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Probably the strongest Quirk im making

Quirk Name:

How It Works:
It's based after the infinity gauntlet from Marvel. The user's left hand has colorful rocks on each knuckle. Purple on pointer, blue on middle, red on ring, orange for pinky, green for thumb, and yellow in the center of the hand. Each rock has many different powers.

Purple/Power: Utilizing this stone allows the user to increase their strength, while also releasing a powerful blast from the stone.

Blue/Space: This stone allows the user to alter space. It can make stuff phase through others like Mirio's Quirk, it can make black holes, it can make portals, and so much more.

Red/Reality: The stone can warp reality. The user can make people or objects turn into statues, dust, whatever.

Orange/Soul: The Soul Stone allows the user to control souls. It can bring people back to life, kill them instantly, whatever. Plus, it can warp people into the stone into a place called the Soul World.

Green/Time: The user can control time all over the place or in a specific spot. Rewind, fast forward, and freeze time.

Yellow/Mind: Mind control. The Mind Stone allows the user to control anyone or anything with their mind.

And if the user snaps their fingers, they can make a certain thing they are imagining turn to dust using all six stones.

The quirk is insanely powerful lmao. and after snapping their fingers, they cannot use their Quirk for three days.

Possible Hero Name:
The Overpowered Hero: Marvel

Possible Villain Name:
Thanos lmao


this quirk is OP lmao

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