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The atmosphere inside the car was charged with the remnants of their heated kiss, leaving the omega adorably shy as he stared out of the window, his cheeks still flushed a deep shade of red. He fidgeted with his fingers, unsure of what to say or do next.

The alpha couldn't help but notice Taehyung's cute and flustered state, and he couldn't resist a smirk as he glanced at the omega out of the corner of his eye.

"Enjoying the view?'" he teased, his voice laced with a hint of playfulness.

Taehyung jumped slightly at the sound of Jeongguk's voice, his gaze quickly snapping back to the alpha. He stammered, "I, uh, yes. The view is... nice."

Jeongguk chuckled softly at Taehyung's response. He knew he had an effect on the omega, and he was thoroughly enjoying this newfound dynamic between them.

"Good," Jeongguk replied, his smirk growing a bit wider. "Because there's more to come for your birthday, Taehyung."

Taehyung's eyes widened in surprise, his curiosity piqued. "More surprises?"

Jeongguk nodded, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "That's right. But they're a secret for now. You'll find out soon enough."

Taehyung's heart skipped a beat at the thought of more surprises from Jeongguk.

As the car continued on its journey to the next destination, Taehyung stole occasional glances at Jeongguk, his shy smile and blushing cheeks betraying his feelings. Jeongguk, on the other hand, was relishing every moment of Taehyung's adorable reactions.

That's when something unexpected happen. Jeongguk's sharp instincts didn't fail him; he noticed the car tailing them, his alpha senses picking up on the subtle signs of surveillance.

He increased the race immediately as taehyung yanks back. "What's happening?" Taehyung asked as he noticed the alpha getting cautious.

"don't panic. We are being followed." he said in the most calm way as he swiftly dialed Hoseok's number, keeping his voice low.

"hyung, we've got a tail," he said, his eyes darting between the road and the rearview mirror.

Hoseok's voice on the other end of the line was reassuring. "Alright, Jk, stay calm. Can you give me your current location?"

Jeongguk quickly relayed their location to Hoseok, who assured him that help was on the way.

Taehyung listened to the conversation with a growing panic in his eyes. He could see the omega trembling.

Jeongguk didn't want to worry him further, so he tried to reassure Taehyung. "It's going to be okay, tae. We have people coming to help us."

Hoseok's voice came back on the line, offering a solution. "create a diversion. Head to the old hideout instead of the mansion. I'll send some of our men there to meet you. Once you've successfully distracted whoever is following you, make your way to the hideout."

Jeongguk nodded, a plan forming in his mind. "Understood, hyung. We'll make it to the hideout."

With determination, Jeongguk began executing Hoseok's plan. He skillfully led their car through a series of twists and turns, making it increasingly difficult for their pursuers to keep up. Taehyung clung to the door handle, his heart pounding with anxiety.

That's when the car behind them started to fire, the situation grew increasingly dangerous.


Jeongguk's instincts kicked into overdrive as he shouted to Taehyung, "Taehyung, can you drive?"

Taehyung, panic-stricken but determined, responded, "I've taken a few classes, but I'm not sure I can do this!"

Jeongguk's voice was unwavering as he urged Taehyung, "You can do it. We don't have a choice. We need to switch places."

With the car still in motion, they swiftly switched seats. Taehyung gripped the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles turning white. Jeongguk leaned over, grabbing his gun from the glove compartment.

Gunshots echoed through the secluded forest as the pursuers continued their relentless chase. Taehyung's hands trembled on the wheel as he drove, and Jeongguk's presence beside him was both reassuring and intense.

Jeongguk kept his voice steady as he encouraged Taehyung, "You're doing great, tae. Keep driving, focus on the road. Don't mind the gunshots."

Taehyung, trying to stay calm, replied, "Just be careful, Jeongguk."

In the midst of danger and chaos, Taehyung couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration for Jeongguk. His dominant alpha aura, his tattoos peeking out from under his coat sleeve, the adrenaline pumping through his veins – all of it made him look irresistibly attractive.

As another gunshot rang out, a bullet struck the car's rearview mirror, causing it to shatter and scratch Jeongguk's arm in the process. Taehyung's panic escalated, and he turned to Jeongguk with wide, terrified eyes.

"Jeongguk, are you okay? You're hurt!" Taehyung exclaimed, his voice trembling with worry.

Jeongguk, his arm bleeding from the superficial scratch, kept his composure and assured Taehyung, "It's just a scratch. Don't worry. Keep driving."

Gunshots from the pursuing cars intensified, but suddenly, Jeongguk's trained eyes spotted his men arriving on the scene. He watched as their vehicles surrounded the enemy car, effectively trapping it.

Hoseok's voice was steady as he spoke, "Jk, I've taken over the situation. Head to the hideout immediately. It's not safe for Taehyung to be seen."

Taehyung's panicked voice interrupted the conversation, "hyung, Jeongguk's been shot!"

Jeongguk immediately clarified, "Taehyung, it's just a scratch. Hyung, I'm not seriously injured."

Hoseok, now aware of the situation, reassured them, "Alright, we'll have first aid ready at the hideout if needed. Get there as quickly as you can."

Once the call ended, Taehyung couldn't contain his worry any longer. He scolded Jeongguk, his voice filled with concern. "Jeongguk, you should have asked for a medic! What if it's more serious than you think?"

Jeongguk turned to Taehyung, his expression softening as he tried to comfort the omega. "hey, I promise, it's really not that bad. You're safe, and that's what matters most right now. Focus on navigating us to the hideout."

However, Taehyung remained silent, his fear and anxiety threatening to overwhelm him. He knew he had to stay strong, not just for himself but for Jeongguk too. But the events of the night had pushed him to his limit, and he couldn't help but feel the weight of the situation bearing down on him.


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