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Mind the grammar errors.

I couldn't be a lesbian, right? I must just be confused. Deena is pretty fucking hot, but in a friendly way. But that doesn't explain why I felt the urge to pounce on her and rip her clothes off. What's happening to me? I think I caught her lesbian disease. I'm terrified. I don't have the time to be stressing about my sexuality. And I've only ever dated guys, and on top of that, what would everyone think if I was a lesbian? I could feel the fear rise inside of me just picturing how life would be in high school, if I was gay. I hated it. I refused. The looks, the stares. I just couldn't do it.

I slipped on my cheer uniform and ran downstairs. I got my car keys and drove to school. The whole drive there my thoughts were just Deena. I thought about how I am starting to get these feelings for her, and how all I think about is her. How perfect everything is about her. But I can't. I'm praying this blows over. If I even was a lesbian, I would hide it. I would never come out. Either way, that's disgusting.

I pulled into school and parked my car, I hopped out whilst clutching my keys in one hand and my bag in the other. I slammed the car door. This confusion is slowly turning into rage. I can feel myself slowly starting to hate her. Why would she even come near me if she knew the effect it would have? I fucking hate her. She probably did all that just to throw me off. Take everything away from me.

"Y/N?" I heard a familiar voice call, I spun around to lock eyes with Deena. She was sitting on the island that separated the two student parking lots. She had a puzzled look. "Why did you slam your car door like that? What's up?"

I looked at her and I felt the rage fill me. She did this to me. She's the reason I'm feeling this way. "Shut the fuck up, Deena. Why don't you go off yourself? Always in my business!" I said menacingly.

Deena looked shocked. "What? Y/N?" She asked as she got up from where she was sitting.

"I'm pretty sure my life would be much better if you just fucked off, and took your gayness somewhere else." I began to walk away. "Fucking lesbian bitch." I muttered as I stalked away to AP English, leaving Deena alone with her thoughts.

I made my way to empty class and took a seat all the way at the back. I wanted to be left alone with my thoughts too. I don't want anyone knowing about my situation. I slid down my chair and looked out the window towards the parking lot where I left Deena, she's not in sight anymore. Must've gone to class. Doesn't matter to me anymore, from now on, she's the enemy.

Soon enough Kylie arrived along with the other students and class begun. The lesson was boring. And all I could think about was Deena. Why did I go out of my way to talk to her that day? I would've been fine right now, but no, I'm not.

"Y/N, Are you okay?" Kylie asked as she stared at me puzzled. "We haven't been shopping in two days, is there something going wrong at home?"

"What? Bitch, I'm fine. And we'll go shopping this afternoon." I said as I scratched my nape. I was in no shape or form in the right mental condition to be shopping and impulsively spending money, but at least that would distract me from Deena.

I went the whole school day without seeing her after I blew up at her, I kind of needed her to disappear for a while. I just needed to forget about her. Kylie and I waited in my car for my other minions. Soon enough we spotted them walking out of the front door with their arms link, lesbians. They made it to the car and I was already annoyed.

"Next time, could you slow bitches walk a little faster? What's the bet McDonalds ice cream machine is broken! And then how the fuck are we going to get sundaes?" I groaned as I started to reverse out of the parking lot. "And it's cheat day."

"Sorry, Y/N." Delilah vocalised as she lightly smacked Quinn's arm.

"Oh! I'm sorry too!" Quinn apologised in a gleeful town, causing me to shoot her a confused look through the mirror. So fucking weird.

The car ride there consisted of us blasting music and singing. Moments like these remind me why I bother hanging out with a group of dumb bitches like them.

We were at our second store shopping for dresses. "Y/N! Mickey and his friends were talking about a party that's on Friday. Were you invited?" Kylie asked as she looked through the clothing hanger.

I was confused, because I wasn't. "He said something like that to me, we'll see soon I guess- don't worry, we'll be invited."

"We better be. I wanna have sex with someone who isn't Daniel." Quinn sighed, I looked at her horrified.

"Isn't Daniel your fucking cousin?" I asked in complete disgust.

"Yeah? He's my first cousin, it's not weird. We Callum about it." Quinn explained.

"Isn't Callum forty? And a registered sex offender?" Kylie asked as we all stared at Quinn in horror.

"Yeah?" Quinn said as she pulled a purple mini skirt from the racket and pranced over to the checkout.

I looked at Kylie and Delilah. "I'm done."

"Y/N, NO! She didn't mean it! You know how stupid she is!" Kylie said as she tried to calm me down. Delilah trying to diffuse the situation by fanning me.

"No! I'm done! I'm leaving!" I yelled as I tried to pry their hands off me so I could leave the store, I'd seen and heard too much today. "That's the fucking red line, I just can't!"

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