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Mind the errors :) the way this book is basically at 10k reads 😟 it's been like 10 days yall are DEMONS😭 and also, STOP MOTHERFUCKING COMMENTING: bE whO yOu aRE for yOur pRiDeeeEEEeEeeee😜🤟🏾😩 IM SICK OF IT EJNEJENSJS YALL ARE SO WRONGGGGGG😭😭

I looked at Deena teary eyed. Great, my first day at camp and I'm already emotional and its only the afternoon. Deena stared at me, waiting for a response. I walked up to her and reached for left hand.

"Deena, I really fucking like you. Like more than I've liked anyone my entire life. What you say means everything to me." I admitted, causing Deena to give me a half smile behind her teary eyes. "You made me realise that I'm gay, and I know theres nothing I can do about it. But I can just pretend until I graduate that I'm normal."

"Being gay isn't normal?" Deena asked pulling her hand away from mine. "I just don't get it, why are you so embarrassed of me? Of yourself?"

"Deena, I'm almost one hundred percent sure you made me like this so don't blame me. If I never met you I would've been normal!" I yelled.

"Come one, Y/N? It's 1993! How do you still think you can just catch gayness?" She asked me as she walked over to me, her face an inch away from mine. "You can't. You've always been this way. You. Are. In. Denial." With every word she pushed me with her finger, causing me to take a step back on her command. I was so angry at her.

"I don't wanna be a fucking dyke like you! And surprisingly, I don't wanna be a fag like you! Just cause you're so content with that doesn't mean I am?" I yelled. She looked at me, clearly upset. I saw the rage fill her.

"That's cool then, stay in the closet. Become a late in life gay, and get caught being eaten out in a public restroom in twenty years. You can pretend for as long as you want to, Y/N, but you will always be miserable." Deena spat as she grabbed her jacket and pushed past me, she headed straight for the door and left me. I heard her footsteps disappear, this triggered something in me. I started to uncontrollably sob.

Why do I live this life? I entered our bathroom and pulled open one of the draws, I grabbed my makeup back and searched for my razor. This would take my pain away, I raised the razor to my wrist and as I was about to start I heard a knock at the door. I dropped the razor and scrambled to close everything, if it was Deena and she saw me. She'd lose it.

I walked to the front door and I opened it wide. It was no one. I looked around, feeling spooked. I looked down at the floor and there laid an envelope. I picked it up filled with curiosity, I ripped it and a Polaroid fell to the floor. I picked it up and squinted my eyes, once I realised what it was my hand covered my mouth automatically. Someone had taken a Polaroid of Deena and I having sex in the forest before. This is fucking bad. It's one thing for a rumour to go around, god, so many rumours about me have gone around. One that I fucked my home room teacher, another that I gave Kylie a rim job. Just so much shit, none of them really ever phased me cause they weren't true. I'm never really as worried when it comes to words. Rumours always fade, picture evidence doesn't.

I tore the envelope up a bit more and found a neatly tucked note. I unfolded it and read the contents;

'Hi, Y/N, you're a bad person. And you need to get a taste of your own medicine. This is a little capture from before. If you want this to not get photo copied and mailed to every door in Shady-side, tell Deena you hate her. And that you never want to see her again. I'm giving you til dinner. - T'

I started hyperventilating. What the fuck was I meant to do? I paced around the room until I came to a realisation. I couldn't do anything but follow the instructions. There's no way out of this one, I can't do anything but comply. After what felt like years sitting and staring at the wall, Deena returned. She threw her jacket down and approached me.

"Y/N, I'm sorry for what I said before. I should've thought more about the way you felt, it's just that I really care about you."

I looked at her teary eyed, not because I was happy. But because I hated what was about to happen. "I care about you too, and I know you care about me."

"No, you don't. Let me show you how much I care." Deena said, her lips collided with my neck and she started to kiss my neck. If I didn't tell her now, I wouldn't ever be able to and then my whole life would be over.

"Deena." I said through my moans, this just caused her to reach down for my private area. "Deena, stop!" I said again.

She stopped immediately and backed up a little, confused, she scratched her nape. "Did I, uh, do something?" She asked.

"Yes, in fact you did." I tried not to cry but all my energy is just gone, I don't have enough strength to hold back my tears anymore. I started to cry uncontrollably. "I don't want to see you ever again, like ever! You ruined me. Get the fuck out of my life."

"Y/N? What? What did I do?" Deena asked, her eyes flooded with tears. She cupped my face but I just pulled away. "Y/N? Please? I- I want you."

Those three words. Those three words had me in the most pain I've ever felt, because I knew I wanted her too. I looked at her, tears falling down from my face, my breathing pattern now uneven. Just a mess. Deena in a similar state to me, gave me a longing look. I had no choice, I was stuck. I had no cards left to play. This was the end.

"I know, but I can't be in love with a fag like you."

A/N: Any ideas on who the person that's blackmailing Y/N is....? >

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