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Claire held her breath as Esterpine came into view. It was just as she remembered. Beauty without words. Sparkling glass houses. Thick foliage. Vibrant colors. The scent of pine and earth and blossoms. She exhaled, feeling her shoulders relax. It felt like coming home. That both thrilled and terrified her.

The last time she was here seemed like an age ago. Back when she carried two Dragon Stones and a message from Cyrus. It was the knowledge of Kane's existence that was so crucial. A greedy sorcerer who planned to bring Dragonwall to its knees. To plunge the kingdom into times akin to the days before dragons existed. Before the Awakening.

She'd traveled into Dragonwall with the sole intention of fulfilling a Promise. She had every intention of going back home afterward, where a mundane life awaited. She certainly hadn't planned to remain. Hadn't planned to pit herself against a sorcerer. But everything had changed. And she'd gone and made another Unbreakable Promise, much like the first. Promises of the unbreakable kind couldn't be broken. Not unless she wanted to face a fate worse than death.

Gods! So much had happened. Now it wasn't just her Promise that tied her to this kingdom. It was something much, much deeper. Dragonwall's King. A beast of a Drengr known for his terrifying temper and scars. But nothing about King Talon was terrifying or beastly. Not to her. Not anymore. They were mates.

"If you follow me, Lady Claire, I will take you to your quarters." One of her Sprite envoys stopped momentarily, arm outstretched. She hesitated, looking over the scene before her, taking in the outskirts of the city. A city that felt so much a part of her now. "The queen has prepared one of the largest suites in the palace for you and your...escorts."

The Sprite envoys had met her and her escorts at the edge of the Gable Forest, at Ellia Outpost, to guide them safely. It was said that all who entered the Gable Forest were condemned to wandering and madness. The forest itself had layers upon layers of protection to keep intruders out. None could travel through its midst and find any of its hidden cities.

No one except her.

That had been the first sign of many that she wasn't simply human. Something more flowed through her veins. Sprite blood. And very likely the same blood as Princess Irelia, Dragonwall's long lost princess.

She glanced at the large tree root dwellings, looking back at Jandar. "Can't I stay in one of those like last time?" Jandar frowned at her question, perhaps uncertain. Perhaps surprised by her hesitance. "Oh, never mind. It's fine. I'm sure what the queen has prepared will be...adequate." Jandar nodded. Behind her, Koldis snickered. She almost elbowed him to shut up.

Koldis was the Shield that Talon had chosen to escort her. He had selected one of his prized six—now five without Cyrus. It was yet another illustration of how important she was to him. In fact, she hadn't made a single trip through Dragonwall without the presence of at least one Shield, often two or three. That Talon was willing to give up some of his own protection for her sake both thrilled and worried her.

His Shields were meant to guard him, to keep him safe. He was already short one. Without ample protection, he was in greater danger. But something told her Talon was plenty capable of taking care of himself.

A thought nagged her, though. Perhaps she needed guards of her own. Something akin to a Queen's Guard. Once she became Dragonwall's queen, of course. Or rather, if she became Dragonwall's queen. There was still the big if. Part of her bargain in coming to Esterpine was to think about Talon's proposal. The thought of never traveling back to her own world, never saying goodbye to her parents and friends, worried the hell out of her. They were probably frantic in her absence. She couldn't bear to think of that.

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