Chapter 22- The Departure

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"Jean! Jean You butt nugget get up!" Milly says throwing a pillow at me.

"No. Go away" I snuggle into my pillow.

"Fine, but we have school so, I would hurry up." She tells me getting out of bed.

"Yeah, Yeah whatever." I murmur wrapping myself in my doona, like a little worm.

"Fine whatever then, I will send them up" She threatens.

"Who up?" I ask. As she pops her head outside the door.

"Boys come wake Jean up!!!" Milly Yells. My eyes open so fast. As I hear a group of long legged teenagers running up the stairs. Shit. Then all of a sudden someone tackles me on the bed, while three other boys all wearing skinny jeans jump on my bed.

"Stop it, please! I will get up" I beg. As a pair of hands, that belongs to Luke start tickling me. I squeal in laughter, shock and annoyance

"LUKE STOP!" I yell in between laughs. I can hear everybody else laughing as well. "Save me." I plead.

"What's happening in here?" I loud voice belonging to my mum says. Luke stops tickling me and the boys stop jumping around.

"Well Ms Anderson Jean wouldn't wake up for school, so we are waking her up." Ashton says grinning like an idiot.

"Alright, Fair enough, But Jeanie darling you should really get up" She teases while leaving the room.

"Yeah get up." Michael repeats.

"Shut up you. I will get up if you guys leave, so I can get dressed." I say still laying on my bed.

"Ok, get up" Luke says, licking my face and running away following the others.

"LUKE YOU ARE SO DIGUSTING!!!" I scream wiping my face getting up leaving my warm cocoon.  Insert Sad Face emoji. And with that I got dressed in my black trackies and my black oversized hoodie, to be honest I couldn't give a shit what people think of me at school. No fucks are given. I don't even brush my hair I just it in a messy/bed-head bun. Like a boss. I do my makeup and grab my school bag and walk down stairs.

"Look who is up, she even tried to dress herself like a big girl. Naww." Milly coos. I stick my middle finger up at her and keep walking to the kitchen, to get something to eat. "Aren't we in a mood?" She rolls her eyes, laughing. I grab an apple off the counter and bite into it. Chewing then swallowing.

"Shut up you. I have valid reasons why I'm in a don't mess with give slash don't fuck with me mood-"

"Oi, Language!" My mum yells from somewhere in the house.

"Sorry" I yell back. "Anywhore-"

"Anywhore?" Luke questions

"Yes Anywhore. And by the way is it interrupt Jean today or something. Anywho my reasons. Number one; you all woke me up from my deep slumber and made me leave my bed. Number 2; I didn't get much sleep last night because someone not mentioning anyone, Milly. You were on your phone all night talking to a certain someone." I say nudging my head towards Calum.

"You can't talk you were too." Milly defends herself, while I bite into my apple again.

"Only because you were keeping me up. Anyways, Number 3; I have school with you dorks-"

"Hey! That was uncalled for." Michael whines touching his chest like it really hurt.

"Interruption." I sass."Geeze, and last but not least Mum's going on a holiday without me." I pout.

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