Chapter 19- Awkward Girl Talk With Boys

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We just had English, its now recess and we are sitting in our usual seat under the canteen area. We are currently discussing Our new Rebelous couple. They're probably not an official couple yet but they should though, even though they have known each for less than 48hours. Says me who has a thing with Luke for almost a week, we aren't dating or whatever we are just extremely close. Anyways we are lost in conservation until we spot Calum and Milly appear from the main building laughing and playfully pushing each other. Its adorable.
"Hey, you two!" I exclaim as they come closer.
"Hey!!" Milly says taking a seat across from me between Mikey and Calum.
"So what did Ms Clark want from you guys?" Ashton asks.
"Well, she told Milly not to use phones in class and stuff. And she told me not to make fun of our new students" He answers rolling his eyes.
"Gee. Thanks Calum for answering for me" Milly sarcastically says.
"You're welcome. Wait, that was sarcasm wasn't" He notices, Milly just nods.
"While I have everyone here, We should do something this weekend and invite Sam and her friend as well because she seems pretty cool" Ashton suggests.
"Yeah. Ok. At whose house or location?" Luke says.
"Well. Mum leaves for her trip Friday?-" i question myself.
"Yeah Friday" Milly reassures me
"So We can chill and or whatever. Just thought to throw that out there."
"Wait where is your mum going?" Ashton asks.
"Oh yeah She is going to America with my Aunt, Milly's mum this Friday for like 2months" I say
"Ok. Sweet. Alright. Cool. Can you Luke like maybe contact Sam and ask her if she wants to come chill?" Ashton says.
"Well Ashton if want Sam to chill with us why don't you just ask her yourself" Luke suggests
"No. That would be weird" Ashton trails on.
"Ashton has a crush" Michael sings.
"Do Not. I just think she is cool and yeah" Ashton says opening a massive packet of salt and vinegar chips.
"Oi. Irwin can I have some chips" Milly asks.
"I prefer Sir Irwin the 3rd, and yes you may have some chips" He exclaims, passing the bag down to Milly. In which I grab a massive handful. Because Im hungry and Im craving chips and I can't be bothered getting food out of my bag, which is at my feet. I dont want to bend down and get it, not today. After eating my massive pile chips of course Im thirsty. So I have to get my bottle from my bag. Everybody is involved in a group decision as I place my bag on the table getting my drink out. Then my fucking body decides to bloody torture me by giving me cramps. Why. why. why did I have to be a girl. I place my head in my hands, closing my eyes, breathing slowly through my nose, trying to ignore the stabbing feeling in my abdomen. Everybody is still talking.
"Jean are you ok?" Luke asks worriedly. I look up at him giving him a reassuring smile.
"Oh no" Milly says searching through her bag. "Here" she hands me a sheet of panadol. [Pain relieving medication]
"Thanks" I pop two pills out, swallowing them with water. I hand the sheet back.
"Jean, You ok?" Luke asks again.
"Yeah i will be in about 15minutes" I say putting my hands my waist pushing inwards.
"How come your not fine and how come Milly knew what was happening" He noses around.
"Its a girl thing you wouldn't understand." I tell him, Milly and Calum laugh at what I said.
"I understand" Calum tells me. He has a sister so he knows the horror.
"Why dont I know?" Luke says.
"Yeah what dont we know" Ashton butts in. Oh god. These boys dont get it do they. I shake my head.
"Come on tell me." Luke pesters me. Causing Milly to laugh.
"I have extreme abdominal pain" I say hopefully leaving it at that.
"Oh no. You might have appendicitis" Ashton says generally concerned. "I had it before it was bad"
"Im pretty positive that I dont have appendicitis"
"How can you be sure?" Michael joins in. I look at Milly giving her the look of 'Help me' she mouths 'You're on your own'.
"Argh. You dont get it. Just think. Im a girl, keyword being girl. and I have pains in my abdominal area." I hint
"Ohhhhh.That sucks." Michael says.
"Wait I still dont get it!" Luke says frustrated. Its adorable.
"Shes on her period you dumbshit" Michael shouts across the table. He mouths 'Ohhhh'
"Ew. Yuck dont ever use that word in that context again." Ashton says like he is disgusted.
"What's so wrong with that word?" i ask him.
"Nothing its just that the whole process of bleeding for a week every month, is kind of gross and unnecessary. But i total respect every women in that regards. Dont you feel like your dying?" He tells me. I choose to ignore the part where he said it was gross. I total agree with Ash but dont need.him telling me this shit.
"Yes it does feel like Im dying. It feels like someone is trying to pull out my insides every slowly, while stabbing you." I explain. Hopefully creating an awesome picture in everyone's mind.
"Awww you poor thing. Is there anything i can do?" He asks
"Unless you have chocolate and or a bed in your bag, then no" i say looking up at him. i can still hear Milly laughing but this is because Calum and Michael are tickling her.
"No. but i can give you a hug" He offers, swivelling around on the bench seat. Hugging me pulling me closer to him. I wrap my arms around his waist. My face is pressed up against chest, i can smell his deorderant on him. Oh god its a good smell.
"hey Jean. Do you want to come over to mine this afternoon, i have ice cream and chocolate and a bed. We can make a pillow fort" he speaks so only i can hear him.
"That would be awesome" I say into his chest. As a camera goes off.
"Nawwww aren't you too just so adorable" Milly says putting her phone away.
"Go away Milly. Dont get me started with you and Calum" Her cheeks go bright red.
"I dont want a cat fight here. So ladies keep it out of school" Michael says.
"Shut up Clifford. No one asked for you opinion" I snap.
" And i wouldn't even mention anything about periods because i won't be stopping her from ripping your balls off and making you eat them" Milly defends me. I high- five Milly as the bell rings.
"I dont want to move" I whine. Still hugging Luke
"Neither Do I. But just think we can cuddle at mine later" he says releasing me. Kissing my forehead.
"Ok" i say getting up.
"Just date already." I hear Milly yell walking away. God damnt she is so embarassing.

Hey guys,
Sorry this chapter is boring but i needed to have a boring chaper in there somewhere.
And might i add i have like 500 views/reads. Like oh mer gerd. Thanks for reading this novel.
Live Long and Prosper
-Moni xxx
p.s i pposted this on my phone so sorry for an mistakes you come across.

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