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Sorry for the wait,

A+ marks were acquired for my tests, I'm also setting up a GoFundMe for a creative writing course I need to do soon, if y'all wanna donate HMU. Thanks for the patience,


ignore the mistakes or I will DRAG YOU!


"And now we're here. Also, have you realised that gel nail pricing went up?"

I let out a relieved sigh as I lifted my hands to rest on my hips. I looked over to Deena who in return had her mouth gaping open, she sat in silence in her bra and trousers. I'd just explained the whole fiesta to her and she's now in visible disbelief, I would be too if I found out gel nail prices went higher. 

"What... the fuck Y/N? What the fuck?" Deena muttered, I looked at her  with a relaxed look. I was relieved to have her know everything. "Emily's dead?"

"Yes, and they think I did it? Like why me? Yeah, I'm malicious as fuck but, I'd never actually end someones life, it's a bit out of pocket honestly." I sighed, Deena groaned as she placed her head in her hands. "What do I do next?"

"It's the law, Y/N, I don't know how to handle that. You saw how that cop treated me before. It's the 90s, nothing is in my favour." She said. 

"You know what? You don't need to help me, I have all of that covered. My dad is a powerful guy, I don't think he'd ever let me down." I sat down beside her and swung my arm around her waist, I pulled myself towards her and rested my head on her bare shoulder. "And I'm not going to jail. Either way, we have school tomorrow, I'm more worried about going without getting my nails done– did I mention that prices went up?"  

"God, Y/N, shut up about nails." She laughed softly. I could tell her laugh was weaved through with concern and worry.

"Okay, you're a bit mean– even though I should be mean, I didn't even get to cum." I groaned. I threw myself back onto my bed.

"I would flip you over right now and ruin you but the mood is weird." Deena sighed. A complete missed opportunity.

"Let me fix that." I breathed. I got up and crawled towards her, completely in the mood to get it on. I kneeled behind her on the bed, I let my hands travel her body. I moved her hair with one hand, clearing the area on her neck. I began passionately kissing her neck. All I could think was, this is so gay.

"Y/N, stop, please." Deena murmured through a soft moan. It only encouraged me to keep going. My left hand danced in between her legs, she instantly shot up sending me flying back on to the bed behind me. "Y/N! Fuck off!"

"Deena? What the fuck?" I shouted.

"Why didn't you fucking stop when I told you to?" She blurted after snatching her blouse from the ground to cover her bra. 

"I don't know? I didn't think- I didn't know you were being serious."

"Well I fucking was?"

"Holy shit, you don't need to be such a bitch about it!" I yelled. "It was a mistake, get the fuck over it."

"I don't know what world you come from where consent isn't a big deal, but it fucking is in this world, Y/N. It's like you're a whole other person sometimes, you need help." Deena yelled while scrambling to put on the blouse she had in her clutch for while now on. 

Fuck. Her words actually got to me. I don't know why either. Was it because of the awful position I was in? Or the fact that I was arguing with only person who I thought was on my side. "Why're you being such a bitch right now?" 

"Why? Because the only person I give a shit about is a potential fucking murderer. That's why."

Tears threatened to trickle down my cheek but I completely refused. Crying in front of her right now is losing a battle that hadn't even started. "Deena, you know I didn't do anything." I said. She looked at me, in complete silence. Her silence was loud, it was almost as if she yelled her answer to me. "You're kidding me? Are you being fucking for real? The night of the fucking murder we were busy! You were blowing my back out, idiot."

"I don't know what you did all those other times we weren't together, and you always hide shit from me, Y/N. I don't even know if it's good to be around you. I think it's better safe than sorry." Deena grabbed her docs from beside my bed.

I stared at her in disbelief. "You dumb bitch. I came out to everyone, ruined my social life and everything just for you. Because I love you. And now you're fucking me off because of some stupid accusation?"

"You love me? I don't believe it. How the fuck can you love me when you couldn't stand yourself until a while ago? You're the same terrible, mean person,  Y/N, just gay now. And that's never going to change. People like you shouldn't be out in the world, maybe its best if you are locked up." After the words escaped her lips her eyes shot at me, in fear and shock at what she had just said. "I'm sorry, Y/N, I didn't mean that–"

"Get the fuck out, Deena."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2021 ⏰

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