By Your Side P1

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Tech scrambled to his feet as he hastily shut the door to the reactor. The others were depending on him to complete the mission. All but one time he failed, which was when Wrecker became tangled up in an explosion, ending in the aftermath of the right side of his face torn up. That day was one of Tech's worst memories. If it weren't for Wrecker being...Wrecker, the outcome would have been extremely different.

"Tech, are you almost out?" the innocents of a young accented voice ran over the comm chatter.

"I am. Have you hacked the main door as I have instructed?" Tech didn't need her to answer. He turned the corner and saw Omega intensely staring at his datapad.

"Yep, just like you taught me," she said with a hint of cockiness to her tone, making him smile softly under his helmet.

He held his hand out, taking the device from her to double check. He felt a surge of pride wash over him as her work was one hundred percent accurate.

"You did beyond exceptional, Omega." He nodded, tapping her back to signal her to run. The base wasn't too large, but making it back to the hangar would take a few minutes.

"Echo said we need to hurry. The workers contacted the Empire when they noticed they were clones," Omega informed him as they continued their way down.

"That is not good," Tech responded, only more eager to leave the base as soon as possible.

He was relieved to see the lift to the hanger, quickly pressing the button. He ushered Omega in, keeping tabs on the security camera footage on his datapad.

"Do you think the others are doing okay?" Omega quietly asked, worry laced in her voice.

"I am sure they are just fine. Nothing more than a routine mission." Tech glanced down at the girl, hoping his words gave her at least some assurance.

The lift stopped with a sudden jerk. Both Tech and Omega were caught off guard by the impact, being tossed into the walls.

"What was that?" Omega panicked, standing up.

Tech looked up at the ceiling, fear running through his blood as the sounds of light beeping patters hit the top. Without thinking he grabbed Omega, holding her close to his chest just as the roof came folding in. His stomach dropped as they caught air for a few brief seconds, then came the rough and painful landing. Tech felt his knee crack upon impact. Despite the electrifying throbbing, he was determined to let nothing happen to Omega, but he wasn't sure how long he could keep it up.

The metal strips peeled off from the already failing ceiling, falling on top of them. Smoke filled the air, making breathing painful. Tech tried to reach out to grab his helmet that had been knocked off. His main concern was Omega who hadn't moved since the explosion. Black dots poked at his vision which he tried to blink them away, but without any supply of fresh air, unconsciousness took over.

Omega woke to an aching feeling. The second she tried to take a gulp of air she was greeted with soot. The coughing sent a tight pain throughout her chest, but other than a few other bruises and cuts, she deemed herself okay. What she failed to notice before was the arm clasping her body close.

"Tech!" she shouted, tapping his hand rapidly. When he didn't respond, her worst fears set in.

She moved around, careful to not hurt him as she wriggled out of his hold. There wasn't much space, but in a different light she was thankful that the center of the lift was somewhat clearer than the side they were pushed up against.

She forced her fingers under the long metal bar that kept the clone to the ground. With all her strength she tried to lift it, however, not being able to stand fully the fact that she was a kid didn't do her any favors. The bar refused to budge, moving only the slightest bit. Tech let out a low grumble, his face twitching in pain at the small motion. Omega stopped, afraid of causing more damage.

Instead, she grabbed his helmet, sliding it back over his head which she was grateful that there was just enough room to do so. She didn't know how much longer he could have survived without it considering his injuries.

"Tech, I-I don't know what to do," she cried, sitting next to him between two sheets of metal that used to be the doors. "I need you." She took his hand in hers, finding comfort at the touch.

Out of the corner of her eye, her hopes rose. Laying by a broken light was her communication device. She crawled over, holding in a breath as she pressed the button.

"Omega! Tech! What happened? We saw the explosion! Come in!" Hunter's voice screamed over the sounds of blaster shots.

"H-Hunter!" Omega shouted back, full of relief, "I need help. We're trapped and Tech is hurt badly."

"Alright, just hang tight. Everything is going to be okay." Hunter's voice cut out, leaving the destroyed room silent once more.

Hunter's heart skipped when he saw the lift erupt into flames. He knew that Tech and Omega were in there, no matter how many times he tried to convince himself they weren't.

"Wrecker! I need you to get them out of there! Echo and I will cover you!" Hunter yelled to the strong muscular clone.

"You got it, Sarge!" Wrecker raced over, plowing down anyone who got in his way.

When he reached the site, his nerves took over. From the looks of the wreckage, it seemed impossible for someone, let alone two people to survive. He started to toss debris aside, waiting for the sign of armor, blonde hair, goggles or anything that resembled his brother and sister.

     Omega lifted her head upon hearing metal shifting. Once more she tried to shake Tech awake, but just as the time before, he laid perfectly still.

"Come on, Tech. They're here now. You have to get up," she rasped, the smoke getting to her, "Please, wake up!"

"Omega!" The side of the lift broke through, revealing a large outline. Omega shielded her eyes from the bright lights of the hangar as they infiltrated the dark cover from the rubble Tech and her were under.

Omega was elated to see Wrecker. He carefully picked her up, setting her down in the clearing.

"What about Tech?" Omega pointed.

"Don't worry, kid. I got 'em." Wrecker was easily able to move the bar. He too, with every ounce of carefulness he could muster, picked Tech up.

The Marauder came into view, the side door wide open.

"Hop in!" Hunter called.

Wrecker nodded to Omega who tore her gaze away from Tech.

Omega stayed quiet, finding a place next to Tech's still form. She needed to be near him. She had to know that he wouldn't leave her in his sleep. Echo had given him some pain medicine as he patched up the exterior wounds Tech had accumulated. His knee on the other hand would take time to heal, something he wouldn't be pleased about. Omega held Lula closer to her, keeping one hand on Tech's.

The rest of the squad had gone to bed, aside from the occasional shifts between flying the ship. Omega had refused to sleep until Tech woke up. The others tried to convince her, but knew it was pointless. In the end, they decided to leave them be.

Echo sat in the cockpit thinking about the mission. They had almost lost two members that day. He couldn't even imagine what that would have been like. He sighed, feeling the need to do anything but sit around. He exited the front, stopping. A wide grin spread across his lips when he saw the sight.

Omega was curled up beside Tech's bunk, her hand still firmly clasped around his while the other held her plush tooka. Both sleeping soundly.

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