Chapter 6- The Phone Call

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We are watching a 2nd movie and its about 11:45pm. I can notice Jean  (who is sitting next to me) is getting tired. She trying to keep her beautiful blue eyes open. I have been watching her instead of the movie. Only because i havent seen someone so beautiful and real to themselves for a long time. It feels like i have known Jean for years. She has this amazing instant connection not just to me but to the boys as well. She is basically one of us and we have only known her for less than a day. And that doesn't happen often. I snap out of my thoughts when i notice Jean who is cuddled up in a blanket nod off. She looks a bit uncomfortable sleeping in an awkward position so i wrap my arm around her waist and gently pull her closer so she can rest her head on my shoulder. I also notice that all the boys are sleeping. So i turn off the movie so we can all go to sleep.

I wake up laying on someones leg. Which is weird i never wake up on someones leg seemly that i fell asleep on someone's shoulder.  I sit up slowly, just realising where i am. I stand up stretching admiring 4 teenage boys sleeping. Luke is sleeping in an upright position on the couch.(he was the mysterious leg i was sleeping on) the other 3 boys are spawled across the ground. Its pretty funny as Michael was on the couch when i fell asleep. I walk towards the door of the man cave avoiding people in attempt of finding the bathroom. With success of finding it i race back down the hall to wake up the boys. I dont even know what time it is but Im waking them up anyways.
I walk over to Luke and start shaking him by the shoulders. He doesn't budge. He just continues to lightly snore. Its kind of adorable. I look over to the three boys laying on the floor, they are still asleep. Im tempted to jump on them, but maybe not. I bend down to Michael and poke him continuously
"Michael. Im hungry" i complain as he rolls over. "Michael. Michael. Im going to eat my arm off"
"go away" he says very softly
"Michael please" i say and he puts his arm over his eyes and rolls again.
"Ashton. Wake up" i say shaking him. he murmers something i can't understand. "Ashton. Ashton. Ashton" i still say shaking him.
"Calum, Calum" i say shaking him
"what." he responds
"What do you want"
"Im hungry and none of the other boys will wake up" i complain 
"well wake them up" Calum says sitting up.
"I told you i tried to wake them and they won't"
"well let me help you then" calum says jumping up. "grab a guitar and i will grab an Amp" he says running to the back of the room were the band stuff . I follow his instructions, I grab my guitar, he grabs the Amp, and we met back in the centre of the loungeroom area. We connect the guitar.
"what volume are you putting it on?" i ask Calum.
"I was thinking about 5, but we can turn it up higher" He says
"Turn it all the way up to 11" i exclaim with much excitement
"All right then, on three, 1, 2,7,3" Calum shouts and i played the highest pitched chord i can. which makes the rest of the three boys jump awake in fright. I look at Calum and just burst out in laughter.
"Oh My God you guys, you guys suck Balls" Michael complains.
"Hurry up get up im hungry and we have school in like 45minutes, and i have to get home and grab my shit" i explain.
"Well then to the kitchen" luke exclaims making me giggle.
After breakfast the boys like take 10 minutes to get ready which quite inpressive really, which leaves us about half hour for me to get home get dressed and go to school, which is easy as pie.
When i get home i basically race around. i have the quickest shower known to man. i do my makeup, leave my hair out to dry, throw my faded denim jeans on with my Marvel t-shirt and my faded American flag converse. Grab my bag full of school books and food. and im out the door.
"Hey Guys, Lets go" I say jumping in the car. and with that they Ashton drives off towards the school. We jam out for a good 7 minutes. When we arrive at school, we jump out of the car and walk together to the school gates. When i realise that Luke and I are wearing almost matching marvel tee shirts. His is black and mine is Grey and we have slightly different Superheros on it.
"Luke, dude we are like wearing matching shirts i didnt even realise that you were wearing a Marvel Shirt, i kind of just grabbed a random shirt" i say stopping looking at Luke.
"All well, you look better in it anyways" he Says
"Thanks, Luke" i say bumping shoulders
"Ahhhh You guys stop being cute" Ashton Yells
"Shut up you dick hole" Luke defends, i just roll my eyes.
"Are you basically calling me a vagina, if you are i am hurt beacsue those things are gross" Ashton says holding his chest like he was hurt badly. i slap his upper arm really quite hard. "Oww, what was that for" he says holding his arm where i hit him.
"Because you said vagina's are gross, and you are right they are pretty gross, but i dont need a sweaty teenage boy telling me that" i defend.
"Fine, fine" He says putting his hands up in defence.
We are currently in English which is the second last lesson of the day , im sitting next to the boys doing our shitty work, analyising poems or whatever. it's boring. The teacher is sitting in front of the classroom trying to keep the noise down, When my phone silent vibrates in my pocket, i check my phone to notice my mum calling which is weird, because A) she never calls during school and B) she never responded to my note i left. i ignore it at first.
"Who was that?" Calum asks
"It was just my mum," I say casually. Just as i said that my phone rings again. "Excuse me,Mrs Clark  My mum is ringing me which is really unusual, may i please answer it" i ask very so kindly
"For sure, Jean, you can step outside if you would like" She says very so kindly
"Thank you muchly" I answer my phone as i get up out of my seat. " Hello, Mum"
"hello is this Jean" an unusual manly voice responds.
"Hello, yes it is, and whom do i speak and where is my mum" i respond as nicely and calmly as i can. At the moment there is so many thoughts going through my head.
"well im Doctor Gordan, at the Central hospital-"
"Why is my mum at the hospital? what has happened? Is everything alright? is she alright? Oh my gosh what has happened?" I shoot questions out everywhere, tears are theatening to spill out of my eyes.
"Well, Jean your mother collasped at work early this morning and has been brought into hospital, She said she had chest pains to a co-worker before she collasped,and when she collasped she hit her head on a table. Really quite hard. there is a possiblity that fluid and skull fragments have enter the brain" im literally in shock. i cant speak. but tears are just faling down my cheeks. "Im really sorry i had to tell you like this, but i thought you ought to know." he says i can tell how sorry he feels.
"Um... thank you Doctor.... i will be in as soon as i can.....but i might have to......wait until school is finished" i say inbetween sobs
"Alright, i hope this news hasn't stop you from learning, im really really sorry, just ask for Doctor Gordan when you come in" he says
"Thank you" and with that i hang up. i back up against the nearest wall, cover my mouth, and slide down until i reach the floor. im crying uncontrollablely. I just stare into the distance. straing at a blank space. When a male voice interupts.

Im sorry if you think this chapter is long. All well . I was writing this chapter last night and i didnt save it. GRRRRR face but i think it better now.
I love Pineapples
Moni xxx
Quote of the day

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