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Under editing review, mind the grammar mistakes.

My first AP biology class and all I could do was quietly muster hate in my heart. The girl from the hallway filled me with so much rage I couldn't even take a single note down. I wanted to know her name, her grade, and who gave her the audacity to act the way she does. She clearly doesn't know who I am. She must be lonely junior who hated her life, it was fitting considering the AC/DC shirt she was sporting. How tacky, I thought. She doesn't matter anyways, I don't know why I'm so worked up.

"Y/N...?" A familiar voice snapped me out of my rage dream. It was just Kylie. "Did you even take a single note down?"

I scoffed, "No, bitch? I can't even fucking focus because of that whore from before!" I was so irritated about the whole situation. She threw me off completely.

"You mean Deena?" Kylie quizzed me.

"Is that her name? The girl with the curly hair and freckles." I explained.

"Yeah? That's Deena Johnson. She transferred here from another state, she's in our grade, but she doesn't compare to you. So don't worry." Kylie assured me, but assurance wasn't what I wanted. I wanted revenge.

"Well, tell Deena to watch out because I'm going to make her life a living hell." I said. I'm plotting to make her year so bad she'll transfer right back. How dare you argue with me? I'm always right. I straightened my cheer top and pulled my skirt up by its band a little bit, tightening my pony tail shortly after. The nerve she has. The bell rang throwing me off my train of thought. I got up and Kylie scrambled to pack my books up for me.

"Who does she think she is?" I groaned.

"Right? What a bitch." Kylie shot back while carefully placing my books into my bag.

"I'm gonna end her fucking social life, if it isn't already over. Come on you saw her baggy jumper and mom jeans! Who even wears moms jeans that are cuffed? With Docs too?" I laughed, Kylie cackled along with me. She has to be a joke.

Kylie scurried behind me and helped me slip my bag straps onto my shoulder, I flicked my ponytail as she did too. We continued mocking Deena until we ran into Delilah and Quinn on our way to our lockers.

"What did you guys just come out of?" Quinn asked.

"AP Bio, you guys?" I asked.

"I don't really know?" Delilah sighed as she opened her locker and shoved her hand inside, Kylie and Quinn repeating the action to their own lockers right after.

"No! Guys, but seriously? Did you see that bitch shoulder bump me before? I'm gonna fucking kill her." I impulsively tightened my ponytail while pacing around trying to gather my thoughts.

"Um... Y/N? Can we go get some food?" Delilah sheepishly asked, I shot her a glare.

"Duh? Stop asking me stupid questions." I snapped at her, she flinched as she lowered her head. I began walking towards the cafeteria, hands on hips, and cheer skirt swinging left to right; the glares from everyone around me practically burning through me. My minions behind me copying my exact actions. Perfect.

Before we reached the door a timid looking boy scrambled towards the door and pushed it open for us. "P-please go t-through."

I looked back at my minions and let out a soft chuckle while we exchanged glances, "Ok, freak." I laughed as I flicked his forehead with right hand, letting it fall right back onto my hip. The girls following my lead.

"Fucking weird ass kid." Kylie sneered as she strut past him.

"I know right?" Delilah snickered as she shoved him hard against the door before walking toward us.

"Don't even try." Quinn laughed as she entered the cafeteria with her arms crossed, making sure to have not made eye contact with the weird kid who held the door open for us.

I looked back at him and he looked as though he had been graced by the heavens, completely elated to have been acknowledged by us all. He smiled hard before quickly scurrying off. Weird ass kids at this school, honestly.

"Remember guys? Today isn't cheat day, so grab a salad and Diet Coke and sit at the usual spot." I said as I walked towards the lunch line, my minions lined up fast with trays in their hands. "I'll be right back, Quinn grab me my lunch."

"Where are you going?" Quinn asked, I groaned.

"To the fucking vending machine?" I explained while shooting her a menacing glare.

"For what?" Kylie asked me, giving me a confused look.

"For chocolate." I said calmly, their faces changing.

"But you said-" I cut Delilah off quickly.

"Delilah, if you try to back chat me I'll kick my foot so far up your ass you won't be able to do a layout for a fucking year." I said calmly while patting my under eye concealer, Delilah looking at me as if she'd seen a ghost.

"I'm kidding," I softly chuckled, their faces relaxed and they slowly began laughing. The atmosphere becoming less tense very quickly. "Stop laughing, I wasn't fucking kidding. Quinn, a normal coke remember?" I said while walking away hearing their laughter stop immediately.

Cruel? I know. It is what it is though. I walked towards the vending machine, and I stopped dead in my tracks once I saw her. Deena fucking Johnson, trying to work the machine. I tightened my ponytail and relax my shoulders as I pranced over to the vending machine.

"Hey... Deena?" I greeted her, acting as if I didn't know her name, knowing full well I did.

"That's me." She chimed back not even paying me attention as she looked through her options, she glanced at me and looked back at the machine, letting out a soft chuckle. "What do you want, Y/N?"

"So you know my name, that's creepy." I said while I ran my finger along the side of the machine.

"Well, it's hard not to know the name of the girl who gives everyone a hard time." She shot back, while finally bashing numbers into the keyboard.

"Who says I give anyone a hard time?" I was fully offended, I could swear I've never done a single thing? "That's utter bullshit from them."

"No? It's utter bullshit from you. Here's the thing about girls like you Y/N, you all are deeply insecure so you reflect that on to others like myself!" She sung as she waited for her item to drop. "You're a mean girl. With built up anger inside of you, stay away from me. Ok? Cool."

Her granola dropped. "First of all, you're delusional. And second of all, you dress like you just came out of a fucking gay parade."

"It's because I did, dumb ass, literally a week ago." She cackled as she took a bite of her bar and walked away.

"What?" I yelled, letting my voice echo through the whole cafeteria. Deena kept on walking, her back facing me enraging me.

Deena looked back at me before yelling out, "I'm fucking gay bitch, I like PUSSY!"

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