Gone P1

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Omega sat in the gunner's seat staring out the window. Hunter, Echo and Wrecker had left on a mission, leaving only her and Tech on board. Tech was busy working on something that required a lot of his attention so she decided to go and play with her Trooper doll for a while.

Hunter had said that the mission was too dangerous for her to be a part of, but also didn't want her to be by herself in case something went wrong, hence why Tech stayed back.

Omega eventually got bored and quietly climbed down the ladder from her room and made her way to the cockpit.

"Hi Tech," she said while trying to keep the bored tone out of her voice.

"Hello Omega," he responded, sliding out from under the controls, "is there something wrong?"

Omega shook her head. She glanced out the window. It was starting to get dark and there was no sign of the others.

"I was just wondering if you heard any news from Hunter?" she asked, getting down from the seat.

"Not yet. This particular mission is ten times more dangerous than any other missions that Cid has given us." he stopped upon seeing Omega's worried facial expression deepen, "However, they should be more than capable of completing the task."

Taking the man's words to heart, she looked up at him with shining eyes.

"Do you need help with anything, Tech?"

Tech felt a grin spread across his face. He always appreciated it when she offered to help him. None of his brothers liked to since he tended to ramble on, but Omega never seemed to mind.

"I'm almost finished making the adjustments, but there are a few more tweaks that I could use your assistance with," he said, handing her a tool as he got back down on the floor.

The two worked for around twenty more minutes before Tech's communicator started going off.

"Tighten the last screw, it's probably just Hunter checking in." he stood up and walked to the back of the ship to take the call.

"Tech! The mission's gone wrong. Wrecker and Echo are down,"  his voice sounded raspy and was shaking.

"Hunter, I'm not quite sure what you mean," Tech responded, trying to keep his own voice steady for fear of Omega overhearing.

" They're coming for you. Y- You have to go. Tell Omega that everything will be okay and th-tha- I-"  The comm started skipping. There were noises in the background that the intelligent clone couldn't make out.

" What's happening,Hunter? Hunter!"

The line went dead.

Tech went into full panic mode. He ran back to the front and took his place in the pilot seat, starting up the engines. There was blaster fire audible in the distance, which was getting closer by the second.

" What's happening? Where are the others?" Omega felt her heart start beating faster as she observed how alarmed he was.

Tech bit his lip, "They aren't coming, Omega. We have to go."

"No, we have to wait for them," she pleaded, eyes glossy.

"Please, Omega. I need you to trust me." He made eye contact with her. It broke his heart seeing the pure fear on her face as she buckled in.

The Marauder took off just as a swarm of clone troopers advanced towards their position moments ago.

Tech pulled the lever, entering them into hyperspace.

It was quiet as they sailed through the peaceful blue lights, but the feeling was far from it.

Tech looked at the scanners to make sure they weren't being followed. Once he was sure that they were in the safe he turned to the child in the seat next to him.

"What happened?" she asked in a small voice.

Tech wasn't sure what to say. For one he didn't exactly know what happened, but he was able to figure it out.

"I think it's best that we don't discuss that now..."

He tried to think of ways to break the news to her without upsetting her further, but all the outcomes ended the same.

"Are they...really gone?" she whispered.

"I-" He himself couldn't wrap his head around the idea either. After everything they all had been through, it couldn't end like this. "I'm sorry, Omega. Yes, they are."

Tech didn't expect the voice crack at the end of his sentence. Instead he focused on the sudden weight that hit his chest.

Normally Hunter or Wrecker would have been a better choice when it came to comforting the girl. He never told them, but he always envied how better they were at emotions than him. Even Echo, who had grown to become more uptight seemed to handle feelings better, but they weren't there now.

He carefully stroked the girl's blonde hair in an attempt to show affection.

"Shhh, it's going to be alright," he cooed.

He had seen Hunter do similar tactics whenever Omega had a nightmare and had woken him up.

"What's gonna happen now?" Omega sniffled, still keeping her head on his chest.

In all honesty, Tech wasn't sure. The situation that they were now in never crossed his mind.

He gently pulled her away to meet her gaze, "We'll figure something out. I promise."

Omega nodded, wiping her hand across her eyes leaving them red and puffy.

Tech knew that neither one of them would want to be alone for a while. He carefully set her down and went to the back, to Wrecker's bed. Lula was sitting perched on his pillow right where he had left her before.

"This never should have happened," he murmured, feeling a tear get trapped under his goggles. He grabbed Lula and returned to the cockpit.

Omega looked at the stuffed tooka in his hands, a new round of tears dripping down her cheeks as she took it and held it tight.

"I miss them," she said as Tech sat back down, letting her rest against his chest once more.

"So do I." He rubbed his hand in small circular motions on her back until her breathing evened out.

He held the sleeping girl close, afraid of losing what was left of his family.

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