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*This is based after a true event that happened in my life

Omega carefully picked out another piece of mantell mix and popped it into her mouth, smiling at the delicious taste.

"Good?" Wrecker grinned up at her as she was perched on his shoulder.

"Yep!" she replied back, tossing a piece down to him, giggling as he caught it in his mouth.

They had decided to go sight seeing more around Ord Mantell before heading out on their next mission. It had occurred to them that besides Cid's parlor, they hadn't seen much on the planet that they had been visiting the most.

Wrecker had taken Omega out to see the city. They stopped random stores along the way, checking out what the planet had to offer. They ended their small adventure with picking up some mantell mix before heading back.

Omega gently patted his shoulder, letting him know that she was ready to get down. He lowered himself to the ground so it was easier for her to get off.

"Cid's is just a mile or so more away," Wrecker said, taking the smaller child's hand in his.

"Okay. When we get back, can I practice my bow more?" Omega asked, jumping in a shallow puddle as they approached the crosswalk, handing the box of mix to him.

Wrecked nodded. "You'll have to see if Echo is up for it."

The light turned white, signalling for them to cross.

Omega ran up ahead, wanting to be the one to touch the button for the next walkway. She stood on her toes, trying to touch it when a loud screeching sound caused her heart to speed up.

A loud thud was heard in the direction that she had just ran from.

"Wrecker!" she screamed, seeing him lying on the ground with his hands covering his face.

Her face felt warm and her body was numb as she cupped her hands over her mouth. She sprinted to the large man on the ground, kneeling next to his side.

"Wrecker, are you okay?" She tried to see the extent of his injuries, but couldn't with his hands in the way. All she saw was the blood dripping on the ground.  Lots of blood.

"Wrecker," she squeaked out, laying a hand on his armored chest. "Someone! Please! I need help!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.

The driver of the speeder bike finally came over, tears in his own eyes, seeing what had happened. He had been looking over his shoulder, not seeing that there were pedestrians.

He had been thrown off at a sudden impact, but didn't seem to have any real damage. He  glanced at his bike that was bent awkwardly, turning his attention back to the person he hit.

"I am so sorry, I swear-I didn't mean to-" he stuttered, sitting beside the frantic girl and the muscular man on the ground.

Omega grabbed her comm and stood back as the police came into view. Lucky for Wrecker, they had been right around the corner, hearing the crash and coming straight over.

"H-Hunter," she quickly said, every second feeling like hours.

"Omega, what's wrong?" Hunter's voice came out fast.

Omega wiped at a tear, trying not to let her words shake. "Wrecker's hurt. He was hit by a speeder bike."

"What? Is he okay? Where are you?" He sounded panicked. There were footsteps and shouting in the background.

"He's bleeding a lot. His face is banged up real bad. I think we're a few blocks away from the parlor. Near that water fountain in the middle of the square," she described so the batch would be able to find them.

"Alright, we're on our way. Is there anyone there with you?"

Omega looked up seeing a police officer coming towards her.

"Yeah, I have to go. Someone is coming. Please hurry." She ended the call.

A Pantorian male came down to her level. His eyes were soft, making her feel a bit more calm.

"Hello, young lady. Are you hurt?" he asked kindly.

Omega brushed the question off, fiddling with her hands. "Is he going to be okay?" her voice was laced with worry.

The officer patted the girl's shoulder. "We're gonna do everything we can to help him. The medics are on their way, but as of right now, we are trying to treat him the best we can."

"Can I see him?"

The Pantorian looked back. His partner was helping the large man onto the back of his speeder, handing him a cloth to absorb the blood.

"Of course, but first, I do need you to answer a few questions for me, alright?" Once getting an agreeing head nod from the child, he began asking.

Omega answered each question the best she could. She hadn't seen the accident herself, only hearing it. She just wanted to check on Wrecker.

"Thank you. You are very brave to be handling something like this. You may go to your friend now if you would like," the officer said getting up, his expression softened.

Omega didn't need to be told twice. She raced over to him.

Wrecker held a rag to his lip. He couldn't feel it, but he could taste the blood. His face had the most and really only damage. A cut under his eye and another one on his chin. The worst of his injury being the large gash under his nose down to his top lip. The lip and skin that were red with blood had completely ripped open, leaving it as two flaps, exposing his gums and teeth, two of which were now loosely sideways.


"'meha?" he tried to speak, lowering the rag. He glanced down at the child. Her face was shocked and sad. She looked away upon making eye contact with him.

"I- I'm sorry," she quickly apologized. "There's just-just a lot of blood."

Wrecker nodded, holding the cloth back to his mouth.

He didn't need to say anymore words though. Omega held out her hand to him. Despite the pain in his face, he wanted to smile and tell her that everything would be okay. He placed his left hand in hers, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Everything is going to be fine," she whispered, holding onto it for dear life.

The rest of the batch came just as the medics arrived. Omega was forced to leave Wrecker's side to let them handle their job.

"Omega, how are you doing?" Tech took her by the arm, leading her out of the middle of the road.

She buried herself into his chest, crying. She tried to be strong for Wrecker, with the police and on the comm with Hunter, but she was scared. Terrified.

"I want him to be okay," she sobbed, her body shaking as she spoke.

Tech stroked her back, eventually picking her up and carrying her to Cid's along with Echo. Hunter had gone with Wrecker to the medical centre. They would be there for a while.

"I hate that she keeps getting put in these situations." Echo's gaze fell on Omega, asleep in Tech's arms.

"Indeed. As much as I wish we could protect her from such events, this galaxy is unpredictable."

Echo hummed in a sad agreement.

The street where the accident happened was finally cleared up. The last thing left on the road were pieces of scattered mantell mix.

This was based on today. My brothers and I went on a bike ride and my older brother's bike got dragged by the end of a trailer. Wrecker's injury in the story is what happened to him. He's in the hospital right now. He has surgery hopefully tomorrow. It wasn't the driver's fault, but I honestly don't know what happened. I only heard his bike skid to a stop and then everything after. If you're religious of any sorts, please pray for him, or just keep him in your thoughts. Anything would be greatly appreciated<3

The Bad Batch: Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें