Chapter 11: The Witch of the West and Night

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Some time later, they come across a big dark castle, that is the shade of dark blue, with a crested moon on the castle door. To them the castle looks like of dark and a bit scary. They kind of figured that since the ruler of the castle is the witch of the night, she would have a castle that represent the night. Twilight, who is still on Tin Rainbow's back, know that it's the only place where the princess can be and the only place in the whole forest.

As they stand by the castle Twilight says, "So this is where Moon Dusk lives."

"It's really scary," Lionshy says as she shutter and her fur stand on ends.

"I know it's scary, but we need to go in there," Twilight clarifies.

Lionshy sighs and says, "You're right. We made it this far."

Tin Rainbow turns to Twilight and asks, "How is your hoof feeling?"

"It''s fine. It doesn't hurt anymore," Twilight answers.

"Think you can walk," Chinaty asks.

Twilight gets off of Tin Rainbow's back and decides to try walking to see how her hoof is feeling. When she starts to walk, she feel a bit still on her hoof, but she is able to walk on it just fine.

Twilight says, "It doesn't hurt that much anymore. I think I'm okay to walk now."

The friends smile and glad that they are glad that Twilight is able to walk fine now.

Apple Crow says, "Now that Twilight is feeling better, let's go inside the castle."

With that the group of friends walk towards the castle. Even though the castle looks a bit scary and they have no clue what kind of pony the princess she is, they know they need to see her right away.

When the reach the castle and the door looks big. They are kind of anxious about meeting the princess. Twilight decides that she will be the one to knock on the door to get someone's attention.

Twilight knocks on the door and says, "Hello."

Then Tin Rainbow screams, "Anypony there!"

As she screams, the others cover their ears since she screams very loud.

Apple Crow angrily says, "You don't need to shout."

"Sorry," Tin Rainbow sheepily replies.

Just then the slide door of one of the doors open to reveal a gray pony with a dark blue mane and bright yellow eyes. The group of friends figure he must be the guard of the castle.

The guard says in a serious tone, "Who goes there?"

Twilight calmly says, "Um My name is Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends. We were sent by Star Sphere to see your princess."

The guard looks at them with a serious look too see if they're here to do any harm. He can see that they are not up to anything serious or here to cause trouble.

The guard says, "Very well, you will proceed."

The group of friends smile and say, "Thank you."

With that, the doors to the palace opens and they are escorted inside. The group of friends follow the guard to the throne room and they are surprised to see the inside of the palace. The castle is like the night sky indoors. There is a big moon above the throne room and walls are covered with stars, each of them making a constellation. Everypony in Twilight's group believe that they are in space or the night sky seeing one constellation after another.

Chinaty says with sparkle in her eyes and excitement, "Oh my! Her castle seems very nice on the inside. Dark blue, dark purple, black, and a little bit of white for the moon and stars."

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