Chapter 38- A Bitta, Bitta Black And Red

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"Wake up children." Liz says from the outskirts of the loungeroom. "Get up, Get ready and  then eat some breakfast. Big breakfast. Lots of energy. Come on guys." She says walking away. I moan rolling over snuggling up to someone. Either Luke or Ashton then again Windmill could of rolled of the lounge. It could be anyone, really.  Who knows.
"Luke I swear to god if that's you cuddling up to me again, I will punch your homo face." Michael grumbles.
"Sorry Mikey." I roll back over to face Luke, who is softly snoring.
"Lukey, "I poke his cute, little squishy ( not Calum squishy but squishy) cheeks. "Lukey wake up." I fiddle with his lip ring as his lips  curve up into a little smirk. He then purses his lips together, obviously wanting a kiss.
"No way, Jose." I tell him. He pouts and whimpers like a puppy.
"LUKE ROBERT HEMMINGS AND COMPANY GET YOUR LAZY BUTTS UP NOW AND GET READY." Liz says loudly yet firmly, without yelling. Which makes everyone jump up (meaning sit ups, except Luke that literally jumped through the ceiling) "Thank you, sorry I had to use my teacher voice, just we all have a big day and you need to make sure that all musical instruments are triple packed and you all know what you are playing and singing and make sure we get to the right place." She breathes in and out. "Anyways, get ready, breakfast will be like half hour away. So showers and get dressed in anything other then your jammies. We have two showers, someone can use mine and Andrew's (Luke's dad) bathroom or whatever if you want to go home and come back that's cool too, but be back by 12ish because Andrew will have the mini bus for all of us, plus parents as well. Anyways chop, chop." She leaves.
"THANKS MUM, LOVE YOU." Luke yells out.
"Hey guys what are you guys wearing for your performance today?" Belle asks us, and I look at Luke with bewildered expression on my face. And he wide eyes look at Ashton and then Calum then Michael and we all are just starring through into each others brains.
"From the way y'all are looking at each other, I have this feeling that you didn't think that far ahead, to think about what you are going to wear." Milly says.
"Ermmmmmm......Yeah Nah, we didn't." Ashton says.
"Well shit."
"Well I am NOT WEARING STUPID MATCHING OUTFITS. NO way is that happening." Michael divas.
"We didn't say we were.... you shits sake, Milly and Calum please disconnect tongues." Ashton sets them straight.
"Stop picking on me." Calum whines. "By the way why don't we just wear badass, ripped, holey band t-shirts and layered jackets and connies. Boom Done."
"Ok fair enough is everyone cool with that." I ask receiving nods from everyone. "Sweet. I will have have to go home and get ready and stuff, I shouldn't be too long maybe half hour. Mill do you need or want to come back and get shit."
"Um, I should be fine. I have spare clothes in my backpack."
"Ok cool. See yall soon. " I say kissing Luke goodbye and walking through the house. "Liz I will be back soon, if Im not back for breakfast don't wait up." I tell her.
"Ok sweetie." I finish the trip through the house to the car and drive off.

"Knock Knock. I'm back" I sing walking into Luke's house.
"Kitchen!"Luke yells and I make my way through the house to the kitchen.
"Ohh what's for brekky?" I say and Luke turns around and literally glues with eyes to me.
"DAMN GURL YOU LOOKING FINE." Ashton shouts across the kitchen island bench.
"Yeah what he said." Luke manages to speak. "You look so, so-so badass."He stutters.
"Thanks that's what I'm going for." I say flicking my newly black and red dyed hair.
"I mean your hair is so different, it looks hella good though like Holy shit." Luke compliments me again.
"I thought you guys wouldn't like it. I was gonna dye my hair yonks ago, but I didn't because I don't know why. You guys don't think what I'm wearing is too much. I mean we agreed on, badass, ripped and holey, band tee, jackets and connies and this tick all boxes. I mean I'm wearing black ripped jeans and they ripped ripped,but they weren't ripped enough so I did some modifying so the rips are now all up and down my legs,  and I'm wearing my old faded American flag connies, and my black Green Day 'American Idiot' shirt that is old and holey, I have dark thick eye makeup, new black and red hair, and my black leather jacket that has multiple unnecessary zips on it. Which I think ticks all boxes."
"Yeah but it also ticks another one." Luke says coming closer to me. Kissing me, moving his soft lips against mine, the touch of his lip ring sending  chills through my body.
 His hands moving down into my back pockets of my jeans. My hands-
"Ew Nasty. I have lost my appetite." Calum very dramatically  states storming off.
"Shuddup you."
"OK Did we pack everything? Do we have everyone and everything? I mean the adults should be here soon" Liz checks off for the 3rd time.
"Yes Mum. Come on, let's go or will be late." Luke tells his mum. "I will go and get Dad."
"Guys you excited." Michael literally squeals.
"Yes. I'm so pumped. Holy Dooley." Ashton say twirling his drumsticks.
"Mum and Dad," Calum says half jogging to his parents. "Is Mali here?"
"Not here, here, but she is going to meet us at the venue." His mum says.
"Joy and David." Liz comes to greet them.
"Ahh Liz how are you?"
"I'm good. Where's Anne, Karen and Daryl?"
"They just pulled up." Ashton states.
"Alright you can all have a mothers meeting on the bus, we need to hit the road like now or we won't make registration and stuff." Luke  hurries the parentals along.
"Mum, Lauren and Harry, Come on we are leaving now." Ashton says.
"Sorry Ash, Mikey you parents are just around the corner."
"MUM COME ON YOU OLD BAG." Michael screams and Belle hits Michael's chest.
"What did you just call me, punk?" Karen says walking around the bus with Daryl, mind you who is wearing a Walking Dead shirt with just Daryl Dixon on it. Lol that's freaking gold.
"Alright everyone is here. Get on the bus." Luke states." NOW" He screams, resulting everyone to  mumble and groan to themselves as the board the bus. "Thank god I thought we would never leave." He says and I walk to him, pecking his lips and walking on the bus and he soon follows.
"Sorry everyone for that outburst. I'm just stressed and you all wouldn't get on the bus."
"That's alright Luke, just sit down and relax. but next time use a nicer tone." Liz says. and Luke follows her instructions and I take a seat next to him and whisper in his ear "You can use that tone with me later."  I pull away winking at him and he looks either so scared, shocked and turned on all at the same time.

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