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Jeon Jeongguk sat alone in his dimly lit study, his fingers tracing the rim of a crystal glass filled with amber liquid. The room was filled with the soft, melancholic melody of a piano playing in the background, a stark contrast to the thumping music and flashing lights of that unforgettable night.

As he sipped his whiskey, Jeongguk's mind drifted back to that night, to the crowded nightclub and the moment he had locked eyes with a captivating omega named Taehyung. The memory was vivid, as if it had been etched into his soul. The way Taehyung had danced, so carefree and enticing, had ignited a fire within him.

But now, Taehyung was his captive, and Jeongguk had to keep his distance, both physically and emotionally. He couldn't afford to let his feelings get the best of him, not when he had so much at stake. He had taken Taehyung to protect him, not to indulge in the desires that still lingered.

Jeongguk's jaw clenched as he recalled their passionate encounter at the hotel. Taehyung's lips, so soft and inviting, haunted his dreams. But he had to push those memories aside. Taehyung despised him for what he had done, and Jeongguk couldn't blame him. He had taken away Taehyung's freedom, and there was no way to change that fact.

He took another sip of his whiskey, the bitterness of the alcohol echoing the bitterness in his heart. No matter how much he longed for Taehyung, he couldn't allow himself to act on those desires. His responsibilities as the head of the Vista Corporation came first.


Meanwhile, in a dimly lit room, Taehyung sat on the edge of a small bed, his knees pulled to his chest. His thoughts were consumed by the memories of that fateful night at the nightclub and the alpha who had swept him off his feet.

He remembered the intensity of Jeongguk's gaze, the way their bodies had moved in perfect harmony on the dance floor, and the electrifying chemistry that had drawn them together. It was a memory he couldn't shake, no matter how much he tried.

But now, everything was different. Taehyung was a captive, a prisoner in this unfamiliar place. He blamed Jeongguk for taking away his freedom, for separating him from his brother, and for making him question his own desires and emotions.

Tears welled up in Taehyung's eyes as he thought about his brother, Yeonjun. They hadn't spoken in so long, and Taehyung missed him more than words could express. He longed to hear Yeonjun's voice, to know that he was safe and happy.

As he wiped away a tear, Taehyung knew he couldn't let his captor see his vulnerability. He had to stay strong, to find a way out of this situation and back to his brother. No matter how intense the memories of that night were, he couldn't let himself be swayed by his feelings for Jeongguk.

But deep down, beneath the anger and resentment, a part of Taehyung couldn't help but wonder if there was more to Jeongguk than met the eye. He had sensed a complexity in the alpha, a depth that intrigued him even now. But for the time being, those thoughts had to remain buried, just like their tangled memories.

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