Chapter 9- Three Days Later

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Today it's Sunday and Mum is finally coming home after 3 long days of testing and shit. The doctors said that my mum had/has high blood pressure, and has been stressing too much and she needs to chill and relax at home for at least a week. Because all of this stressing and high blood pressure has caused her to have a heart attack, which probably isn't good for a woman of  the age of 40 going onto 41, with a almost 17 year old daughter. She will be a medication  and all that shizzmozzle. So I'm frantically racing around the house trying to clean as much as i can. Seemly that i had the boys i over yesterday who were suppose to help me clean but made more mess instead and we ended up going to Michael's house to do play music and shit, means that i have to clean more then i was suppose too. Grrrrrr life's hard. I'm currently in the lounge room vacuuming and blasting some Black Veil brides through the house super duper loud. Living life to the fullest. (#LLTTF im trying to make this a worldwide common hashtag/slang thingy which isnt working). Because i dont have a car i cant actually pick my mum up, so Luke offered to take me to and from the hospital which is so nice of him to do so. I have known the boys for a good week now, although it feels like i have known them for a billion years. the boys are an amazing group of socially awkwardly talented people i have ever met/known. They are pretty damn cool.
Anyways Luke said he was going to pick me up at 12;30, so i have a good 45minutes of cleaning to do, before we can go fetch my mum.
I have finished cleaning most of the house i think. Anyways i want to clean myself now, so shower time. just as i get out of the shower my phone rings. Oh My Blob who the heck is it now. im like dripping wet, i quckily grab a towel dry my hands and put my phone on speaker so i dont have to hold while i dry.
"Hello." i say
"Hey its Luke, Im outside of your house and i have been knocking for a while" Luke says
"Oh sorry i was just in the shower, you can just come in." i say drying my legs. i hear him trying to open the door.
"Its locked" he says
"There should be a key under the the door mat" i say drying ,y hair
"you dont have a mat" he says laughing
"Well shit, i thought i did, Are you sure there is not a mat there?" i say in disbelief.
"Im dead serious there is not mat." he says
"Well flipping heck, oh oh fuck, oops i didnt mean to swear. i forgot my clothes." i say
"Wait where are you?" Luke asks
"well im in the bathroom, because i just got out of the shower, why?"
"Ohh, nothing it just explains why you cant just unlock the door for me, dont worry i will just wait outside in the cold and by the way it's like raining." he whines
"Is it Raining? dont worry i can hear it now. i will unlock the door" i say wrapping my towel around my body grabbing my phone, running out of the bathroom, downstairs to the front door "Ok, when i unlock the door give me 10 seconds so i can race upstairs so i can get dressed, ok"
"Ok what ever" he hangs up. i  put my phone down on the counter. i unlock the wooden door. and i bolt away from the door,. i can hear Luke open the door, while i run upstairs. im so close to the tops of the stairs, then i trip on the the third from the top stair which on impact i put on my hands out to soften the fall. Making a massive thud.
"Fucking shit" i yell laying on the stairs
"Jean are you ok?" I hear luke yell from where ever He is in the house
"No" i say fighting back tears, because my wrist hurts so much
"Do you need help?" He says i hear him walking near or up the stairs.
"No, nope, dont come near me im naked, wrapped in a towel"
"I will close my eyes" he says i can feel his presence over my body laying on the stairs.
"No get you ass back down the stairs and wait in the living room or make me a sandwich or something," i say " are you gone"
"Nope" he says pulling me to my feet, i quickly wrap my towel around my body.
"Thanks, but i could of got up myself" i say
"I know, hurry up and get dressed" he says, smacking my bum while i was walking away
"Did you just-"
"Yep, sure did and hurry up" Luke yells while walking down the stairs. God he is so annoying.
As i was told, i hurried up and got dressed, in my black skinny jeans, my Hobbit tee shirt and grabbing my black jacket. because according to Luke its cold. I brush my hair leaving it out, do my makeup. and rush downstairs. without dying.
"Come on lets go" i say to Luke. he just smiles at me. "what the heck are you smiling at.?"
