-Part 10-

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Title: Chunin Exams

"These Jonin will mark you one mark every time they catch you cheating! 5 marks and your out.. including your teammates!"

Ibiki glanced at the clock then around the room.


Everyone flipped their papers over and lifted their pencils, ready to answer questions... until they saw the extremely advanced problems.

'Child's play' Naruto and Sasuke thought before scribbling down answers.

'All we have to do is not get caught.. seems easy enough' Shikamaru thought and signaled his teammates who nodded.

Sasuke stopped on a certain problem and groaned in annoyance.
'Damn it! Ibiki got Kitsune to help and he's a master at making questions make no sense' he thought and sighed.

Naruto glanced over to see Sasukes sharingan activated and smirked in accomplishment.
'I'll always beat you Crow' he thought and sent out a wave of chakra but made sure it wouldn't be detected.

'Ok 5 Jonin and Anbu who know the answers are in rows separate by one row. First is in 2row seat5. Second.. 3row seat8. Third..5row seat10. Forth is in... right next to me.. 7row seat1. Fifth.. hmm.. beside Gaara 10row seat12.'

Naruto glanced up at Ibiki who met eyes with him and winked. He nodded ever so slightly and closed his eyes.

Hinata, Naruto whispered and she looked over but not to where anyone would notice. Hinata currently had her byakugan activated which was perfect. They made eye contact and Hinata had to look away quickly before fainting.
Naruto smirked and activated the byakugan.

10:00 am:

Times up! Ibiki shouted and everyone put their pencils down.. some hesitant and some seemingly confident.

"The last question!"

Ibiki looked around the room.

"It says I will give it but if you get this question wrong you and your teammates... *looks at the anxious genins* will never be able to take the Chunin exams again!"

The room erupted in complaints and Ibiki raised his hand for silence which was slowly granted.

"But if you do not want that chance.. There is the door! Once one of you leave all three of you have to leave!"

Everyone glanced at each other and slowly more then half of the class got up.
Naruto noticed Sakura starting to stand and put her under a genjutsu which got her to sit back down and looked creepily at Sasuke who glared at Naruto but the smaller just winked and went back to looking up at the front.

"Last chance!"

No one moved and he smirked.

"The last question!" He started but another genin stood.

Fuck this! They yelled and walked out... his teammates angrily following.

"The last question!"

Ibiki looked around again to put more anticipation on the young genin.

He chuckled and clapped.

"You pass!"


What?! More then half of the rest yelled.

And just like that the clock struck 11 and a purple flash crashed through the window.
Sasuke shook his head as Naruto found it amusing.

When it purple became distinctive their she was, Anko with a sign that says "sexiest woman" above her.

Your mean scariest woman? Naruto yelled and Anko looked at him with daring eyes.
He smiled and she sighed.

Everyone to the forest of death! You have 10 minutes! Anko yelled and jumped out the window.

So out the window or door? Sasuke asked. Is that even a question? Naruto smirked. Door! Sakura screamed. You have no choice in this, Naruto hissed. Huh?! And why not?! She screamed. You almost got us disqualified and I'm not being stuck with you for another year, Naruto growled and slung Sakura over Sasukes shoulder.
Hey why me?! He growled. I can't carry heavy things for to long, Naruto yawned and grabbed Sasukes arm.

They reappeared in front of the forest of death in red flames and Naruto let go of the raven.

Don't gain feelings for me so fast Naruto, Sasuke joked and Naruto rolled his eyes. 'You were the one who knocked me up.. I don't wanna hear it!' The smaller thought as Sasuke let Sakura down.

Ne Sasuke, Naruto called after a moment. The raven hummed and looked down at his teammate. What would you do if you got Kitsune pregnant? He asked and Sasuke choked on air. What? He choked. If you had gotten.. Kitsune pregnant... what would.. you do? Naruto asked and Sasuke blushed but quickly composed himself. W-why? He asked still choking on air slightly.
Naruto sighed and scratched his head.
Because Crow 'you' got me knocked up, the smaller stated and had to catch the fainted Sasuke.

Hey! Is he alright? Anko asked and Naruto waved a hand. Just gave him the news he's a father! Naruto said casually and she nodded. He's what?! Sakura screamed.
Naruto smirked and grabbed his water bottle.

Wake up daddy! He yelled and Sasuke shot up. Hey! He growled, wiping his face.
You fainted on me, Naruto shrugged and put his water bottle back. Because you said Crow got you pregnant, he hissed. Oh you don't believe me? Naruto asked amused. No. No I don't. Ya wanna know why? Because you've been making up that Crow crap since day one, Sasuke hissed.

Naruto glared at Sasuke and grabbed his hand.
He put it on his stomach for Sasuke to feel the small bump.

Say I'm lying again, Naruto hissed.
Sasuke stared at his hand then at Naruto in shock.
Wait seriously... Crows child? He asked not getting how that's even possible. Naruto nodded. How long? He asked trying to figure this out. A month and a half, Naruto stated and caught Sasuke again.

Anko burst out laughing as Naruto sighed.

He's gonna be a swell father! She laughed. Naruto sighed. And I thought the mother had it hard! He growled and Anko hysterically laughed.

Naruto grabbed his water bottle again and sprayed Sasukes face.
The raven shot up again and looked right at Naruto.

"Who's the father again?" "Crow." "And your not lying?" "Why would I lie about that!"

Sasuke stared at Naruto and imagined him with a mask and Kitsunes outfit.
Naruto slapped him before he could faint again.

Don't faint on me a third time, he growled. We're talking about this in private later, Sasuke hissed. Fine but I don't wanna hear you saying I lied again, Naruto grumbled and Sasuke sighed.

Both then waited in silence as Ankos laughs could still be heard with Sakura looking at the two, confused of what was going on.

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