26 6 2

Hey guys,
Just to let you know, Chapter 40 is the end of my story. And I just wanna thank you for reading my story and supporting me, reading, commenting, voting etc. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!

Thanks for continuously reading this book especially with all the long intervals I have had when writing this. To be honest I'm glad it's over. It was just dragging on too much and sorry the ending is so rushed. But I just needed to end it.

Thank you to all my close friends that has stuck by me when writing this. Much love guys. Without you I probably wouldn't have finished it or got as far as I am now.

Although this story is done I am working on another. SO I WILL BE BACK....SOOON.

Even though this story is done....for now. In the mere future I might add another chapter like an epilogue like set 10 years later when there are all 26 etc. I may or may not. Im not sure. I just wanted to finish what has happened.

Anyways Thank you for Reading,
Much Love ,
Moni xxx

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