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Free day off school :) mind the errors.

I froze after hearing the words that escaped her lips, the same words that caused chuckles to rip through out the air. "What the fuck are you talking about?" I yelled, the girl is awfully familiar.

"Someone said they saw you kissing Deena in the forest, how cheap!" She snickered as her friends joined in to laugh, I felt my heart drop. I was overcome with fear and anger, today is this bitches unlucky day cause I'm gonna take it out on her.

"Oh, honey, don't get me started. I don't understand how you could see anything with those windows sitting in front of your eyes, and maybe I can give you the number of my dermatologist so he can help you with your ever lasting acne?" I said in a happy-go-lucky tone, I watched as her face turned red.

"Shut up, dyke!"

"Sure!" I said sarcastically as I lifted my hand just so it could come crashing down onto her face, causing her to spin. She grabbed the table for support as she almost fell to the floor.

"Y/N! Out! Now!" Jimmy said as he directed me to the front door, holding it open for me.

"My hand slipped, what was I meant to do?" I said as I walked out of the door and into the grass in front of us.

I couldn't believe this was happening. My first day at this stupid camp and I have already been outed. Luckily it was someone who was irrelevant spreading it, I didn't even get the name of the person but if they're in AP Biology; they are irrelevant by default. I can totally handle the situation. I can do damage control. I have everything under my control, my only issue is the fact a random irrelevant nerd whore had the nerve to say something to me. Thank fuck it's these two weird biology classes, if any one else found out I'd be dead. I have a plan.

"Y/N! What in the hell possessed you to put your hands on her?" He yelled as he rubbed his temples.

"She was saying things like she's jealous of me! And how she's happy that my credit card got declined that one time as Louis Vuitton!" I cried out as I planted my head into my palms.

He awkwardly placed his hand on my back and began rubbing in a circular motion. "Don't worry, Y/N. I'll deal with her. I'll have to contact your parents and biology teacher, as your behaviour still went against our code of conduct."

"What? No!" I yelled as I pleaded him to not say a word, he would totally fuck up my perfect behaviour, I know exactly what to do. "Come on, Jimmy. You wouldn't do that to me?" I cooed as I traced my finger down the side of his arm, his eyes nervously travelled from my hand back to my eyes. "You know, you must be so tired from running this camp. Only a man like you could do it."

"Well, I guess you're right. It's a pretty big job." He said while nervously laughing. Stupid man.

"Well, I'd be really upset if you snitched on me. Oh!" I said as I whacked his board out of his hands, he fell to the ground to collect it, I took this opportunity to place my finger under his chin, raising his head to look at me. Fuck he's ugly. "What's your real name, Jimmy?" I asked.

"Jimmy Goode."

"That's the name of a real man. A real man knows what's best for him, a real man wouldn't make a girl like me upset. Just because her father could buy his whole work place." I said, his eyes staring at me wide, I looked down at his pants– oh lord. "You should go take care of your problem."

He looked down and saw his erect penis pressing against the fabric, so fucking pathetic. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" He yelled out to me but I was already walking away. "How old are you again? Fuck!"

I laughed as I walked away. Now he can't do shit, getting sexually aroused by a minor? Not a good look. I returned to the cafeteria, but no one was there. I figured they had went back to their cabins. Along with Deena. I began my jog to the cabin, I passed by where I left Jimmy and he was long gone. I made it to the front door step and our cabin door was open, how weird?

I entered the cabin and looked around, I was horrified with the sight in front me. It was that dumb bitch Emily drinking orange juice with my Deena. I was so infuriated, but I had to keep control. "Deena, why the fuck is she in here?" I asked plastering a forced smile to my face.

"Oh, she was just talking to me about the whole outing situation from before. What're you gonna do?" Deena asked, but my attention was on Emily who was giving me a look that made me wanna slap her.

"Well, I'll be heading out. Good chat, Deena." She said as she lifted herself from the couch and walked in my direction, heading for the door. "I think I'm winning." She whispered as she shoulder checked me lightly. I waited for her footsteps to disappear.

"I think the outing was kind of God's work? You don't need to come out anymore, you can be with me. And we can be together, right?" Deena asked, the smile faded from her face when she saw I wasn't smiling. "Y/N?"

"I don't wanna be with you. I don't wanna be a lesbian. I don't wanna be anything. I wanna stay how I am." I admitted, I chocked back the tears. I felt my nose become runny. "I just cant. Stop forcing me to be someone that I'm not."

"Be someone you're not? Deena less than an hour or two ago we were having sex! Was that all for fucks? Are you just playing me? Why do you wanna keep living this fake ass life?" Deena yelled, I could see her starting to tear up.

"I just wanna live my life!"

"Well, I guess you aren't really living if you're not being who you truly are."

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