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     Omega poked her head out from behind a smelly dumpster. She scanned the streets of Ord Mantell, looking everywhere for the bounty hunter that happened to find her on the way back to Cids. While escaping, she managed to lose her comm device. Omega knew that her brothers would start to worry sooner or later when she didn't arrive at the mission briefing on time.

"I know you're there, little lady." Omega immediately lept back, pushing her back into the dumpster as she held her breath. 

She knew her chances of escaping the notorious Cad Bane for a second time were slim. Clutching her bow, Omega peered out once more to find no one. The streets were empty, yet the bounty hunter's voice seemed to echo throughout the streets.

Omega sat in silence, trying to devise a plan on the spot. If she could pinpoint Bane's location, her escape plan would come together much swifter.

Omega cursed under her breath. "Where are you?" she whispered angrily.

"Closer than you think."

Omega froze as she turned around, finding Bane standing behind her with a blaster pointing directly at her head.

"You won't be getting away this time, that's for sure," he drawled.

Omega glared at him. "Are you sure about that?" 

"Kid, don't make this difficult. Either come quietly, or I'll stun you. Your choice."

"Hm, how about neither?" Omega answered with a slight smirk.

Without warning, Omega swiped the bounty hunter's feet out from under him. As much as she wanted to bask in her success, she took the window of time to run out into the dim-lit streets. She knew Ord Mantell like the back of her hand. She sprinted towards the buildings that would lead back to the parlor. Once she arrived at the ladder, it was only a few rooftops away from safety. 

Only she didn't make it completely.

Omega yelped out in surprise as her arms were pinned to her side by a thin rope, sending her crashing to the ground. However, she didn't waste any time. Luckily, Tech had trained her how to keep herself balanced while restrained.

 Quickly picking herself up, Omega continued her path.

"Great," she muttered, staring up at the ladder. Climbing with little use of her hands would be a challenge, but one she would have to overcome if she wanted to survive this encounter.

Omega bit her lip as the sound of clattering boots neared.

The climb wasn't ideal, but somehow she managed to make it to the top just as Bane began to scale rapidly.

"You aren't getting away this time, clone!" the bounty hunter shouted.

Omega gulped as she continued to run. She was almost there. She wasn't going anywhere with him. She would fight to her last breath to be sure that didn't happen. Omega could see the parlor lights just up ahead, giving her hope.

Omega caught a glance behind her. Cad Bane was hot on her tail.

Before she could take another step, a stun blast sounded off. Omega dodged it but, unfortunately, was too close to the edge.

She screamed as she plunged towards the ground. A sickening crack was heard as she landed directly on her right arm. Omega sucked in a hitched breath. Her arm felt like it was on fire with every move.

"No, not now," she cried quietly, shimmying toward the shadows.

"I told you not to make this difficult." The young clone winced at the sound of the Duro's boots landing hard on the stone road. "Play time's over, little lady." Omega gasped as Cad Bane towered over her, an evil grin plastered on his lips. 

Omega squeezed her eyes shut as the stun ring went off, preparing for the sudden darkness.

It never came.

Omega carefully opened one eye just in time to see Cad Bane crumple to the ground. Standing behind him was someone she could have cried with joy to see.


Rex rushed towards her, kneeling to her level. "Are you okay, Omega? We've been worried sick when you didn't come to the mission briefing," he said while cutting the ropes that bound her arms to her side.

"Ouch," Omega hissed, tears threatening to start when her wound was lightly touched, sending a burning sensation up her arm. "Rex, I-I think my arm is broken." She hated how her voice trembled, but it was almost impossible not to.

Rex grabbed his torch from his belt and shined it on said arm. His brows instantly became knitted with concern. He had seen his fair share of injuries, but never on a kid or this state.

"It's not too bad," he lied, hoping to calm her nerves.

"It hurts," Omega whimpered. "A lot."

Rex gently rubbed her hand. "You'll be okay, kid. Tech will fix you right up. You'll be good as new." He offered her an encouraging smile to which she tried to give back. It was clear that the pain was increasing.

"Come on, let's get you back to Cid's." He gingerly leaned in, letting her wrap her good arm around him as he picked her up bridal style. Omega buried her face into the crook of his neck as she let the tears flow, both from guilt and agony.

"I'm sorry," she cried. "I didn't mean to hold up the mission."

Rex was glad that she couldn't see his face fall. He wondered how selfless this kid was to think that her injury was of less value than a stupid mission. The Kaminoans must have treated her so poorly for her to come to that conclusion.

"Don't worry about the mission, Omega. Your health and safety come before any of that," he hushed.

The Captain held the girl tighter as they approached the bar. As he expected, Hunter and Wrecker were still searching for Omega, leaving Tech and Echo scanning the security camera footage from around the area.

"You're ba—Omega?!" Echo was the first to notice his old Captain walking in with Omega in his arms. "What happened? Is she okay?" The ARC rushed towards them.

"She's got a broken arm." Rex silently mouthed the condition to his brother. Echo's eyes widened, motioning to Tech.

"Oh my, that appears to be the wor—"

Echo not so gently jammed an elbow into Tech's side. "It's not so bad, is it, Tech?"

Tech brushed off the attack, changing his wording. "Nothing that can't be fixed," he corrected. "Though, I suggest I get started as soon as possible."

"Hear that, Omega? You're in good hands," Rex assured.

Omega mumbled something, barely acknowledging the conversation.

"It's good that she is tired. Hopefully, with the added sedative, she will be able to sleep longer," Tech said as he rummaged through the med kit. "Aha, found it. Captain, if you would hold her very still?"

Rex nodded, sitting down at a table as Tech injected the drug into her system.

Omega flinched but remained still. After a few minutes passed, her breathing evened out as she entered a deep sleep.

"I will take her to the back now." Tech carefully tried to pry the girl's hands off the Captain, but that was easier said than done. "Maybe you should bring her back then." Tech smiled.

Thanks to @Clarinet13 for the idea!!

Sorry for the abrupt ending. It's 3 in the morning 😃 Hope everyone had a happy Christmas or any other holiday you may celebrate!! 

Bad Batch season 2 in less than a week!!!!!!!!! Who's excited!!! After all these date changes we're finally getting our boys and Omega back 😆 I do not apologize for the person I will become on Jan 4th.

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