Chapter 10: The Forest of Darkness

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After leaving the Crystal City, the girls along with the young dragon are going to the Forest of Darkness where Princess Moon Dusk, the witch of the west and night lives. Lucky that Lionshy knows where the place is because some of her nocturnal animal friends lives in the forest. The problem is that she doesn't go in the forest unless she needs to so she might see where the castle is.

After their walk, they find themselves at the entrance to the forest really dark and mysterious in there. The cold air coming from the forest is making them shiver down their spines and the strange noises is making them get goosebumps.

Twilight says in a worried tone, "So this is the entrance to the forest."

Lionshy nods her head answering yes. However, Lionshy wishes she doesn't have to come to the forest, because she's afraid of going in there on her own.

"This place is so dark," Apple Crow says.

"It's creepy," Spot replies looking scared.

"It's scary," Chinaty replies.

"And spooky," Funny shy replies.

Twilight scaredly says in her thoughts, "It reminds me of the Everfree Forest. There's no telling what's in there."

"Yeah. With the place being so dark, it won't be easy to find the castle," Apple Crow replies.

"She's right, but we need to go find the princess' castle," Chinaty says.

Then Twilight looks at the entrance of the forest and says, "Yeah. As long as we stay together, we won't have anything to worry about."

Twilight turns to Lionshy and says, "Lionshy, do you think you can lead us to the castle."

"I'll try. I do remember where the forest is but... can you be next to me," Lionshy nervously replies.

Twilight shows Lionshy a calm smile and says, "Of course I will. We'll be okay as long as we stick together. Plus I can use my horn to light our way.

Twilight then, uses her horn to light up a light to lead them on the path through the forest. With that, the girls and the little dragon walk into the forest with Lionshy and Twilight leading the way with their sprical flashlight. As they go deep into the forest, it seems that the forest is getting darker every step they take.

Twilight nervously asks, "Have any of you been here before?"

"Hevans no. this forest has some unusual things," Chinaty answers with uncertainty.

Then Appel crow says, "Not to mention, the forest isn't very normal."

"What that suppose to mean?" Twilight nervously asks.

Just then Tin Rainbow comes out of the darkness as she spookley says, "Nopony knows. You want to know why..."

"Tin Rainbow, would you quit it," Apple Crow says with frustration.

But Tin Rainbow isn't listens and continues to says, "Because rumor has it who ever goes in this forest has never gone..."

She then burst out and screams, "Out!"

Just as the girls are going to scream, they hear a strange noise coming from the bushes.

Chinaty nervously asks, "What was that?"

As the girls and the young dragon search for the source of the noise, but there doesn't seem to be anypony around. They think it's a good idea to keep their guard up and try to continue down the path to the castle.

"Let's get going," Twilight says.

"Right," Spot replies looking spooked by the strange noises.

With that, they continue to go find the castle belonging to the witch of the west and night in the middle of the forest. But as they go through the forest, a thick fog rolls in and it's starting to get in the way of the group causing the forest to get covered.

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