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Taehyung had been tasked with looking after Myung Dae, the adorable three-year-old alpha son of Namjoon and Jin.

Taehyung was more than happy to oblige. Myung Dae had taken a liking to him from the moment they met, and they got along famously.

As Taehyung played with the energetic toddler in the spacious living room, his attention was unexpectedly drawn to a sight that made his heart skip a beat. There, in the corner of the room, stood Jeon Jeongguk, the cold and distant alpha who had taken him captive. And what was more surprising was the scene unfolding before Taehyung's eyes.

Jeongguk, who had always been an enigma, especially in his presence, was on his knees on the plush carpet, playing with Myung Dae. The usually stern and unapproachable alpha had a soft smile on his face as he interacted with the child.

Taehyung couldn't help but watch, his heart warming at the sight. He had never seen this side of Jeongguk before. Myung Dae seemed completely at ease with his uncle, giggling and laughing as they played with colorful building blocks. Jeongguk's deep voice, which Taehyung had only ever heard in cold and commanding tones, was now gentle and filled with affection as he conversed with the child.

It was a stark contrast to the Jeongguk Taehyung had come to know, the one who had taken him captive and kept his emotions guarded. Seeing him like this, so caring and playful, was both endearing and confusing.

Just then, Jin entered the room, his eyes immediately falling on his son and his brother-in-law. he smiled warmly at the scene and then turned his attention to Taehyung.

"Taehyung, could you bring Myung Dae back to the kitchen? It's time for his meal," jin requested.

Taehyung nodded, gently disengaging Myung Dae from his play with Jeongguk. The toddler protested, calling out, "Taetae!" as he was carried away.

Jeongguk remained on the floor, watching them go with an unreadable expression. Taehyung couldn't help but wonder about the enigma that was Jeon Jeongguk. Here was a man who had taken him captive, yet he had just witnessed a glimpse of warmth and affection that he hadn't expected.

As he fed Myung Dae in the kitchen, Taehyung couldn't shake off the feeling of confusion. It was as though he had seen a completely different side of Jeongguk, one that contradicted everything he knew about the cold and distant mafia alpha.

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