-Part 12-

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Title: Chunin Exams

Day 2

Can I get down?! Sakura screamed. Can you shut up? Naruto growled holding a kunai up.
Sakura looked at him with fear.
Y-you can't kill me! She screamed. Oh but I can. Right now we're on the part where half or more of the genin will die.. plus we don't even need you for the third part, Naruto said and smiled crazily.

Sasuke sighed and and took the kunai.
Don't be so impatient Naruto, he scolded. Naruto pouted playfully. But I haven't cut a bitch in so long~~, He whined and Sasuke chuckled a little.

5 minutes later- 

I'm hungry! Sakura whined. Shut up! Naruto yelled.
And like that Narutos stomach grumbled. Sasuke snorted and Naruto kicked him into a tree.

Hey! Sasuke growled. Naruto crossed his arms and his eye twitched. Be happy your pregnant with my child, he hissed and a shiver went down Narutos spine. Mm. Was that a threat or were you trying to seduce me? Naruto asked and Sasuke face palmed with a hint of a smile. Your impossible, he breathed and Naruto smiled.

Lunch, he said rolling a scroll out. There's nothing on there! Sakura screamed and Naruto rolled his eyes.
He bit his finger and wiped the blood across one of the seals.

Rice balls appeared and Sakuras mouth watered.

Your mother helped prepare these, Naruto stated looking at Sasuke. You know my mother? He asked raising an eyebrow. I also know your father and he's a complete ass, Naruto said rolling the scroll back up and putting it away.

-With some other genin-

The three genins mouths watered seeing the delicious food.

Oh we have to get that scroll, one whispered. Yeah yeah, another said nodding repeatedly. Then let's go! The last whisper/yelled and they jumped away.

Hey! Genin 1 yelled as they landed behind them. Yeah? Naruto asked taking another bite. Give us that scroll of yours and we'll let you live! He yelled and Naruto looked at him with complete disinterest. Sasuke did you hear that 'we'll let you live', he said almost laughing.
Yeah.. I wonder who they think they are, he said holding a kunai to that specific genin.

They all stiffened by the KI Naruto and Sasuke were leaking.

I think you picked the wrong team, Naruto started standing up and slipping a kunai out. Because I've just been craving to see blood, he said with the kunai up to his lips with a crazied look.
The three started to violently shake as Naruto started to walk up.

Plus I'm hungry.. you picked the worst time to "ambush" us, he said and stabbed the kunai into one of the genins arms. They screamed out in pain and Naruto twisted it.
He ripped it out and she fell to her knees holding her arm.

-in reality-

What did you make them think? Naruto asked and Sasuke smirked. That doesn't matter, he whispered and Naruto pouted. Your so mean, he whined and Sasuke chuckled.

Soon the genin team passed out with drool going down their mouths.

Naruto nodded in approval and took out a rope. What are you doing?! Sakura screamed. Tying you up, Naruto growled and Sasuke shook his head.
Naruto tied the three up and put an immobile seal on their foreheads.

You sure I can't just kill them? Naruto asked and Sasuke chuckled. You practically just sent them to their death bed, he said and Naruto huffed. Yeah but I wanted to hear their screams, he grumbled. Let's just go before that 'I want' becomes a reality, Sasuke said and Naruto nodded.

Sasuke watched amused as Naruto did tricks as they jumped on the wide branches.

Naruto the baby, he reminded. Ugh but I'm bored~, Naruto groaned and began to jump beside him. Your mood swings are all over the place aren't they? Sasuke chuckled. I wouldn't have mood swings if someone used protection, he grumbled. I didn't hear any complaints before now, Sasuke simply said and Naruto shot him a look saying to shut up. Sasuke chuckled and looked back when Naruto stopped.
What? He asked raising an eyebrow. I gotta go pee but I don't wanna, he groaned and Sasuke hid a laugh. Then go I'll wait here... don't take your time though, he said and Naruto flipped him off.

After 10 minutes of waiting Naruto finally came out... but something seemed off.
Naruto was right handed and his tools were on the left.

Who are you? Sasuke asked slipping a kunai out of his sleeve. Naruto Uzumaki your teammate, the person said.
Sasuke threw the kunai at them and they blocked it.

Narutos right handed dumbass, he growled and the person smirked. Your pretty smart for a genin, a woman's creepy voice said and Sasuke saw a flash of red before the woman clashed
kunais with Naruto.

Bastard. A snake when I had to go pee that's low, Naruto growled and the woman smiled creepily. I'm glad you remember me Naru-Chan, she said and Naruto slid in front of Sasuke.
Get Sakura out of here. Shun shin if necessary, he ordered. What Naruto no-, Sasuke tried to protest but Naruto was to serious for him to not give in.
Be careful, he said and disappeared in black flames.

Thats cute saving your teammate, the woman laughed and licked her lips. I see your taking on others bodies as usual Uncle Orochi, Naruto said and orochimaru laughed.
Nothing slips passed you Naru-Chan, he said looking Naruto straight in the eye.

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