Chapter 12: Invasion of the Changelings

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It's hasn't been long since Twilight, The Moon Witch and the others has teleported to the Crystal Castle. They find themselves in the castle garden at the back of the castle. Twilight and the others are kind of surprised that are at the castle so fast.

Spot smiles and says, "Well, that was fast."

"I'm glad you were able to teleport all of us," Twilight says while facing the moon witch.

"Well, I am one of the most powerful witches of Oz, not as powerful at the wizard, but I have a lot of magic to teleport all of us back here," Moon Dusk says with pride.

"It beats walking through those woods again," Tin Rainbow remarks.

"And having our little encounter with the ghost dog," Funny Pie adds.

Moon Dusk makes a shock look when the others mention the ghost dog. She knows that the ghost dogs are very dangerous and has a rule that when they come out ponies must remain out of the forest or in doors with precautions to keep the ghost dogs away.

Moon Dusk surprisingly says,"You have an run in with the ghost dogs."

"Yeah, but Lionshy was able to make a big enough roar to scare them away," Apple Crow answers.

Moon Dusk looks at Lionshy with a smile and say, "Really now."

Lionshy blushes a little and says with concerns, "Twilight was in trouble I have to do something. I would never forgive myself if something happens to her."

"Don't worry Fluttershy, everything turned out alright," Twilight says reassuring Lionshy.

Lionshy smiles and says, "I guess you're right,"

"And I just hope we won't have anymore trouble with something weird coming our way," Spot says with uncertainty.

"Now that's just asking to be jinxed," Funny Pie whispers to Twilight and Chinaty.

Just then, they start to hear some buzzing noise that sounds like bees and a lot of them. Then then start to hear alarms and ponies all over town are getting indoors. They are wondering what is going on, but from the looks of it, this might be trouble.

Apple Crow looks up in the sky and looks completely shocked, she screams "It's the changelings!"

Funny Pie mutters, "Told ya."

"Run!" Chinaty screams.

At that moment, Moon Dusk leads Twilight and the others inside the castle. When they are inside the castle safe and sound, they look outside to see that the changelings have manage to get into the city, but nopony is outside.

Twilight scaredly asks, "What are they doing at the city?"

"And how did they get in?" Chinaty adds to the question.

"I don't know, but we need to find Star Sphere," Apple Crow suggests.

The others think it's a good idea to go find the powerful wizard and see if he can do something to get the changelings out of the city.

Before they can leave, a familiar voice says, "There's no needs for find me."

They turn to see Star Sphere in the castle. The others are feeling relieve know that he is here to help them.

"Star Sphere, thank goodness you're here," Twilight says.

Moon Dusk comes to Star Sphere and says, "It's good to see you again Star Sphere."

"You too Moon Dusk. Though, I wish your visit wouldn't have this situation," Star Sphere replies.

Then Moon Dusk asks, "Where is my sister?"

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