Chapter 18- English Rebels

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It Monday and I’m doing the usual school pick up and drop off. I currently have my younger siblings Lauren and Harry in the car driving them to their school. Eyes focused on the road, I can hear Lauren and Harry fight over music.
"Oi, will you two stop. Or you can walk from here." I sternly say.
"Sorry, Ash" Lauren says looking down, sadly.
"No, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get angry at you" I say rubbing her shoulder
"Its, OK" She smiles.
"Hey, Ash Aren't you gonna pick up Luke, because you just drove past his house." Harry reminds me.
"Oh, Shit yeah" I pull over. "Lauren can you just text Luke and tell him to start running" Lauren grabs my phone and does what she is told. Within 5minutes I can see Luke running to the car with his bag and a piece of toast in his mouth.
"Sorry, I made you run, I almost forgot you" I say as Luke jumping in. He pulls the toast out of his mouth.
"Morning Irwin family, Nah it’s alright, I slept in anyways.  If I didn't get your text I would still be asleep" He says finishing off his toast, fist pumping Harry.
"Why did you sleep in?" Lauren asks
"I was texting Jean like all night. We were arguing about our favourite Hogwarts house" he says
"Wait, You have a girlfriend?" Harry asks.
"Ummm. Nah, she is just a friend." He saves himself.
"Sure, just a friend." Harry nudges Luke's arm.
"Yeah, Luke, Just ask her out already." I coo
"Shut up Irwin!" Luke hisses, as we pull out to the kid's school.
"You should invite ALL your friends over, Ash" Lauren says, over exaggerating the 'all'.
"Yeah one day. Alright Kiddly-Winks. See you later" I say and the younglings say goodbye and I drive off to pick up the rest of the troops.
Within 10 minutes the car is full of my fellow friends. We are singing to random songs that are playing from my phone. Its our before school ritual. I suppose you can call it that.

We are currently in English. Even Milly is in our class, even though she is only attending this school until the end of this term. It will be a shame to see her go. I’m sitting next to Ashton at the front of the class, not sitting in our usual backseat where the others are. I’m texting Milly at the moment even though we are less then 10metres away, not paying any attention to our teacher.
To: WindMill
I can see you :)

From: WindMill
That’s not creepy or anything
i look over at Milly smiling
From: WindMill
Stahp looking at me
I can hear her giggle
To: WindMill
But it’s hard not to...

From: WindMill
You’re going to get me caught.

To: WindMill
Will Not

From: WindMill
Will Toooooo. I feel like a rebel texting during class. lol

"Miss Peterson, At this school will do not tolerate people texting during class. Now put it away or I will have to take it." Ms Clark says in front the class; Making Milly's face go bright red. I can't help but laugh. "Mr. Hood do you think there is something funny." shit. I can feel the heat rise to my face.
"No. Miss." I say looking down. Ashton is next to me laughing.
"Good. I want to speak to both of you at the end of the lesson, please." she says.
"Yep, ok" Milly says, looking down at her paper. I can see Jean next to her laughing.
From: WindMill
I told you. You would get me trouble :(

To: WindMill
I got in trouble too.

"Ohhhh, Who are you texting" Ashton whispers to me.
"No one." I say looking up.
"I smell bullshit. Who's WindMill." Ashton continues.
"No one I told you." I lie
"Its Milly Isn’t" Ashton sings "Wook Wittle Calum is Bwushing"
"Am Not." I say trying to cover up my massive smile.
"Why is she called windmill is it because she blows." Ashton says nudging my arm.
"What. No. Wind mills actually circulate air. But I don’t know. I just do.” I say.
"Sure, sure" Ashton says getting back to work.

To: Camel
Will Toooooo. I feel like a rebel texting during class. lol

"Miss Peterson, At this school will do not tolerate people texting during class. Now put it away or I will have to take it." Ms Clark says pretty frustrated. I look up to see the whole class staring at me; because I’m the new girl also rebel in class. I’m going to kill Hood when we get out of this hell whole. I can feel my cheeks go bright red. I can hear Jean next to me snickering. But I can also hear Hood himself laughing at the front of the classroom.
"Mr. Hood do you think there is something funny." Lol serves him right. He got in trouble I sing in my head.
"No. Miss." I hear Calum say. I can’t help but silently laugh at him. He is so adorable when he is in trouble.
"Good. I want to speak to both of you at the end of the lesson, please." she says. God damnt I’m in trouble first day at this school.
"Yep, ok" I say, looking down at my work book. I can hear Jean next to me silently laughing. I hit her side.
"Ow!! You little bitch" Jean says under her breath. I look back down at my phone.
To: Camel
I told you. You would get me trouble :(

From: Camel
I got in trouble too.
I smile at his text.
"You're texting Calum aren’t you" Jean coos
"May-be. Leave me alone you Assbutt" I say to her. I look up looking at Calum talking to Ashton, more like Ashton talking to him.
"Is that from Supernatural, you are such a nerd." She says copying notes from the board.
"Yes it is and yes I’m a nerd. But so are you, so you can’t talk." I snap at her in a friendly way.
"I know “She says continuing on with her work

We reach the end of the lesson and as told Calum and I stay behind.
"Miss Peterson. I know you're new but we don’t use our phones in class. I don’t need an excuse, but don’t use your phone in class again. Is that clear?"
"Yes, Miss." I say
"good and as for you Mr. Hood I don’t appreciate you laughing at our new student. Make her feel welcomed not making fun of her. Is that clear?"
"Yes, Miss"
"Alright, you can go now."
Calum and I walk out.
"I told you, you would get in trouble" I say playfully hitting him in the arm.
"Not my problem." He says. Looking down at his worn black converse.
"Yes it is. So, where do you guys sit at recess?"
"I don’t know." he smiles. I poke his cheeks.
"Wow you have a squishy face." I say making him stop. I pinch his cheeks. "You are so Cute!!!" I exclaim. Staring at his wonderful brown orbs of gorgeousness. He looks back into my blue eyes, moving closer to me. His eyes flicker between my lips and my eyes. He leans in closer. Then my stomach interrupts us. Growling, looking for food. causing Calum and I to laugh.
"You hungry?" He asks still laughing.
"I’m always hungry. Let’s go eat." I say walking off following Calum who is still laughing, which makes me laugh with him.

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