Chapter 33- It Started With A Kiss And My Hair Turned Rainbow

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"Help. Me" A morning voice mumble yells in struggle. I open my eyes slowly squinting from being woken up so suddenly, laying on the floor of Luke's Living room, in what appears to be Lukes clothes. Lifting my head up off Luke's chest searching for the mystery morning voice. Searching on the floor to only to see Calum sleeping like a starfish and Milly curled up in a ball next to him, lifting my eyeline to the 3 seater lounge only to see Michael kissing Belle, burning my eyes and my soul.
"EW! You guys are gross." I mumble sunggling back into Luke, who pulls me closer to him kissing my forehead.
"Morning." Luke whispers in his amazing deep morning voice
"Morning" I respond resting my eyes.
"What were you 'ewing' at before?" he asks.
"Look at the lounge." I say pointing to the lounge. He looks up and the look of disgust is real. He laughs, reaching behind him for a pillow or something. Sitting partially up and throwing the cushion that was behind us at the back of Michael's head.
"GET A ROOM!" He says loudly.
"Fuck off you dick!" Michael shouts back.
"Hush Peasants I'm sleeping." Calum announces.
"Since when was I your peasant." I ask Calum, re-opening my eyes.
"Shhhh." Calum hushes us reaching his hand for Milly's, touching her forearm. In a quick reaction Milly slaps him. "Ow" causing Milly to wake up worried.
"Oh no. I'm so sorry Calwum." she says kissing his arm where she smacked him.
"Ew. Thats gross." I whine.
"Shuddup assbutt" Milly snaps at me.
"Oi mate you gonna go." I say back.
"Hell yeah let's go right here, right now. Calum hold my shit."
"Alright before both of you ladies get too vicious. Can I just state how ridiculous it's looks for you both to be friendly going at each other. Yet you are both being cuddled and you are both closing your eyes, sleeping. It looks so funny." Michael states.
"It probably does." I open my eyes. "Anyways this morning someone said out aloud 'Help me' who was that?"
"Oh that was me because someone was laying on me and I couldn't breathe." Belle states from
"I said I was sorry." Michael tells her.
"I know I was just telling Jean."
"Uggh. I'm hungry someone make food." Milly suggests.
"Alright. The kitchen should be there somewhere, unless aliens stole it. Help yourself. There is bread, cereal, maybe some fruit, chips, marshmellows maybe. I dunno." Luke says.
"Alright don't mind if I do then." Milly gets up making her way to the kitchen.
"Umm. So Where is Ashton and Sam? Does anyone know?" I ask everyone.
"Ahhh, so ummm Ashton and Sam went home early to someone's house. I dunno." Calum says with his face in the blanket that he is awkwardly cuddling.
"Is anyone else gonna get up off their lazy sleepy asses to get food or just me?" Milly shouts from the kitchen.

"Ashton. Wake up." A soft voice says snaking their tiny cold hands around my bare torso from behind. Grabbing her hands closer to me.
"Nooo I dont want to. I wanna stay here all day. Laying here with you." I mumble.
"Nawww that's sweet. But you have to get up I have to go somewhere this morning. So you kinda have to get up. Sorry." Sam states unwrapping her arms from a around me taking a blanket, draped around her shoulders covering her bare body.
"Aww but why?" I whine like a three year old.
"Because I do. Now please get up please." Sam begs me as she walks around her room searching for clothes I assume.
"Ashton can you not. Look I'm sorry Ashton. I really need to go. I really like you, last night was amazing but I need to go." She says chucking on her clothes. "I will be back. Hair. Makeup you know all the girl stuff." Sam says leaving the room in a hast probably to her bathroom. What is with Sam this morning? perfectly fine last night now she is awkward and rude this morning, trying to get me out of her house as soon as I opened my eyes. Like what the fuck? I walk around the room to find my clothes. Chucking on my jeans and t-shirt, draping my jacket over my arm. Shoving my phone and keys in my back pocket of my jeans, Scavenging for my shoes and socks, finding them and slipping them on. I make her bed and walk to the door pretty pissed off to be honest. Walking through her hall way, past what I think is the bathroom because I hear Sam talking to someone or herself.
"Caden I'm going to be late again....I know, I know...Look I'm sorry babe can't wait to see you." At this point I decide to stop listening to her conversation And decide to lead myself out of her house. Full of anger and utter disbelief. Walking down her stairs, out the front door and straight to my car. Decide to text her before i leave.
To: Swammyyy
Im gone. Have fun with Caden.

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