Chapter 9: The Crystal City

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After another long day on the yellow dirt road, they finally reach the Crystal City. The Crystal City is a shiny city where the city structure are entirely made of crystal. They can see the city from the hill they are on.

Funny Pie cheerfully screams, "The Crystal City!"

"We're finally here," Tin Rainbow replies.

"I never knew the city looks pretty and big," Chinaty says admiring the city.

"And best of all the great wizard is in there. I just hope he is able to help us with our wishes," Lionshy adds.

"I'm sure he will," Apple Crow says.

Then Tin Rainbow says, "Yeah. He wouldn't be called 'The Great Wizard of Oz' for nothing right."

After their conversation, Twilight and her friends walk down the road to the city. When they reach the city, they stop at a giant crystal gate that is leading to the city.

When Twilight knocks on the gate a mare's voice calls out in anger, "Who dares disturbs the presence of 'The Great and Power Wizard's' door step."

The girls and Spot are kind of surprised and shock for the gatekeeper's sudden out burst.

Spot comes to the door and nervously says, "Um excuse me."

The mare looks to see Twilight and her friends. The mare isn't in a mood for visitors at the time, but she's has to answer them anyway.

"Hello. Welcome to the Crystal City, what can Magical Cape do for you?" The mare says, revealing her name with annoyance.

"We would like to enter the city to see the wizard, please," Apple Crow replies.

Magical Cap sighs and says, "Fine. The wizard doors are always open to travelers, except for the changelings and their witch queen."

"You can say that again," Tin Rainbow mutters to Twilight's ear.

After saying that comment, the gates to the Crystal City starts to open. Twilight and the others are excited and are anxious about seeing the wizard in the city.

Magical Cape says in a bad mood, "Come in. Come in."

Twilight and her friends walk into the city and they are amazed to see the city. The citizens of the city looks very happy and love living here. The city looks so peaceful and looks like they have nothing to worry about.

Chinaty says with amazement, "Wow! This place is so sparkly!"

"There are no words to describe this place," Lionshy replies quietly.

"Beautiful is what I describe it," Twilight says admiring the city.

After seeing the city, Twilight turns to Magical Cape and asks, "Do you know where the wizard is?"

"You'll find him at the end of the blue crystal road and it will leads you to his castle," Magical Cape answers while pointing to the blue crystal path.

Then Magical Cape says, "The Captain of the guards will show you to his chambers when you get there."

"Thank you," Twilight says.

With that, she and her friends starts to walk down the blue crystal road to reach the Wizard's castle. After the next half hour, Twilight and her friends reach the castle and they have to admit the castle is very big and beautiful.

Pinkie happily says, "There's the castle."

They look amazed to see the castle and it's looks like the whole castle is made of crystals.

Twilight's Adventures to OzOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora