Chapter 1- A Fresh Start

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Today is hopefully going to be a great day for me, because today is the day I start at a new school. Which is good and bad I suppose. The good is a new begining into senior high school, I can make real friends, I won't get bullied (well not straight away). The bad is that it's a new school and I don't know how their school system works, how people act or judge people for that matter. So today is basically about first impressions. I'm really quite loud and bubbly, but I get really quite emotional if someone was to say something hurtful to me or about me or my family. I have had many previous experiences with this.
I get ready like any other normal person would. I'm wearing my black skinny jeans, my black nirvana t-shirt (with my sleeves folded up because my shirt is a lot bigger than usual) and my black Doc Martins. Pretty simple. Iwear my light brown hair out parted to the left. I wear my usual makeup which is concealer, powder, black eyeliner and a lot of black mascara.
After half an hour of getting ready, I head downstairs to the kitchen to have breakfast and pack lunch. Before I know it I'm out the door heading off to my new high school.
When I arrive I walk directly to the office ignoring stares from my new fellow peers. My phone buzzed in my pocket. Checking my phone while awkwardly standing near the office doors

To Mum
Will do. Love you. Why are you texting in capslock


To Mum
Ok. Love you

I quickly shove my phone in my back pocket and enter the doors to the office where I'm greeted with who I can only guess is either the principle or deputy.
"Hi. I'm Robert Darwin. I'm your deputy. You must be Jean Anderson. Is that correct?" He says.
"Yes it sure is. Nice to meet Sir. I'm very excited to start today." I respond.
"That's great to hear. Well Jean here is your timetable. Do you need anyone to show you to your classes or will you be fine?"
"Um I think I will be fine. If not I will just ask someone."
"Alright. I hope you like our school. Um yeah I'll let you go and head off to your first class as the bell is -" he was interrupted by the bell. "Well there you go. If you have any problems dont be afraid to come talk to me."
"I won't. Thank you Sir"
And with that I walk off to my first class that happens to be Music.
After about 5minutes of searching for my room I finally reach it. I can hear my fellow peers chatting among themselves inside the class room. The distinct voice I can hear is a males voice talking quite loudly to a friend (they must be near the door.)
"Did you see the new girl?"
"Yeah. She was wearing a Nirvana shirt wasn't she?"
"Yeah. She was. She was hot."
I silently laugh. And knock at the door.
"Come in." A female voice shouts
I open the door.
"Oh you must be Jean. Come in dont be shy. Welcome to Year 11 music. I'm Ms Robin." She says.
I look up and see about 20 eyes glued to me and I just smile.
"Why dont you introduce yourself?"

" Ok. Well hi my name is Jean Anderson and I'm obviously new here." I ramble on in front of my new classmates. "Um yeah." Shooting a cheeky smile to everyone. Noticing a few distinct groups in this class. There are group highly attractive boys near the door all wearing different band shirts, fake snobby bitches who I won't be associating with at all next to them and everybody else.
"So Jean what brings you to music do you play instruments or sing?"
"No you won't get me singing at all I sound like a cat playing the bagpipes while getting tortured. So that won't be happening." I say making the class snicker and laugh a little bit. "But I do play instruments. I play a few. I can play the piano and guitar. And I also play the drums. But that's it. So yeah."
"Ok. So you're quite musically talented. If you won't mind taking a seat in between Rose and Luke and we will start a theory lesson." The class erupts in moans and groans because of the theory lesson.
"Excuse me Miss but who are Rose and Luke?"
"Oh silly me. Luke put your hand up."
As she says that this Luke guy puts his hand up. I kind of stare at him. He was apart of my highly attractive group. He has beautiful blue eyes and dirty blonde/light brown hair quiffed and he has a black lip ring. When I reach the seat. I smile at Luke then turn to Rose and Smile.
"Hi I'm Rose. You seem like a nice girl and I would like to be friends with you but I have a couple questions for you. What's Nirvana? And why are you wearing boy clothes?" She says.
"Hi Rose. I don't know who you are but if you're going to speak to me like that and judge the way I dress then I don't want to waste my time talking to a pretentious little snot nosed bitch like you who doesn't know who Nirvana is. Sorry." I say the bitchiest I can. I hear Luke next to me laughing in shock.
"Who the fuck do you think you are?"
"Jean." I interrupt her
"Shut the fuck up you stupid fat whore!" She yells standing up.
"Why are you yelling and standing up you're embarrassing yourself." A deep male voice says next to me.
"And dont you dare call this lovely human being a stupid fat whore because that would be hypocritical of you to say that." He says making the whole class laugh. And before you know it Rose storms out of the room. I turn to Luke.
"Thank you. You didn't have to do that for me." I say
"It's all good, she's a fake bitch anyways. You're brave to take on the devil first day at this school." He says
"Well I don't take shit from anyone, especially people like that." I say grabbing a pen from my Spider-Man pencilcase.
"I like you. And your style."
"What do you mean style?"
"I mean like the way you dress and the fact you like Nirvana and Spider-Man and you don't take shit from anyone." He quotes.
"Um thank you." I say
"You're welcome. These are my friends." He says pointing to the 3 boys next to him. "This is Calum Hood," gesturing to a tan boy with black short hair with a blonde bit at the front. He waves and smiles. "That's Michael Clifford," pointing to a boy with bright red hair with an eyebrow piercing, "And that's Ashton Irwin." The only one left. He has long light brown loose curly hair. He shoots me a massive smile and giggles."And we are in a band. We have called the band 5 Seconds of Summer. Oh wait I'm Luke. Luke Hemming." He says, biting his lip ring.

Authors Note

ahhhhh the first chapter how was it? How did i go? I don't know, please let me know.
--Moni Xx

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