acting like you did... he also said if Naruto didn't obey his orders again a punishment would be in suit, Kakashi informed and disappeared in leaves.

Naruto smirked devishly and shun shinned to the Hokages office.
Minato looked up and froze when he saw Narutos pissed expression.

Threatening me? He asked and Minato gulped. W-well t-the mission w-was t-to stay u-under c-cover, Minato stuttered and Narutos hand slammed on the desk. He jumped in fear and looked into Narutos icy blue eyes. Ever try that again and you'll be on the other end of Ibikis whip, he growled and left a horrified Hokage to be comforted by the other Anbu.

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