Chapter 14: Escape Changeling Castle

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Since their break in has become a success for like a few minutes. The changelings have already seen the group of friends and now Apple Crow and the others are running away from them. They can see that it's going to be harder to find Twilight with the changeling chasing them.

As they run Tin Rainbow panicali asks, "How in Oz did we get caught by the changelings that fast?"

"I don't know, but now isn't the time to argue," Apple Crow replies.

Then Funny Pie scaredly screams, "Run for your lives!"

Funny Pie starts to run faster than the others are and it seems to help her get away from the changelings with that. The others try their hardest to get away from the changeling, but keep running into more as they go deep into the castle. The all need to find Twilight so they can get out of this castle. Just then Apple Crow has an idea on how to do that. It maybe risky, but it's the only way to find Twilight.

Apple Crow turns to the others and loudly informs, "Let's split up!"

"Split up! What do you mean split up?!" Lionshy scaredly asks.

"I mean maybe if we go to different part of the castle, one of us will bound to find Twilight," Apple Crow explains.

"That sounds crazy!" Spot scaredly replies.

"I know, but it's our only chance to find her," Apple Crow says sounding serious about her plan.

Tin Rainbow and the other take into Apple Crow's idea. They know it may some crazy because they'll be in fewer numbers, but might be their chance to find Twilight. After all, she's important to them as much as they are to each other.

With that, Tin Rainbow says, "Alright, let's do this."

Apple Crow is glad that everyone has agreed to her plan. As they run from the changelings who are closing in their distance, they notice a fork in the hallway. They need to split up right there if they are going to find Twilight.

Apple Crow turns to the others and says, "Spot, you Funny Pie and I will go on the left."

"Which means, Lionshy, Chinaty, and I will take the right," Tin Rainbow replies to the idea.

With the agreement to the plan, they have reach the two hallways. A that moment, the group of friends split their group to cover more grounds of the castle. The changelings starts to follow the group from the two different paths and are not giving in at all.

Apple Crow, Spot, and Funny Pie are opening different doors at their side hoping to find Twilight. But they also need to be careful when the changelings are around.

Apple Crow opens one of the doors as she worriedly say, "Twilight!"

"Where are you?" Spot says while opening another door.

Then Funny Pie opens one of the doors and says, "You in there!"

The three friends close the door shaking their heads in reply. They know that Twilight isn't in one of those room. Just then the changeling has found them and three friends make a run for it.

Apple Crow informs, "Keep going!"

They all continues to run from the changelings, but know it might last long enough.

At the other side of the castle, Tin Rainbow, Chinaty, and Lionshy are still looking from Twilight. During the search they have come across empty room and changelings. This is starting to annoy them, especially Tin Rainbow. They've been trying to find Twilight, but have no luck t all.

Tin Rainow says with annoyance, "How many changeling are there in this castle?"

Chianty opens one of the doors to look inside as she calls out, "Twilight, if you can hear us, answer us please!"

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