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I tried my best not to scream as he thrusted in and out of me. "Slow down, champ." I breathed, Mickey showed no sign of slowing down. He flipped me onto my stomach and began pounding me from the back. I looked at him, he look really into it. I acted as if I was choking back a moan.

"Let yourself moan, baby." He groaned as I felt his strokes become slower, he quickly pulled out of me and started to quickly stroke up and down his penis before releasing all over my bare stomach. I was fucking the hottest guy in the school, a senior too.

Mickey was known for his gorgeous looks and it only took me a week or so him to cave in and let me slide. Only problem is I don't really like having sex. Ever since I lost my virginity in the sixth grade to Danny Marco, I've realised dick doesn't really feel all that good. I can feel it but, it just doesn't hit. I wonder why.

I undressed completely and walked towers my ensuite, ready for a warm shower. "You wanna join me?" I beckoned but Mickey sat there wriggling his jeans on.

"Uh... I've got football practice, so, I'll see you on the weekend?" He asked while skipper his shoes on, followed by his jacket. "Bye, Y/N."

"Bye!" I said as he zoomed out my bedroom. "Fucking small dick cunt." I sneered as he left my house. Pathetic boy. All I had to do was shake my ass a little yesterday at our joint practice and he folded. Gotta love men. I turned off the shower and wrapped my towel around myself. I plopped onto the bed and grabbed my telephone and bashed Kylies number into the keypad, the tone dialing in my ear. She picked up right away.

"Kylie!" I squealed.

"Oh my god! What?" She said sounding keen to hear what I had to say.

"I just fucked Michael fucking Styles!" I yelled while kicking my feet excitedly, I had no intention of telling her how much I didn't like or enjoy the sex. Or the foreplay didn't go both ways. My mouth being bruised and his not even having to do anything apart from kissing me, and spitting words at me.

I heard Kylie squeal on the other end of the phone. "I just cannot wait for school tomorrow! Are we wearing our cheer uniform?"

I gasped. "Kylie, you fucking bitch? I just told you my secret that I had the choice of keeping, and all you're thinking about is school. You're such a slut." I threw the phone against the wall and groaned loudly. I have to be surrounded by selfish whores all the time. I hate everything.

"Y/N?" I heard my mother calling me from downstairs, startled, I threw on a shirt and slid on a baggy pair of pants and ran downstairs. I saw my mother standing in the kitchen, but she wasn't alone. I stood there, my mouth gaping open at the scene before me. It was none other than Deena fucking Johnson, sipping on a glass of orange juice with exchanging laughs with my mother. She spun around in her chair and locked eyes with me, I could see her smirking into her cup.

"Mom, why the hell is she here?"

"You know each other already?" Mother asked, looking completely puzzled.

"I wouldn't say know each other properly–" Deena began before I interjected.

"Listen, it doesn't matter. I want her out." I yelled.

"Y/N, she's your tutor. I know you don't do as well in English as you do in Mathematics. I need your GPA to be a solid 5.0 by the end of your first semester." Mom explained, I was completely distracted by the smug look that was on Deena's face, I wanted to slap her so badly. "Lucky for you, Deena here has a 5.0 GPA, and already has colleges jumping at her. She can help you!"

Deena placed her cup down before she spoke. "I can help you, Y/N. You just need to trust me and work with me. You'll be good, right?" I watched as she slowly spread her legs apart and leaned back against the counter, a smirk plastered to her face.

Completely flustered by this, I struggled to speak a sentence. "Whatever, I guess."

"Well, I'll be heading out. I've gotta go grab a couple of things for dad downtown, so give me and hour or two. I'll be back soon." With that my mother swept up her purse and keys and swiftly left the house. We stayed silent, letting the sound of her car backing out of the drive way and driving off disappear.

"Honestly, Deena, go to fucking hell." 

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