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Next Day - Gym Room

Jeongguk's Focus

Sweat trickled down from the side of his forehead, forming small rivulets as the raven-haired alpha continued to relentlessly pummel the punching bag. His damp, messy hair quivered with every ferocious strike, and his eyes flashed with a fiery crimson intensity as he vented his frustrations on the bag.

Jeongguk had been introduced to the cruel and vicious world of the mafia at the tender age of twelve, too young to comprehend the brutality that lurked within this frigid community. He still vividly recalled the day his father had taken him to their warehouse, the day he had lost his childhood forever.

Flashback (12 years ago)

It was a bright summer day, and Jeongguk had been engrossed in a game of Mario Kart with little Soobin when Mr. Ahn, their family's trusted aide, had informed them about their father's imminent arrival. Both children had sprinted to the door, eager to greet their father, whom they rarely saw due to his involvement in their family's secretive business.

Their villa was constantly surrounded by guards and defenses, as their mother never allowed Jeongguk to play outdoors. He had argued with her relentlessly, envying his classmates who freely roamed the nearby park. His pleas had fallen on deaf ears, and even attending school required a personal bodyguard by his side.

Determined to taste a taste of freedom, Jeongguk had tried to sneak out one day. He had reveled in the simple joy of playing soccer in a muddy playground under heavy rain. However, his fleeting moment of liberation had come to an abrupt end when his father's guards had apprehended him.

The consequences had been harsh and inevitable. That day, he had received a severe beating from his father and was forbidden from leaving the mansion, even with a bodyguard. From that point on, he had been homeschooled.

But he wasn't alone. His mother and little brother, Soobin, always accompanied him, as did his cousin, Namjoon, and sometimes his older cousin Hobi and Yug, who was Mr. Ahn's son. Despite his father's busy schedule, he had made an effort to spend time with them. Jeongguk couldn't resist teasing Mr. Ahn, his father's secretary, whenever he got the chance.

**Later that day, after a family brunch, Jeongguk was asked to accompany his father to the Jeon warehouse. His mother and brother looked worried, but he brushed off their concerns. In his eyes, he was a big boy now and could assist his father in their family profession.**

Throughout the entire car ride, his father remained silent, not uttering a single word. Jeongguk didn't mind, too engrossed in the outside world, which he hadn't seen in such a long time.

Upon reaching the warehouse, their car was parked discreetly at the rear. Hidden behind a towering stack of fiber boxes was a metal door equipped with a security system. Typing in the pin code, his father opened the door, and they descended a flight of stairs, followed by a few guards.

Passing through another heavy metallic door, Jeongguk found himself facing a vast underground vault. What he saw next would haunt him for years to come.

The vault was nothing like he had ever imagined. It resembled an underground prison, a medieval dungeon with thick stone walls, devoid of light or windows. Each cell had a cruelly barred opening, secured with thick metal bars.

Inside these cells were hundreds of hostages, each imprisoned under horrendous conditions. They begged and wailed for help, their voices echoing in the oppressive darkness. Some were battered to the point of being unrecognizable, while others appeared barely conscious, and some seemed lifeless.

The sight horrified the young boy to his core. He whimpered, hiding his face in his father's arms while his father remained eerily expressionless. Little did the innocent boy know that one day, he himself would become a tormentor, just like his father.

End of the Flashback

With one final, powerful strike, Jeongguk sent the heavy bag flying, its contents spilling out onto the floor. Sand poured out from the torn material, creating a small mound in the corner of the gym.

Jeongguk stood there, his chest heaving, the memories of his childhood and the stark reality of his present life weighing heavily on his shoulders.


After taking a cold shower, washing away the burdens and stress that had clung to him, the raven-haired alpha decided to spend some time in his room sorting through the stack of emails on his laptop.

It was during this moment of solitude that his diligent secretary, Lisa, lightly knocked on the door to his office. The raven-haired alpha, deep in concentration on his laptop screen, gestured for her to come in, not wanting to disrupt his flow of work.

"What brings you here, Lisa?" Jeongguk inquired, his eyes still focused on the digital correspondence displayed on his laptop.

"Sir, Hoseok oppa asked me to inform you that the omega boy from last night has woken up," Lisa replied respectfully.

It was only then that Jeongguk's attention was drawn to the matter at hand. He turned his gaze toward the omega secretary. "Tell him that I'll be downstairs in 10 minutes," he instructed, his tone composed but carrying an undercurrent of uncertainty.

"Of course, sir," Lisa replied with a bow before leaving the room. As she exited, Jeongguk let out a heavy sigh, unsure of how to navigate the predicament that had unexpectedly landed on his doorstep.

The omega boy from last night had suddenly become a significant presence in his life, and Jeongguk couldn't help but wonder how this unexpected connection would unfold.


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