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The mansion was shrouded in darkness, the only illumination coming from the soft glow of the kitchen's night light. Taehyung sat at the kitchen table, his head buried in his hands, shoulders trembling as silent tears streamed down his face.

His heart ached with a profound loneliness, a feeling that had become all too familiar since his captivity in this formidable mansion. Tonight, the weight of his separation from his beloved omega brother, Yeonjun, had become unbearable.

The kitchen had become his refuge for moments like these when he couldn't suppress his grief any longer. He knew that crying would change nothing, but it was the only release he allowed himself in the stifling environment of the mansion.

As he wept, his voice barely above a whisper, he murmured into the empty room, "Yeonjun, I miss you so much. I wish you were here with me."

Unbeknownst to Taehyung, he wasn't entirely alone. Jeon Jeongguk had entered the kitchen quietly, his normally stoic facade softened by the sight of the omega in tears. He leaned against the doorway, his presence unnoticed by the omega.

Just as Taehyung's sobs, Jin, entered with Myung in his arms. The adorable three-year-old alpha was still clutching his favorite stuffed animal, a small teddy bear. His round eyes widened as he took in the sight of Taehyung's tears.

Jin's maternal instincts kicked in, and he gently cradled Myung in his arms before walking over to Taehyung. he whispered soothing words to the young omega, "It's okay, Taehyung. We're here."

Myung, who had always displayed a fondness for Taehyung, reached out his tiny hand and wiped away one of Taehyung's tears. His actions were gentle and comforting, much like the touch of his omega mother.

Taehyung, surprised by the tender gesture, looked up through tear-filled eyes to see Jin and Myung standing before him. His voice trembled as he spoke, "I'm sorry for crying, hyung.  It's just... I miss my brother, Yeonjun, so much."

Jin gave Taehyung a warm smile, her heart aching for the omega's pain. he gently stroked his hair and replied softly, "It's okay to miss him, Taehyung. We all miss our loved ones sometimes."

Myung, seemingly understanding the situation, held out his stuffed bear towards Taehyung, offering it as a source of comfort. Taehyung managed a small smile through his tears and accepted the stuffed animal, grateful for the kindness shown to him.

Jeongguk, still watching from the doorway, felt a strange tug at his heart. While he couldn't change the circumstances that had brought Taehyung into his life, he couldn't deny the complexity of the emotions stirring within him.

In that quiet kitchen, bathed in the soft glow of the night light, Taehyung found a moment of solace. And though his pain remained, he was reminded that even in the darkest of times, there could be glimmers of compassion and understanding.


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