Chapter 15 | Mission Avoid

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I can't believe that just happened. I let Declan Hyder to see me without my full disguise on. What was I thinking? Why didn't I just run before he woke up?

I'm frustrated with myself when I make it back to the Rangers' Headquarters.

That should not have happened. Why couldn't I do anything right these days?

There isn't only the anger at myself, but also a mad uneasiness at what might happen next. Would Declan tell? Would I be exposed?

I shake away my thoughts for a moment and look around. There's an expensive buffet for everyone set out and students are eating by the benches.

There are two police officers standing by the jetty, talking to the Rangers and a few of the teachers. Not far from them is Olivia, who's sitting on a bench near the water with Delilah, looking out at the lake with a face baring concern.

My backpack lies near them, leant against one of the legs of the bench.

They aren't sitting near the rest of the students so I sneak over to them swimmingly — no pun intended. Using the scattered trees, I remain shadow-like, with full intent on being stealthy.

If only my skills had kicked in earlier...

There's a somber air around them when I approach and I see Delilah place her hand on Olivia's shoulder gently, as if to comfort her.

"Don't worry Liv... okay you have every reason to be worried, but look on the bright side, we don't even know if she's dead." As soon as the words fly out, her shoulders rise up in a grimace.

Olivia tilts her head to look at her dourly, "I think it's better if you just keep quiet."

"I think you're right." Delilah removes her hand and scratches the back of her head awkwardly.

I fight the urge to roll my eyes. I could mock them, but with my own worries oppressing me, I can do nothing but the task of getting my things.

I grab my bag and retreat to the restroom to change into my dry set of clothes and remove the last of the disguise. Other than my chemistry notebook, my bag is all but occupied, so I shove my damp clothes inside. Fetch my my phone and send a text to Olivia.

Me, 1:15pm: it's me. I'm not dead. Call me as soon as you read this. I have a favor to ask.

After it goes through, I call an Uber and wait for the driver to arrive. I then sneak out to the parking area and get into an Audi.

As we leave Bentwood, my ringtone goes off with Olivia's name on the caller ID. I answer and, annoyingly, am forced to wait a few long seconds due to her motormouth before I get the chance to explain what happened, minus everything relating to my wig and Declan. I tell her to make up an excuse to tell the teachers and that I'd be in debt to her. She agrees sounding slightly dazed and the call ends.

Fifty minutes later, the car stops in front of my house. I pay the driver and get off quickly, entering my dead dwelling.

Only in my room do I let loose, allowing all panic and stress to take over as I curse myself over what just happened with Declan.

You're an idiot. How could you let him see you? I think to myself, peeved.

For hours, I pace back and forth in my room, kicking my trash can near my desk to relieve the anger, but nothing helps.

He saw me. That is the fact I have to live with whether I like it or not.

Still, I should've been wiser! I should've been thinking like an Agent. Now I've been seen by someone from school!

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