Chapter 15: The Power of Friendship

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Twilight is still shocked to see that her friends has been held hostage and now she has two choices. She can either lose the choker or lose her friends. Her friends are still trapped in the cocoon trying to get out of the cocoon and try to make Twilight reason as to why she shouldn't give the choker up to Queen Cocoon.

Tin Rainbow screams in protests, "Don't do it Twilight!"

"We're not worth it!" Lionshy says with sadness.

"She'll become powerful if you do," Apple Crow screams.

"Please! Don't do it!" Funny Pie adds with fear.

Twilight can see that her friends really don't want her to give the choker to Queen Cocoon, but they will end up putting their lies on the line.

Queen Cocoon angrily screams, "Enough! I'm waiting for an answer."

Twilight looks at her friend with sadness and watery eyes. She really care for her friends so much that she doesn't want to lose them. For some reason, even though she doesn't know much about them, they mean a lot ot her. She looks at the choker and can see that even though she will keep the choker safe, losing the one she become friends with will pay the price. At that moment, Twilight has made the ultimate decision.

Twilight sighs sadly and answers, "I'll give you the choker in exchange for my friends."

Her friends gasps with horror hearing Twilight decision. Queen Cocoon on the other hoof is glad that Twilight has made such a decision. To Twilight it feels that it's the right decision for her to make.

Queen Cocoon make a smug on her face and says, "What a wise decision you made?"

"Let them go," Twilight firmly says.

With her magic, Queen Cocoon release Apple Crow and the others from their cocoon prison and they all run back to Twilight. Twilight knows since the changeling witch lives up to her promise, it's only right that Twilight live up to her.

Then Queen Cocoon says, "Now give it to me."

Twilight uses her magic to take off the choker and levitates it to Queen Cocoon. Queen Cocoon then uses her own magic to carry the choker to herself. The next thing Queen Cocoon does is put the choker on her neck. Then the choker start to glow a dark green like.

Queen Cocoon smiles evilly and says, "At last back to where it belongs."

At that moment, Queen Cocoon feels that her power is growing stronger. Now that she has her choker back, she is planning on using her power to take over Oz and there's nothing that can be done to stop it.

On the other side of the room, Twilight and her friends can see Cocoon powers growing stronger. Appel Crow and the others don't understand as to why Twilight would give the choker up.

Spot sadly says, "Twilight, what were you thinking?"

"Can't believe you would do that for us," Apple Crow replies with a worried look.

"I'm sorry guys, but I don't have any other choice," Twilight explains sadly.

"You could have just keep the choker," Tin Rainbow says.

"But you all would have become food for the changelings. I don't want that to happen," Twilight says sounding very upset.

The others are surprised to hear that Twilight gives up the choker for their sake. Twilight knows that giving the choker up is a hard decision, but her friends are important to her.

Twilight looks up to her and explains, "Ever since I first met you on my journey to the castle, I become friends with you and we all had some great time on our adventure. Being together, helping each other, and I want to help you grant your wishes. You all want to help me with my wish and I don't want your efforts go to waste and don't want you all to get hurt because of me. What I'm trying to say, you all are my friends and you're important to me."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2021 ⏰

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