Chapter 6 | Apologies

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I could always tell what people did from the way they appeared, spoke and behaved. Reading them from a mile away just by their mannerisms. But nothing from the way Coach Roche acted gave any hint that he wanted us to make banana milkshakes for the football team for detention today. And because I was given detention by the principal himself, Coach thought it was only befitting that I stay back and serve them to the footballers after training.

It's a Friday afternoon and all I want is to go home, finish my homework and order some pizza. Yet here I am at four thirty, waiting for football practice to finish so I can serve the stupid jocks milkshakes.

With Aaron and his comrades smirking at me from the field, you can just imagine how humiliated I feel.

Mr Gilmore did not have to go this far.

I'm slouching on the bleachers, fanning myself from the scorching heat, cursing the black sweater I'm wearing as it was not helping at all. I bet I'm sweating more than the players themselves!

Finally, coach blows the whistle for the end of training and the footballers literally howl before running in a pack of thirst-driven savages in my direction.

I sigh and stand up, opening the multiple coolers to hand out the refreshments. All at once, a dozen hands reach out for the milkshakes. I move quickly, placing them in those hands until only one is left.

Just one... who—

"Damn Justice, never thought your milkshakes would bring all the boys to the yard."

I internally groan as Aaron approaches me with a silly grin on his face.

"Just get it and get lost." I grumble, shoving the last one into his hand and closing the coolers shut. I have no intention of talking to him today or ever.

Aaron snickers and takes a sip. His face contorts almost immediately and he spits out the milkshake, "fuck! What the hell did you put in this shit?!"

His reaction instantly brightens my entire mood. Maybe this was worth it.

"What? You don't like it?" I mock a frown.

He's eyes narrow down as he places the cup on one of the coolers and spits, "hell no! Was that poison?"

I wish it was.

"Friar what's going on?" Coach Roche calls from across the field, probably having sensed something off.

"He's doesn't like your recipe!" I shout back and remove the milkshake from the cooler and place it on the bench beside me.

Aaron's back straightens up to match a pole and with wide eyes, he turns around to his coach quickly.

"No, I love it! It's amazing!" He shouts back before glaring at me. I shrug and grab both handles of the empty coolers and make my way to the sports office. I leave the coolers there and head off to the parking lot.

With relief, I'm ready to go home. I grip the straps of my bag and am crossing the parking lot when fast footsteps approach behind me. I instinctively tighten my grip on my bag and move a little faster.

"Yo Justice." Aaron calls and I whip my head around just in time to see him send a familiar thick liquid flying up into the air, it's chunky bits and yellow cream giving it's distinct identity. An identity I've come to recognize as Coach Roche's infamous banana milkshake.

This time moving swiftly, I move to my right. The milkshake goes past me and lands on... Jake Walters.

Oh shit.

I blink multiple times before covering my mouth with my hand in shock. The white shirt Jake is wearing is drenched in banana milkshake and he turns to me, eyes blazing, ready to kill. I shake my head and point to Aaron who's in just as much shock as I am right now.

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