Chapter 28- Stressed Out Ranting

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"You are such a nerd" I yell at Milly.
"No I'm not." She defends.
"Yes you are how did you even get the answer"
"Well it's simple. Question 1. 25X÷3=50 is not that hard. Times 3 by 50 and the cancels that out, which equals 150, then divide 25 by 150 and then boom X equals 6. Thats like grade 7 work. You are in year 11. Whats on your mind. You're usually really good at Maths. So whats up?"
"Nothing. I don't know." I stare intensely at my text book.
"Jean. What's wrong?"
"I dont know."
"Jean. Jean. Jean. Jean Jean Jean"
"What!?!? Look I dont know what wrong I'm just feeling a bit stressed out lately. And I can't think straight. I keep getting distracted and annoyed at things I can't do. And this is simple maths and I cant even math. And that worries me alot as I'm doing advanced maths and I can't even do the very basic revision and its like my head isn't like screwed on properly and I suck and ahhhhhh" I rant resting my head on my hand.
"Ok stop talking. Lets stop doing this stupid homework and we can do something more fun and interesting. Stress -free. What do you want to do?"
"I dont know. Lets see what the boys doing?" I suggest to Milly.
"Ok I will ring Calum you go make me a sandwich." Milly demands
"No Bitch." I say walking to the kitchen. "What do you want on your sandwich?"
"I dont know. Ham and cheese with barbecue sauce!" Milly yells from 'her' room, which is my mum's room but because she isnt here, therefore its is her temporary room.
**5 minutes later**
"JEAN!!!!" Milly screams across the house
"MILLY!!!" I respond finishing up her sandwich
"THEY ARE EATING PIZZA WITHOUT US. So grab your shoes and lets go" Milly says running down the stairs excitedly. With my keys.
"Bitch I just made you a sandwich!"
"Yeah I know. I still want the sandwich, Im hungry." Milly says snatching the sandwich off the plate, biting into it. I just shake my head.

"What? Whoa, what the fuck Michael?" I scream at him
"What mate?"he says looking like he didn't do anything.
"Mate you just killed me and I'm on your team, I-I feel betrayed." I say throwing down the controller, making it bounce on the ground.
"Mate it's just a game." Michael tries to reason with me. He does this every time we play teams on Call Of Duty. ALL THE BLOODY TIME.
"And you killed me." I say shaking my head.
"BOYS!, Luke and Ashton are here and they have food." My mum yells
"What type of food?"
"Pizza!" Luke yells.
"Sweeeet!" Michael yells, almost running to the kitchen. Key word Almost.
"Hey Hey Other people!" I announce as I enter the kitchen, to see everyone shoving their faces, raising the hand in gesture to say hello. Grabbing a slice myself.
After we quickly demolishing the first pizza we move on to the next pizza. Taking a slice When I hear my phone ring, vibrating on the table.
"Oh, who's that Cal?" My mum asks, while walking past the kitchen table.
"Um I don't know." I tell her.
"I will check it." My mum says picking up my phone. "Calum who is Windmill?"
"That's Mil-"
"Its Milly. He calls her that because she blows. Blows like wind. Thus Windmill." Michael tells my mum.
"Michael stop talking." I tell him
"Alrighty then, I'm just going to answer it now. Hello Joy speaking...Yes Calum is here, would you like to speak to him....Alright well they are eating pizza....yes without you....alright I will tell them alright see you soon darling...ok bye." Mum finishes on the phone.
"Milly and Jean are coming over. She told me to tell you to save them pizza or she will and I quote punch you in the teeth. And She sounded pretty serious and I dont want to clean up any blood or teeth, so save them some pizza."
"Alright. Thanks Mum." I tell her as she puts my phone on the table.
"Alright boys. Be good. Im taking Mali shopping. Your father will be home soonish. We will be back soon. Don't burn the house down. Alright. MALI LETS GO. Be good. Bye. MALI Come on!"
"Mum I'm here, Come on Lets go. I'm driving."
"No. You're not young lady. Im the adult-" mum continues walking out the door.
"Michael you're a dick and I hate you." I whine at Michael who is laughing.
"Boo hoo go cry me a river, Hood." Michael snaps at me.
"Heyyyyyyyyy stop being mean" Ashton steps in.
"Yeahhhh Michael don't be so mean." Jean says walking straight to the pizza, Milly walking behind her. I give them a puzzling look.
"Front Door was opened and your mum told us to go in." Milly says Grabbing a slice.
"So I don't get a hello or anything." Luke whines.
"Jean hungry. Food first then you." Jean says with a mouthfull of food.
"Jean that's gross. Eat then speak." Milly tells Jean.
"Oi dont tell me what to do. I made you a sandwich today so be thankful, or next time I will shit on your sandwich. Don't think I'm joking. Cause I'm not. I'm serious. Dead serious. Like Sirus Black. Fuck I took that to far. Shit I didn't mean to swear. Why didn't anyone stop me talking. I always say stupid things when I'm stressed. Someone stop me or I will talk until your ears bleed. This is why I eat food. Food is good. Like pizza. Pizza is good. This pizza is good. Do you know what else is good? Chocolate. Do you know who likes chocolate? Me. I like chocolate. No, I loooovvvve chocolate. Do you know who loves chocolate Lupin. Good old professor Lupin. It's too bad that he died you know, as well as Fred. Oh my god Fred. I loved Fred. I mean I still love Fred but he died. That made me cry though. In the book as well as the movie. Whats wrong with me. Why won't I shut up? I'm sorry I'm just so stressed ou-" Luke interupts, well actually stops Jean from ranting us to death. By kissing her. Its kinda gross but a massive relief.
"Alright. I'm going to take the pizza and vacate to the loungeroom. Who's with me?" I suggest, leaving those two love birds to do whatever they are doing.
"Yep. To the loungeroom we go!" Michael says jumping away like a idiot.

