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As dreadful as school is; coming back always seemed to hit a little closer to home. The buzz, the build up, the excitement, it was all worthy of anticipation. Being the most popular girl as well as leading a whole cheerleading team seems like a big job but I do it all with ease. As self absorbed it sounded calling myself the most popular, I truly didn't need to say it. Actions speak louder than words either way.

Entering junior year everything is going to change and I'm well aware of it. "Kylie, hand me your lip gloss."

Kylie stuck her hand down her thousand dollar purse and searched for her lipgloss, swiftly handing it over soon after. "You look so, so pretty, Y/N!" She exclaimed.

I looked at her through the mirror while I glided the wand across my upper lip. "Yeah, I know?" Throwing the lipgloss at her chest, I bumped through the trio of freshmen who were hanging around the stalls and made my grand exit, my minions following close behind.

Did I forget to introduce them? Kylie Kim, the one who just handed me the lipgloss, is insanely rich; her father owning branches of plastic surgery clinics around South Korea and USA. I asked her if her dad could give me a boob job and she said she'll ask, so, I gotta keep her close if I want these C cups turning into double D's anytime soon. Delilah Johns, the pretty little blonde, is also insanely rich. Her mother owns and operates the Chanel store in our Sunnyvale's business boulevard. It's the reason she wears Chanel all the time, earrings, blazer, you name it. And last but not least, Quinn Maryville.  Quinn was more of the free spirited one amongst us, she spent most of her time shopping and with us or at the beach swimming. She was genuinely the prettiest amongst us, perfect body, perfect hair and face; but she was just too stupid to realise. I don't even know if she's going to graduate.

Here we are, all four of us, walking down this hallway. The peasants splitting like Moses's path, allowing us to pass through as we liked. I felt so powerful in this moment. I did extensive research and made sure all of lockers were near each others, and they were. To my suprise there was someone leaning against my locker. She was relatively pretty, her hair was curly, her skin was the colour of cafe au lait. She wore baggy clothes and seemed to not care of her surroundings, I strut towards her but stopped dead in my tracker once she looked right at me. I decided not to go any further.

"Hey! Yes, you." I said after she pointed at herself. "Get off my locker before I drag you off."

"You're not dragging anyone, little miss Perfect." She hauled herself off the locker and slid her hands in her pocket as she was walked towards me. She brushed past my shoulder but slowed down. "You should watch yourself, wouldn't wanna get hurt right?"

She bumped past me and walked away.

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