Chapter 8 | Jeffery and Punishments

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It's Tuesday, the last period of school and I'm sitting silently in art, my head clouded with thoughts of the IIO.

It's been three weeks since my shopping incident with Declan Hyder and Jake Walters, three weeks since I last spoke to a royal and three weeks since I last went to that shop by the park. I've since decided to find a new grocery store to frequent so the chances I have of running into either one of them again are as slim as a stick.

Thankfully, no one has been bothering me lately, not even that moron Aaron or any of his friends. As a result, the days have been going by quickly and I've been keeping myself preoccupied with the quizzes, tests and assignments coming out.


A notification rings from my phone and I frown, not expecting anyone to disturb me in the middle of art or school for that matter. I just finished a class task.

I dig through my pocket for my mobile and take it out, only to frown when I find a message from Olivia.

Yes. Olivia.

Olivia Hart, 2:50pm : Could we extend today's tutoring and start right after school? Mrs Pascal just dropped the bomb that we're having a physics quiz first thing tomorrow morning.

I stare blankly at the message.

I don't take physics.

A helpless sigh escapes my lips and I reply "fine" and return my phone back into the comforts of my pocket, knowing there was nothing that could prevent me from agreeing anyway.

What was that? You ask. Why did I receive a message from Olivia Hart?

One word; tutoring.

Yep. I, Blair Justice, tutor Olivia Hart.

In fact, I've been tutoring her since the day she confronted me about the server incident, which is now an ongoing investigation at the Victor Police Department.

As per her "favour" or what I like to call it "the deal of her blackmail", I'm supposed to tutor her in any subject after school. It's normally chemistry and biology, but I have a feeling I'll be going through physics a lot now.  I don't think I know of anyone else who takes all three sciences apart from her.

Our sessions usually start at six p.m, lasting an hour and a half at most. I go to Olivia's house to tutor her and she drops me off afterwards.

Fortunately, Olivia's presence is tolerable and we stand on some common grounds, like our less-than-likeness toward the pride, specifically Aaron Friar and Simon Jones.

Still, I keep her at arms length because I can't be close with anyone, neither do I want to.

To be honest, I never thought Olivia was someone in need of extra help with her studies. She interacted regularly in class and as far as grades went, I was convinced she was someone like me, an all A student. So it boggled my mind when I had read the note she had slipped into the side pocket of my school bag a mere three weeks ago. I had also asked her why she took all three sciences and she had simply shrugged and brushed it off.

My eyes travel to the window and stare outside at the few trees around, then something grey and the size of a football quite literally flies into the glass, stays awkwardly pinned onto it for two seconds straight and then falls backward like someone just peeled it off.

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