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10th chapter! I love you guys so much!😘 Go add to this books official playlist! Only one person has😂 mind the grammar issues.

Deena stalked out of the door fully dressed into the uniform, she proceeded to leave the cabin. Making it known by letting the door slam behind her, causing me to jump. After she'd left I crept into the now empty bathroom. How fucking lucky is she? I kid you not, she just saw my bare tits and my vagina. It's a fucking blessing honestly. She should be so much more thankful, she just saw me naked. I know so many boys that would cut their fingers off just for that. I checked myself out once more, I pat my lipstick into my lips and flipped my hair. Fuck, I'm hot.

I skipped out of the bathroom and soon enough out of the cabin. A little ahead I saw the two biology classes standing in a big group awaiting for the start of our first activity of the day. I finally made it to the crowd, I couldn't see Deena though. "Excuse me, cunts." I said as I shoved my way through, everyone parting so they didn't feel my wrath. I got to the front and I saw Deena, but she was talking to the slut of a fucking instructor. Emily. Even her name was fucking cheap. She and Deena stood horizontally sharing laughs, she twisted a thin piece of her platinum blonde hair tightly with her finger while batting her eyes and saying useless words. Deena was feeding into it, leaning against the wall and laughing along. I felt the uncontrollable rage fill me like wine. In this moment I felt like I could smash a whole through a brick wall. I've never felt so infuriated my whole fucking life.

Thankfully the head instructor came out forcing Deena to come back to the group and away from Emily. "Students of Shady-side, welcome!" He said with a smile printed across his face, typical white male honestly. "I'm Jimmy, the head instructor as you can see. Our first activity of today will be a treasure hunt. You will need to use teamwork and have good memory. After Emily hands you the maps, you can start right away." Emily began handing out what seemed to maps, I watched as groups of students disappeared into the forest with the maps in their hands. Deena walked over to me and stood next to me sheepishly.

Emily approached Deena and I and before Deena could say anything I snatched the map out of Emily's hand, causing her pile of maps to fall to the floor. Some flying with the wind, which Deena and a couple of other students chose to collect. I watched Deena walk away. Emily bent down to pick the remaining papers up but I lifted my sneaker and stepped on them, she looked up at me, she looked shaken. "Listen, Emily. I think you're really pretty for a dumb bitch. And I don't wanna hate you. So stay the fuck away from Deena, okay?" I said in a tone that was disguised with genuineness.

She yanked the papers from underneath my shoes and rose to my level. "So you're the little cheerleader Deena was telling me about? If you think you scare me, you're utterly wrong." She said menacingly, we were eye to eye at this point.

"Oh, I might not scare you but I can tell you that your split ends scare me. Maybe go to a real hairdresser? But it's like, can you even go? You do work in this dump." I spat as I shoulder checked her as I hard as I could, causing her to stumble a little. "Must suck, right? Anyway, Emily, fuck off and away from Deena." I said as I strut away to find Deena. Leaving Emily to ponder about ways to fuck off and leave Deena alone.

After what felt like years I found Deena scoping out a area filled with lily's. I had a bone to pick with her, why the fuck was she talking about me behind my back? Especially to that bitch.

"Excuse me?" I said causing Deena to jump.

"Y/N! What the hell? Don't creep up on me like that."

"I wouldn't have to if you didn't run off." I said.

"I just didn't wanna be there anymore." Deena said while she examined the flowers.

"Deena, I'm sorry. For literally everything. Cant you just forgive me?" I asked.

"I can, but I don't want to. You are such a sad person. You're terrible to everyone around you? Why would I want to associate with you?" She yelled.

She's so fucking dumb. I'm sick of her not knowing the truth, but I can't say anything. I struggled to hold back the tears that threatened to fall down my cheek. "Deena. It's one thing to hate me but it's another to dare turn around and say shit about me to that fucking bitch."

"Who? Emily? Emily doesn't like you at all, so what difference would it make?"

"It would make all the fucking difference if you didn't run your mouth about me. For someone who doesn't like me, you seem pretty fucking obsessed."

"Yeah well it's hard not to express your anger when a gorgeous face is paired with such a disgusting personality." Deena spat as she walked away.

"You're such a bitch, Deena. And I literally fucking hate you." I yelled, she stopped and stormed towards me stopped an inch away from my face.

"Well I hate you too, what are you gonna do about it?"

I took a second to think, what should I do? I got it. I grabbed her cheeks and smashed my lips onto hers. I felt the shock jolt through her body. Things started to kick off when I felt her hands travel down to squeeze my ass, her lips moved in motion with mine. Soon enough our tongues were fighting for dominance in each other's mouths. God, this felt so euphoric. I didn't care about anything else. Here we are in this  field full of flowers, alone in this section of the forest, alone to be who we were.

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