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Quick A/N: I love everyone of you that have voted and commented! I appreciate it. I love coming back from a long school day and seeing all the comments! I love to interact please comment more! And also my only request is for you guys to vote more often because it's kind of discouraging to see only 7 votes :,). But other than that one little thing, I'm really happy with the attention this book has gotten! I love you, thank you! Comment "<3" if you read this til the end. 💓 Now onto chapter 6.....

TW: Eating Disorder.

Under editing.


Tonight is the pep rally. I'm so excited, I've been preparing for months for this with my girls, they better not fuck up my moment for me. But all this excitement couldn't steer my mind away from Deena, it's been weeks since my little go at her and we haven't spoken since. She acts like I don't exist. It's good and bad. On one hand I feel relieved that I don't have to worry about who I'm sexually attracted to and who I'm not, and the other I'm yearning for Deena and what I imagine her touch is like. It's all just too much.

I slid on my cheer uniform and did my hair up in a high ponytail. I sat in front of my vanity mirror and studied myself. God, I'm so fat. I cant fucking believe I let myself get like this. I groaned and stalked away to go downstairs.

I saw my mother standing idly in the kitchen with a wine glass in her hands. One thing you don't know about my mother is she barely speaks to me, which was why I was so surprised when she spoke to me when Deena was over. I shot her a glance and she looked at me distastefully. "Bye, mom." I said leaving the house and heading to my car.

I was heading to school when I saw a familiar figure walking the same direction I was driving. It was Deena. I lit up completely when I saw her. I drove, slowed down at her pace and rolled my windows down. "Deena!"

She jumped a little, understandably startled. "Y/N...? What? Are you going to yell at me again?" She asked while looking around for an escape, I would too if I was her.

"No, I'm sorry about that Deena," I said, "I was wrong and I wanted t-"

"Y/N?" A voice said, it was Kylie. She approached my car and hopped in the back. She saw Deena. "Y/N why are you talking to this dyke? Can we go?"

I was stuck. For the first time in my life I was stuck. I didn't know if I should drive off or stay and speak my mind. I truly wanted to apologise to Deena, she was the only person I truly cared about now. Whose opinion and appearance could change my mood completely. I wanted to stay so bad, I wanted to ask her to hop in and drive her to Burger King. I wanted to spoil her and watch cheesy horror films with her and be with her, but I can't. It's not possible. It can't happen.

Deena stood there idly, I knew she wanted me to say something. But I didn't. I glanced at Kylie once more before giving Deena one last look. I sighed deeply before pressing on the accelerator and watching as Deena faded away. A piece of me died. My chance to make it up to her, gone. But my reputation is important to me. This is all so confusing.

The school day was quiet. I didn't see Deena. The pep rally eventually was only an hour or two away. The cheer squad and I gathered to the locker room and beat our faces with makeup. I stuck multiple gems on my eyelid and did a warm brown look. "How do I look?" I asked Kylie who was sitting next to me patting powder onto her face.

She looked at me and gasped. "You're so fucking hot, you're so much hotter than Cindy Crawford. I don't give a fuck what Times magazine said."

"Ugh, bitch? You're my soulmate." I linked my pinky with hers and looked at her in awe. We finished our makeup and had endless conversations about whatever to fill time. Now the rally was minutes away. I was feeling nervous. I know Deena bought tickets, she wouldn't wanna miss out on this.

We were officially out of our dressing room and heading towards the field. When we made it there it was nerve racking seeing hundreds of people sitting and exchanging loud words about the first half of the game, this is why I hate doing half time performances. I looked at the band and then to my girls. My minions in position and ready to perform. I gave a nod to drummers and they started off. We began dancing and I was giving it my all, I looked up to the seats above me and I locked eyes with Deena.

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