Chapter 36- Bromancing 101

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"Michael stop touching my leg." I snap quietly under my breath in our lovely English class with one of my favourite teachers ever. Ms Clark is my "favourite" because she yells at us, meaning us 6 or 5 or 7 or whatever all the fucking time.
"Yes we are listening." Calum Nods with wide eyes looking like a psycho.
"Sorry. I didn't mean for me to come across as sacastic at all. My bad." Calum lies sucking up to the teacher.
"SUCK UP" Douche of the year yells out.
"Cock sucker." Calum says under his breath.
"Nothing. I said nothing." Calum shakes his head linking his hands with Milly's.
"NO he did say something he said you are a Cock sucker because we all know thats what you do in your spare time." Ashton unexpectedly blurts out.
"Boys there is a time and a place-"
"WAIT hold on this is great. You're Ashton right. Ashton Irwin As in Sam's Ashton. The one whom I fucked while you guys were together." Caden responds Causing everyone to gasp. "And she said if you wanted to know that I'm better in bed." We can literally see steam coming out of Ash's ears. He is clenching his jaw in anger.
"Gentlemen please not here. I dont really care what has-" Ms tries to intervene.
"Oh she also said that, but i dont know if its true but she said that you fucked your little sister whats her name Loral, Laurie? Lauren thats it. Is that true. Or."
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Ashton screams echoing through my body, picking up his shit and storming out of the classroom. And Milly and Cal get up and quickly follows him our the room.
"Alright class just settle down."
"THE Fuck the is wrong with you. Are you happy now. Wh-what was the purpose of that. And to be honest boasting to everyone that you fucked someone who was in a relationship is not a good thing." Jean stands up. Mikey and I follow.
"Yeah at least i dont take 4 dicks one time." He spits back.
"So what. So what if i take 4 dicks at one time. What are you going to do about it? Or was that I hint that you want to have an orgy with 4 other guys. Whatever the case is I dont think anyone would appreciate your. .um you know. But they do say size doesn't matter but most people would disagree. " Jean burns Caden causing Michael and I to awkardly silently snort laugh.
"How about you mind your own business you fat slut." He says and a rush of anger spreads through my body. "Thats probably why your mum is dying."
"Why do people keep bringing up my mum and saying she is sick and dying?" Jean say curiously and embarrassed from being confronted by a bunch of dickheads. Mikey and I just shared worried and confused looks.
"Oh you dont know. Well basically your mum is down in Melbourne receiving severe chemotherapy for a brain tumor she has. Apparently it's the size of a tennis ball. She could die. But I don't know thats what I've heard." Caden states with no emotion. And we can see Jean briming tears in her eyes. She walks over to Caden. Really close and slaps him.
"Fuck you."She sternly spits And storms out of the classroom.
"Alright class-"
"Do you know what you are pathetic excuse of a teacher you know. Because while all of this was happening you were doing fuck all to stop any of this." Michael yells. And we just leave walking out of the classroom and through the corridors and out to the hard surface outside.
"Do you know what this is school? It's fucked. It's worse then fucked. It's double fucked. Like two dicks in an asshole, fucked and that shit is disgusting."
"Wow." I shake my head is disbelief that Michael just said those things, but then again its Michael.
"Where are the others do you know?"
"Mate wouldn't have a clue do you want me to ring Jean or Calum or someone?" I ask.
"Nah maybe i don't know. " Michael says. "We could like hold hands instead."
"No definitely not. Not an option." I say shoving my hands in my pocket. As its cold and windy.
"But wittle hands are cold." Michael says doing the complete opposite of what he basically said and open his denim jacket making it flap in the wind making him look majestic.
"Oi is that my shirt!" I shout at him.
"Oi No need to yell punk. But yes this is your Good Charlotte shirt that you left at my house like last year that I forgot to give it back to you and stole it for myself." Michael states as we are making progress walking to the other side of the school.
"Well it looks better on you then it ever did on me." I compliment Michael.
"No it doesn't. The white shirt makes me look fat." Michael pats his stomach.
"Don't be ridiculous and don't have insercurities." I tell him hitting his shoulder.
"Well, Thanks Luke. Hey Mate I've got a question for you."
"Alright shoot."
"What do you think if I dyed my hair black or something because I'm over having this shit faded purple blue colour." Michael says ruffing his hair sliding his fringe down his face.
"Mate to be honest you could dye your hair fluro yellow with pink polka dots and it still will look good."
"Geez thanks mate."
"You are very welcomed "
"OI MIKEY UP HERE!!" Milly yells from a window two levels above us.
"I guess we found them." Michael tells me

I havent uploaded in a while and I'm sorry. I was going to write more for this chapter but i can't. Please forgive me. Im not going to upload another chapter for while due to some personal issues i am facing at the moment. That while might be a month or two but i will return i promise. Pinky swear.
You guys dont need to worry Im all good. I just need to take care of myself for a while. Because lately i have forgotten to take care of myself. But not to worry Im all good and i will be 200% better soon.
Goodbye for now. See you soon.
Lots of love,
Moni xx

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