Chapter 10- Blackmailing Bitches

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"Morning" my mum says to me across the island bench in our kitchen. "How are you?"
"I'm great. The morning is great. Sun is risen, Birds are chirping what else can you ask for" I preach before biting into my Vegemite toast.
"That's good to hear." she said pushing her reading glasses to the bridge of her nose, so she can continue reading the paper.
"Better be off," I grab my school stuff and head out of the kitchen. "Mum are you sure you don't want me to stay home with you today?" I ask hoping that she would need me to stay home, because it her first time staying home from the hospital.
"No, I'm a big girl. I can handle myself" she says still dressed in her Pjs.
"Alright, no coffee or anything high in caffeine, sugar or fat. No extreme forms of activity or exercise. Make sure you take your pills before lunch. If you need anything just call me please." I tell my mum.
"Yes Ma'am, I will make sure I will do all things you listed above. Have a good day my Jeanie baby" She says. I hug her, leaving a kiss on her cheek before leaving for school.

I start walking down the road for about 5minutes. I stop when I hear loud music playing and a honk of a familiar Toyota Prado.
"Hey Jean, why are you walking you nerd. Get in" a loud red head shouts at me. I run towards the car jumping in next to Michael making him squish into the middle seat. Before I know it we are all walk up to the school gates from the student car park. I feel so cool, walking in group looking so bad ass in our different band shirts and matching black skinny jeans. This when you cue slow motion and the song 'they see me rolling, they hating' you know that song, yeah well that song. Just as I think these awesome thoughts, I see the one and only Ashton Irwin running at a flock of pigeons scaring them away [[Flock meaning 3 pigeons, in this context]]. Nice one Irwin, ruining the moment, in style. Which, makes all of us laugh.

We are currently in music mucking around trying to find a piece of music to perform in 2 weeks. We can't decide on "Dear Maria Count me in' by All time low or 'what I like about you' by the Romantics. I personally think we should play 'What I like about you'.
"Why don't we ask Ms Robin what we should play, because she is marking it" I suggest
"Yeah let's do that, Go and get her then" Ashton says in his microphone at his drum kit.
"All right I will be back" I say walking off with my guitar draped over my body still. Don't worry I unplugged it from the Amp.

"I think we should play What I like about you, just saying, because people wouldn't suspect us to play that song, so it would be good" I tell the boys. To look over at Luke who is staring at Jean walking out the door
"So Luke what do you think?" Calum asks knowing for well that Luke wasn't listening.
"Hm. Um. What?" Luke says with a confused facial expression.
"Nothing they are just messing with you because we all saw you checking Jean out" Ashton blurts out with a classic Ashton giggle.
"Was not" Luke denies.
"Come on its completely noticeable" I yell at him.
"Nice guitar" I hear a faint Ms Robin's voice say to Jean.
"Why thank you, so do you want us to show you a snippet of each song or-" Jean asks walking into the room.
"Just the verse before the chorus and the chorus itself" Ms Robin says standing up near the door.
"Ok y'all ready for this" Jean says plugging her guitar in. And off we went playing both songs. For Ms to say that she likes 'What I like about you' better.


Its Lunch or Recess or whatever first break is called, now. And we all decided to sit outside, which will very hard seeming that we are vampires and hate daylight. We have been sitting down for like 10minutes talking about who is the best Marvel Superhero.
"Be right back" I tell them as I get up, throwing my bag over my shoulder.
"Where ya going!" Ashton yells
"To the loo" I say walking to the toilets.
"Have fun" one of the boys yells.
"Will do" I yell back.

After I'm finished my business. I'm greeted outside the girl's toilets, by the three amigos, meaning Rose, Veronica and one other.
"Why, hello there" I state crossing my arms over my chest.
"Hi Jean. How are you?" Veronica asks.
"What do you want?" I say sounding annoyed.
"What's so wrong for me asking you how are you?" she squeaks
"Nothing. But the fact is that you cornered me outside the bathroom to ask me that. Means something else, so I'm going to ask again what do you want?"
"Yeah your right, I do want something. We all want something from you" Veronica says changing her weight to her other foot.
"Right so here's the deal" Rose joins in. "You're new to this school but you already lived here in the local area. I or we know some people at your old school" she says with her stupid grin plastered across her face. "Does the name Chelsea Somerville sound familiar" oh god. She was the dumb blonde at my old school who consistently harassed my mother and I because of my father's death. Her dad worked with dad, so there is a connection there.
"Yeah what about her" I say trying not to sound flustered. I bite the inside of my mouth. It stops me for saying shit that would regret later.
"Well she told us" Rose gestures to her group. "That you are to blame for your father's death" My anger has risen to the top and I'm about to blow.
"It isn't true." I say truthfully.
"Well not what we have heard" Veronica butts in. "Usually when we find out information like this we spread it around the school like it was the plague, But you being new and we being nice we decided to offer you a deal" She rambles
"What do you have in mind?" I ask desperately. Not wanting another year of students judging me.
"Well if you ditch the boys you have been hanging out with and come and join us, then we will keep your little secret safe. With you gone out of the boys way, we can you know get in with the boys. Especially that cute guy with the lip piercing, what's his name Luke, yeah Luke." Rose offers and laughs at the last thing she stated.
"That won't be happening. I will not be doing that. I won't be joining the dark side for the sake of protecting a secret that half the city already knows. And by the way I was not the cause of my father's death; he did it to himself, which also affected us! And if any of you touch the boys I swear to god I will rip your fake blonde hair out" I yell storming off, realizing all my anger. Angry tears threaten to fall as walk back to where I was previously. The boys must see the stream coming out of my ears, because they all just staring at me. I plonk my ass down in the empty seat next to Luke, resting my elbows on the table in front of me letting my hands covering my face in frustration.

"What's up buttercup?" Ashton says lightening up my mood.

"No one says what's up buttercup," I laugh, along with the others.
"So, tell us what happened" Ashton says after recovering from his laughing fit.
"Ok, Well after I came out of the toilet, Rose's group cornered me outside the bathroom. They said if I don't ditch you guys and hang out with them, which will not be happening in a billion years. They said they will spread rumours about me around the school, which I hoped to get away from when I moved schools. It's not just rumours, because I can deal with made up rumours, they said they are going to tweak a hidden truth about me and my family around the school. And I'm not ready for history to repeat itself" I explain to the boys. Letting my head slip between hands, so my hands are on top of my head. I sigh in frustration.
"Hey Jean" Luke says next to me. I look at him through the gap in my arm.
"What?" I respond.
"You have nothing to worry about. Rose and Vanessa or whatever her name is, they are all talk and no action. They are just blackmailing bitches." he says reassuringly. I force out a smile and he pokes my face through my arm gap. He laughs.
"Did you just poke me?" I whine looking up, to see Luke flipping laughing. "You're such an idiot"
"Anyways" Calum drags out to soften the mood "What is this tweaked truth, you speak of" he asks. I can feel my smile drop and shatter on the ground.
"Umm. Can I tell you guys later?"  I ask.
"Yeah let's go to mine this arvo" Michael tells us.
"Ok, but I would have to go home first and check on my mum." I say
"All good" Michael says "I can't believe you said buttercup" Michael laughs talking to Ashton.
"Hey leave me alone, it's not pick on Ashton day." Ashton defends himself.
"Well we have to pick on someone" Calum says, making us all laugh.

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