Chapter 4: The Tin Rainbow Pegasus

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Twilight and Apple Crow are walking down the yellow dirt to reach the Crystal City. They been walking down the road for the rest of the afternoon and to the early evening. The pair are starting to get very tired and think ti will be a good idea to rest up for the night and continue their quest in the morning.

"It sure is a long day to get to The Crystal City," Twilight says sounding a bit tired.

"It sure is. I suggests it will be a good idea to find a place to stay for the night," Apple Crow suggests.

"That sounds like a good idea. We been walking down the road for hours," Twilight replies, agreeing to the idea.

"And y'all getting tired?" Apple replies replies.

"Maybe a little," Twilight says looking at her hooves and can tell that her hooves are feeling sore.

"Then let's go find some there to rest for the night," Apple Crow says with a smile.

With that Twilight and Apple Crow head down the road searching for somewhere to stay for the night.

After an hour more of walking down the yellow dirt road, Twilight and Apple Crown find themselves in forest made of Pine trees. The pine trees looks lush and green. The forest is so big and following the yellow dirt road is the only way to make sure nopony gets lost.

As the two mares walk down the road, Apple Crow notice something that catches her attention and it's something important,

Apple Crow points her hoof at that something and says, "Hey, look over there."

Twilight looks over to where Apple Crow is pointing at and to her surprise, she sees a lovely log cabin made from pine tree.

Twilight says, "It looks like a wooden house."

"Maybe someone who live there can let us stay for the night?" Apple Crow suggests.

Twilight nods her head agreeing to the idea and they both make their way to the wooden house. Twilight and Apple Crow are wondering who is living in the house and if that somepony will let them stay for the night.

When they reach the door Twilight knocks the door and says, "Hello, anypony there?"

Twilight and Apple Crow wait for somepony to answer the door, but no one answers.

Twilight knocks on the door again and says, "Hello."

But no response.

Apple Crow turns to Twilight and says, "Guess no one's home."

"Maybe somepony is in the forest?" Twilight suggests.

"Then let's go," Apple Crow replies agreeing to the idea.

Twilight and Apple Crow walk towards the forest to see if anypony in there. As they walk through the forest they notice that some of the trees in the forest are chopped down and all that's left is the stump.

Twilight looks at the stump and says, "Judging from these stumps, these trees have been chopped down recently."

"Then who ever did it is over there," Apple Crow replies.

Twilight and Apple Crow walk a little farther down the path and see a pegasus mare next to a pine tree. The pony is cyan blue, with rainbow color mane and tail. Her mark is a white cloud with light bolt colored red, blue, and yellow. The pony is made of pure tin even the mane and tail that is made of tin. The pony is also holding an ax on her hooves looks like she's about ready to chop the tree down.

"Look there's somepony," Twilight says.

"Yes, but something's not right," Appel Crow replies sound suspicious.

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