"nothing come on," luke says wiping the smile off his face.
"No, tell me" i whine
"I told you nothing, is it not ok for me to smile" he sasses
"whatever" i give up, i walk to the door grabbing my phone and hitop black eras (Vans) which is next to the door. i slip on my shoes bending over to tie my shoes up. i can feel Luke stare at my butt.
"Luke would you like a picture, it would last longer" i say turning around. Lukes face goes bright red.
"ahhh, no, ummm, i will be in the car." he says walking off. i just laugh.
within a minute my shoes are tied up, house is locked up and im in the car.
"If you wanted to know, you have a nice butt, just saying" Luke defends
"thank you, lets go Mum will be waiting" i say
We have been on the road for 5minutes maybe, listening to Green Day.
"Hey, did you see anything when i fell over and you helped me up?" i ask Luke
"Not really just some exposed skin of the boob and butt region. and did you hurt yourself ?" He asks
"Yeah i did, i think i have jarred my wrist, but i think it will be fine" i shake it off.
"Alright" he says pulling into McDonald's drive-thru. "I'm hungry, so did you want anything" he asks
"Um, i don't know, i will get whatever you get"
"Hello, welcome to McDonald's what can i get for you?" the speaker says
"Umm i will get two 6 nugget McHappy Meals with Barbecue sauce and both with a diet coke" he cant be serious/
"Would that be all?"
"Yes please"
"that will be $12, please drive thru to your next window" with that we drove to the next window. i dig through my wallet trying to find 6 bucks to give to Luke for food
"What are you doing?" he asks
"trying to find money" i say
"No your not " he grabs my wallet, zipping it up and throwing it to the back of the car.
"You are so juvenile"
"yeah, you are first things first you order my favourite meal on the menu which happens to be a Happy meal and you throw my shit through the car" i argue
"Well, you don't pay, i pay and i love happy meals especially now because they have adventure Time toys" he admits
"Really i love adventure time"
When  we reach the hospital, it only takes like half an hour to check my mum out and the doctors to give her medication and stuff. while mum is talking to Dr Gordan i cant help but notice how Cute Luke Looks today, in his usual Black Skinny jeans and his red and black flannel jacket. ahhh like my gerd he is so pretty.  i cant believe I'm having these thoughts. Get out, get out, get out of my head.
"Stop staring at me" he says covering his body with his arms, like he has been violated.
"Its pay back for staring at my butt earlier"
"fair enough"
"Luke would you be a dear and carry my bag for me" my mum asks from around the corner.
"Mum don't make him carry it, i will do it." i say, grabbing her duffle bag full of clothes and toiletries i packed for her couple days ago.
"Well i thought with his muscles he could carry it" She says squeezing Luke's arm
"Oh My god mum your so embarrassing, and another thing are you trying to imply that I'm weak" i say
"No, i didn't say that, anyways lets go" she says walking off in front
"Your mum is adorable" Luke says
"No she isn't she is annoying and embarrassing" i respond
"Hey i heard that." She laughs.
the trip back home was peaceful yet annoying. Mum made me sit in the back. while she sat in front talking to Luke about things and asking him random ass questions. i sat silent in the back until my mum asked to question.
"So are you and Jean dating?"
"No, nope, mum stop asking questions. For the last time he is my friend, so are all the other boys they are my friends. GOD" i say, i can hear Luke laugh in front. "hey shut up you" i point at him
"Hey what did i do?" He asks
"Yeah what did he do, leave him alone" My mum defends him
"i cant believe this happening" i lean back in the back seat of his SUV, covering my face.
"alright we are here." Luke announces as he pulls up in my drive way.
mum thanks him and gets out, i give her the keys so she can unlock the house.
"Thanks Luke, see you tomorrow" i say getting out of his car.
"Wait come back" he yells
"What do you want mate" i shout in a manly voice, jokingly.
"By the way i saw your butt earlier today" he says in a sing-song and his dimpled grin is displayed across his face.
"oh my god your unbelievable, see you tomorrow, bye" i shut the door, letting him drive out of our drive way.

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