Chapter 7: The Clown who want to Laugh

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After some time walking down the yellow dirt road, the 5 friends come across a field which has a big circus tent set up in the middle. There are animal tamers with their animals, acrobats, clowns, and other performers and employees for the circus.

Tin Rainbow surprisingly asks, "What is this place?"

"It looks like a giant circus," Twilight answers looking surprised.

"A circus with a lot of ponies working there," Chinaty adds.

With that, the girls decides to go walk to the circus to see what the show is about. When they reach the circus and walk through the crowd, that they are having trouble getting through the crowd.

"How in the hay are we supposed to get through if there are so many ponies performing in our way?" Appel Crow asks, looking at the many ponies performing and practicing their tricks.

"Well, we'll just need to be careful while walking through," Twilight answers.

Just then Twilight bumps into someone and accidentally knock her over.

Twilight surprisingly screams, "Woah!"

When Twilight and the other pony falls to the ground, they realized they hit each other on the head and kind of hard for that matter.

"Ow!" The pony screams as she rubs her head.

"My head," Twilight says, while rubbing her head with her hoof.

Just then the pony realized and seeing her accidentally bumping into Twilight. When Twilight see the pony who bumps into her, she can see that it's a pink pony with a puffy magenta mane and tail. She is wearing a green fools costume that has yellow and purple balloons on it and has a purple star on one eye and a yellow moon on the other.

She sadly says, "I'm so sorry."

"That's okay," Twilight says.

"Yeah. We know it was an accident," Tin Rainbow replies.

Twilight and the pony stand up to see each other face to face. Twilight can see that the pony looks like Pinkie Pie. In fact, Twilight is starting to notice that the one she has come across looks a lot like her friends in Canterlot. The problem is she isn't understanding why.

Before Twilight can say anything a familiar voice says, "Funny Pie, where are you?"

The pony who is name Funny Pie turns to where the voice is coming from and says, " I'm over here Spot."

The one that calls for Funny Pie comes over to see her. When the figure does, the others are surprised to see a baby dragon. The baby dragon is red with yellow spikes and spots on his cheeks. He also has an orange belly.

The dragon names Spot says, "There you are I was looking for you. We still need to work on our act."

"I know Spot. I was just trying to think of a new routine for us to do for the show," Funny Pie answers.

"Did any of them worked?" Spot asks.

"Some of them seems a bit dangerous and some are kind of to impossible to do," Funny Pie answers nervously.

Spot can see that Funny Pie is having a hard time thinking of a new act.

Spot smile at her and says, "Don't worry Funny Pie, I'm sure we'll come up with a new act that will wow the crowd.

Funny Pie smile, feeling a bit better and says, "Thanks Spot. I know I can always count on you."

Funny Pie notice that the others are smiling at her with warm smiles. She then decides it will be right to introduce themselves to Twilight and the others.

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