Jean has been ranting about random ass shit for like a minute, because she is speaking so super duper fast we can't really process what she is saying. She is driving everyone mad because she won't shut up which sounds so rude but I mean it in a friendly and hopeful way.
"What's wrong with me. Why wont I shut up?" Jean continues, still ranting about life. I walk closer to Jean.
"I'm sorry im just so stressed ou-"
I interupt Jean placing a kiss on her always soft lips. Which sends fireworks through my body. Everytime I kiss Jean she always makes my fireworks explode. My hands make their way up to Jean's face, brushing her very messy hair behind her ear. Deepening the kiss. Jean's hands are still pressed against my chest. Our lips are moving together as one. I slow down the kiss, slowly pecking kisses on her jawline.
"W-What did you do that for?" Jean asks.
"Um well three reasons. You were ranting about anything and everything, Talking everyones ears off. And You are my girlfriend. And I really wanted to kiss you. I think they are pretty valid reasons. To be honest." I say shrugging my shoulders.
"Ok fair enough I didn't really mean to rant. I'm just really stressed lately about nothing inpaticular and ranting about random shit kinda helps me relieve stress. I think. I'm not too sure actually it kinda just happens and I don't know why. It just does. My mouth just has a mind of its owns, it just talks, talks and talks. And my brain won't stop me from talking and its weird. I'm weird. It just happens I'm sorry."
"Shhhhh" i say putting my finger on her lips. "You're doing the ranting thing again." I laugh
"I'm sorry" Jean says looking down at her feet.
"Hey, don't be sorry" I tell Jean lifting her chin up with my thumb. I peck her on the lips and hug her. Her head nuzzling on my chest.
"How about we get out of here, get away from these losers and we go get some icecream or a muffin. I like muffins..."
"Yeah, but I like icecream better, even though its cold." Jean says looking up at me, biting her lip.
"Alright. Lets go get some icecream then." I tell her.
"Yay. You go tell them where we are going and I will grab my keys." As Jean turns away to grab her keys, I smack her bum.
"Owwww" She giggles.
"What!?!?" I defend
"You smacked my bum" Jean pouts.
"Guilty as charged. Go get your keys. I will meet you at the door." I laugh walking to the loungeroom.
"Hey Luke are you finished you know making babies in my kitchen. Which is gross by the way, like I make food there and eat there. And don't want Juke babies in my food." Calum blurts out.
"Ew Calum thats gross. Anyways Jean and I are going out for icecream. Just telling you losers." I tell everyone.
"What is she 5. Taking her out for icecream." Michael mocks me
"Yes. Basically. Alright we be going. See you guys later." I Leave the loungeroom meeting Jean at the door.
"Lets go nerd" Jean tells me, handing me her keys.
"Why am I driving." I say while closing the door behind us.
"Well. You're older and I dont want to drive. So..."
"Fair enough. Alright to icecream we go." I say jumping into Jean's car. Pulling out of Calum's driveaway.

Hey yall
Sorry for like not updating for a billion years. School got pretty hectic. Then I got a job. Which is Wooooo!!! This chapter relates alot to me lately. Because i have been extremely stressed lately, i over think things. I have had minor teeny weeny panic attacks. They are the worst. Ok so anyways we have a chapter and im feeling 20 billion times better than 2 weeks ago.
But Umm yeah.
Peace out scream and out
Love Moni xx

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