-Part 9-

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Title: Chunin Exams

It had been a month since then and both wanted to see each other and more but knew their missions came first so they rarely ever saw each other, well except for the occasional mission.

Sasuke and Sakura were currently at the first exam building for the Chunin exams, waiting for Naruto who was going to make them late.

Where is the stupid Baka?! Sakura screeched. Right here, Naruto said walking up. Where were you?! She screamed. Alarm clock didn't go off, Naruto stated shortly and walked into the building. That ass! Sakura screeched and Sasuke rolled his eyes.

They walked up the stairs to see a large group of genin crowded at a door. Both Uchihas rolled their eyes and walked up the next flight of stairs.

Haruno! Naruto growled. She jumped and ran after them.

They walked through the quiet hallway with Sakura complaining they went the wrong way when they saw Kakashi.
The white haired sensei smiled from under his mask and shut his book.

I'm happy to see you knew about the genjutsu, he said and Naruto yawned. You ok Naru-Chan? He asked with a raised eyebrow. Bored and hungry but what's new? Naruto shrugged and Kakashi nodded.
Well I'll see you guys later, Kakashi said and disappeared in leaves.

Naruto opened the door for all eyes to be on them and he rolled his eyes.
Stay quiet, he murmured and Sasuke hummed, also feeling the tension in the room.

Hey you guys made it! Kiba yelled and Naruto and Sasuke glared at him. I'm surprised you made it idiot dog! Sakura screamed. Hey! Kiba growled and Sakura looked smugly with crossed arms.
Shikamaru yawned and clapped Narutos shoulder.
I'm guessing it's thanks to you shes here, he stated more then asked. You could say that, Naruto shrugged. What's up with you?! You are always so hyper now you act like you don't care! Kiba yelled slapping Narutos back. Ow. Ow! Kiba! Naruto growled and the brunette stopped. Mood swings much, Ino joked and Naruto rolled his eyes.

A throat cleared and they looked over.
Naruto clenched his fists that were currently stuffed in his pockets when he saw it was Kabuto.

Could you keep it down? Your attracting a lot of attention, Kabuto asked. Then don't talk to us and you won't get the attention, Naruto sneered and Sasuke put a hand over his mouth. We don't mean to be loud.. sorry, Ino said sheepishly and Naruto rolled his eyes.
Kabuto smiled and didn't bother to look at Naruto who had pissed him off.

I was wondering if you'd like some help, Kabuto said pulling a deck of cards out. What are those? Sakura screeched. Chakra infused cards.. they'll give you any information you want about someone, Kabuto explained and everyone made an 'oh' face.
So.. got any people in mind? Kabuto asked.

Gaara of the sand, Sasuke spoke. Naruto pulled his hand off of his mouth. He's the one tails jinchuriki. Has done 38d ranks 25c ranks 18b ranks and 0a ranks. His teammates are his siblings kankuro and temari. Both are afraid of him seeing he's unstable and will kill anyone in his path.. oh and his skill level is unknown, Naruto said and everyone looked at him shocked. Or am I wrong? He asked looking at Kabuto challenging.
Kabuto smiled but his glare towards Naruto was a different story.

He picked up a card and it said the same and less information then Naruto gave.
Hm. Seems the Hokages information is better then some cards, he sneered and Sasuke looked at him stunned yet confused.

Do Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura screeched. Sasuke rolled his eyes and pulled Naruto away.

The black haired teen clicked his tongue, stuffing his hands back in his pockets and leaning on the wall.
What's your problem? Sasuke whispered. Me have a problem? Never, Naruto said sarcastically. Sasukes eye twitched. He's just trying to help, Sasuke hissed. Kabuto, Naruto said and Sasuke froze.

Sasuke knew that name well. Kabuto was Orochimarus follower and assistant.


But why was he here?

He smells like snake and I don't trust snake. Call me a bitch or ass but whatever information he gives will be spot on and I'm not risking anything, Naruto said and shoved past Sasuke. Wait Naruto, he growled and sighed.
'What the hells happening with you?' Sasuke thought frowning but brushed it off to hear the rest of Narutos explanation.

Hm. You seem to be the worst genin here, Kabuto said and showed the card.

30d ranks, 1c rank, 0b ranks, 0a ranks. Teammates: Sakura, Sasuke, Kakashi

That C rank turned into an A rank so it's more like this, Naruto said and picked up one of Kabutos cards.

30d ranks, 0c ranks, 0b ranks, 1a ranks
Teammates: Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake

Kabuto gritted his teeth as Narutos information gave off the actual information while his... was somewhat wrong.

Don't always trust cards. They could be like snakes and lie, Naruto said and flicked the card back to Kabuto. Ah. Don't like snakes? He asked smirking. I plan on killing a snake, Naruto said with a wicked look in his eye.
Kabuto glanced to a team subconsciously but only for a second. Naruto smirked slightly and turned around to look a female from one of the other genin teams in the eye. He winked and went back to talking to Kiba.

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