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The soft rays of the morning sun gently kissed the sprawling gardens of the Jeon mansion. It was a serene and tranquil setting, a stark contrast to the tumultuous world that Taehyung had found himself in. Today, however, held a different promise as he watched over the one person who had come to brighten his days in this otherwise intimidating place.

Myung, the three-year-old bundle of energy, ran across the garden, his laughter filling the air. Taehyung chased after him, their playful game of tag in full swing. The little alpha was quick on his feet, giggling uncontrollably as Taehyung tried to catch him.

"Taetae, you're too slow!" Myung exclaimed between fits of laughter, his small legs carrying him with surprising speed.

Taehyung chuckled, his heart warmed by the endearing nickname the young alpha had given him. "Oh, you think so, little Myung? Let's see about that!"

With a sudden burst of energy, Taehyung lunged forward, narrowly missing Myung's outstretched arm. The little alpha let out a triumphant squeal as he evaded Taehyung's grasp once again.

Meanwhile, Jeongguk, freshly returned from his morning run, observed the lively scene from a distance. His stern demeanor remained intact, but there was a subtle softness in his eyes as he watched Taehyung and Myung play.

"Uncle Ggukie!" Myung's gleeful voice carried across the garden, capturing Jeongguk's attention. The little alpha had spotted his uncle and beckoned him to join their game.

Jeongguk hesitated for a moment, as he always did when Myung called him by that name. It was a reminder of his responsibility to protect and care for his family, a role he took seriously. With a small nod, he decided to put aside his usual reserve and joined the playful duo.

Taehyung's eyes widened in surprise as Jeongguk entered their game of tag. He hadn't expected the cold and distant alpha to participate. "Mr. Jeon," he began hesitantly, "are you sure you want to join us?"

Jeongguk's reply was a simple nod, his intense gaze never wavering from the playful chase. The garden echoed with laughter as the three of them weaved between trees and flowers, their playful shouts filling the morning air.

The sight of Taehyung, with his hair mussed and a bright smile on his face, playing with Myung and even Jeongguk, sent a flutter of warmth through the alpha's chest. He couldn't deny the beauty of the moment, even if he chose not to express it openly.

For Taehyung, it was a welcome respite from the usual tension that lingered in the mansion. It reminded him that there was more to Jeongguk than met the eye, hidden depths and moments of vulnerability that occasionally surfaced.


The Jeon mansion was adorned with subtle elegance, celebrating Yugyeom's birthday in the quiet presence of the family. Namjoon was yet to return from his business trip, leaving Hoseok, Jisoo, Jin, and Myung to accompany the Jeon family. The atmosphere was cheerful, yet the absence of the elder brother was keenly felt.

In the midst of preparations, Taehyung found himself darting around the spacious dining area, presenting dishes with meticulous care. Jiwon and the other servants were his reliable assistants, ensuring that each course was served to perfection.

Yugyeom, who had always been a playful and charismatic presence, was in a particularly flirtatious mood. He couldn't resist teasing Taehyung, who easily blushed and became flustered in the face of such attention. His playful comments and winks had Taehyung rolling his eyes, though there was a fond smile hidden beneath his irritation.

As Taehyung presented a beautifully plated dish to Yugyeom, the alpha grinned mischievously. "Ah, Taehyung, you've truly outdone yourself. Your cooking is almost as delightful as your smile."

Taehyung's cheeks flushed crimson as he replied with an exaggerated eye-roll. "Flattery won't get you extra servings, Yugyeom."

Yugyeom chuckled, appreciating the good-natured banter. "I'll have to keep that in mind, won't I?"

In another corner of the room, Lisa, Jeongguk's efficient and  beautiful secretary, observed the interactions with a mixture of amusement and irritation. She and Yugyeom had shared more than a few encounters outside of work, but their relationship remained undefined, mostly due to the complexities of their involvement in the mafia.

Yugyeom noticed Lisa's less-than-enthusiastic expression and grinned even wider. "Lisa, darling, don't look so glum. It's a party!"

She couldn't help but roll her eyes, much like Taehyung had done earlier. "Save your charm for someone else today, Yugyeom."

Jeongguk, who had entered the room with Lisa, couldn't quite mask the flicker of jealousy that crossed his features as he witnessed Taehyung and Yugyeom's playful exchange. He understood that Yugyeom was naturally flirtatious, but it didn't stop the pang of possessiveness that coursed through him.

Clearing his throat, Jeongguk approached the table and said with a subtle but deliberate claim. "The food looks exquisite, Taehyung"

Taehyung, his irritation momentarily forgotten, smiled at Jeongguk's compliment. "You're welcome, Mr. Jeon. I hope you all enjoy it."

Finally, as they gathered around the dining table, Hoseok couldn't resist teasing Yugyeom for his antics. "Yugyeom, you're pulling out all the stops today, huh? Trying to win over Lisa once again?"

Yugyeom chuckled, his attention still divided between Lisa and the food. "Well, Hobi, it's a special day. Gotta make it memorable, right?"

Lisa, who had seemed a bit irritated earlier, now appeared to enjoy Yugyeom's efforts. "He's right, Hoseok. It's his day."

Jeongguk's gaze flickered to Taehyung, who was discreetly ensuring that each plate was served correctly. Despite the cheerful atmosphere, he felt a pang of possessiveness seeing Taehyung so close to Yugyeom.

Jisoo, Hoseok's mate, leaned in, catching Jeongguk's attention. "You know, Taehyung should join us at the table. It's more festive that way."

Jin, busy feeding Myung, chimed in, "Yes, Jeongguk, why don't you call Taehyung over? He's been working hard."

Jeongguk hesitated for a moment, his eyes once again drawn to Taehyung. Eventually, he agreed, "Alright, let's have Taehyung join us."

With that decision made, Taehyung was invited to the table, and as he took his seat, he couldn't help but notice the tense glances exchanged between Yugyeom, Lisa, and even Jeongguk. The subtle dynamics of the room were undeniable, and he hoped the birthday celebration would proceed without any further complications.

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