Chapter 6: The Fashionable China Doll

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After some talk on the yellow dirt road,the 4 friends come across a very interesting down. The houses are made of glass, even the plants, furniture and the citizens are made of special glass and paint.

"Wow this place looks very pretty," Twilight says with amazement.

"I know. Everything's is made of glass," Tin Rainbow says.

Twilight and the others are amazed to see that the entire town is made of glass. They can see the ponies walking around doing their everyday thing.

Just then a elegant voice says, "This is Chinatown."

They turn to see a china pony doll. The china doll is white with purple mane and tail. She is wearing a blue dress with white socks and mary janes. The thing is, she is made of glass as well, just like every citizen in the city.

"Chinaville?" Lionshy questionably says.

"Yes. This place has a lot of china glass, the houses the roads even some of the citizens are glass, like glass dolls and animals," The white pony says.

"What's your name?" Twilight asks.

"My name is Chinaty," the white pony answers with a smile.

Then Chinaty asks, "And do a lady might ask, what are your names?"

"My name is Twilight Sparkle," Twilight introduces herself.

"Names Apple Crow," Apple Crow replies.

"Tin Rainbow," Tin Rainow says.

"Lionshy," Lionshy says quietly and it's a little hard for Chinaty to hear.

Chinaty looks a bit confused because she isn't hearing the shy lion's name.

Chinaty asks, "What was that, darling?"

"Lionshy," Lionshy answers, but loud enough to hear.

Chinaty smile and says, "It's very nice to meet you all in our fair town."

Chinaty can see that Twilight and her friends are not from this area, so she thinks it will be a good time to ask her about their reasons of presence.

Chinaty asks, "I hope if you don't mind asking, what are you all doing here in Chinatown? It's obvious you all must have come from somewhere far."

"Well, we're going to the Crystal City to see the great wizard of Oz," Apple Crow answers.

"We're also wishing that he can help us with our wishes," Tin Rainbow adds.

"That sounds very interesting and exciting to see the powerful wizard, but I think it will be best if you rest for the night," Chinaty says sounding interesting in their journey.

Twilight and the others look at the sun to see that it is setting in the sky. They all realized that it's getting late and they need to find a place to stay for the night.

Twilight turns to Chinaty and says, "I think that sounds like a good idea, but we don't have somewhere to stay."

Chinaty looks that Twilight and the others to see they still have a long journey ahead and needs a place to stay for the night. She then has an idea.

"Well perhaps you can all be at my house for the night," Chinaty suggests.

The others are surprised yet kind of glad that Chinaty has offered a place to stay in her home home, but knows it is her choice to let who she wants into her home.

Lionshy shyly asks, "You don't mind, do you?"

"Of course not, it will be unlady like to let others sleep outside in the cold and the Crystal City is still a long way," Chinaty replies with pride.

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